In the summer, everyone likes to spend time outdoors - the terrace and balcony become a retreat where the family can relax and entertain. Of course you want to make the outdoor area as cheerful and inviting as possible. With cozy plants and beautiful flowers, the dream of a small, green oasis is realized. We'll show you 53 modern design ideas for your garden, balcony and roof terrace - get inspired!
Who could resist evergreen plants? They make the outdoor area appear inviting and cozy all year round. The beautiful combination of deciduous trees and dwarf cypresses /shown in the photo above/ works surprisingly well. Tall ornamental grasses and perennials add to the design concept. It's a fantastic roof terrace that promises casual hours outdoors!
Bamboo and palm trees make you dream of exotic islands. But also insmall terraced house gardencan this dream come true - because the two plants are extremely durable and can easily survive the winter outside /ok, of course the palm tree needs special frost protection/. The attractive garden furniture in a strong orange color and the small decorative stone indoor fountain provide the finishing touch.
The traditional English garden is formally designed. The hedge plants and deciduous trees border the lawn and give the outdoor area a structured look. The design can also be simulated on a balcony - with symmetrically arranged plant pots and an artificial grass carpet. Clarity and clarity also dominate on the balcony shown above and below.
Mediterranean design ensures a carefree holiday feeling in the outdoor area. With various Mediterranean plants you can bring popular vacation spots into your home. Of course, olive trees, lemon trees and aromatic plants should not be missing in this case. The garden table with an azure table top makes you dream of the warm sea. The rattan furniture in neutral colors creates the impression of being in a Greek garden.
Container plants in terracotta pots undoubtedly bring a Mediterranean touch. Orleander and the South American Agapanthus provide the desired flair. In addition to the olive trees, figs, pomegranates and laurel create a special atmosphere. If you want to feel beautiful, spicy scents on the balcony or terrace, you can use mallow, jasmine, hibiscus, myrtle or bougainvillea. You can create a Mediterranean planting in style with various citrus fruits. Lemons, limes, tangerines or oranges provide the desired feeling. You can also enrich the terrace plants with various aromatic herbs. Herbs such as lavender, basil, rosemary, sage, coriander or lemon balm ensure a delicious scent and a beautifully garnished plate. The herbs are easy to care for and are always at hand when cooking. As a rule, Mediterranean plants thrive best with lots of sunlight. Place the shorter plants in front of the taller ones so that they can get enough sun.
In the photo gallery below you will find numerous other ideas and suggestions - let yourself be inspired!
The design options that transform the outdoor area into a flower oasis are very diverse. Which plants you choose for the terrace depends primarily on the location of the balcony. Of course, it is important how much space is available for the balcony plants. The flowers and plants you choose must of course correspond to your own ideas and taste. If you would like to invest time in greening your own balcony, you can afford more sophisticated flowers. Hobby gardeners, on the other hand, who need flowers that are easy to care for will not go wrong with roses, lavender, hydrangeas and ice plants.
As already mentioned above, Mediterranean plants such as lavender, sage, thyme and rosemary are suitable for sunny locations. The pleasant herbal scent spreads across the balcony. The oleander is also a popular plant for your south-facing balcony. It blooms from June to September and beautifies your terrace or balcony with its shades of white, yellow and red. Uncomplicated plants for sunny outdoor areas are the dahlia and the two-tooth. Magic bells, geraniums, petunia and purslane love the sun and are an excellent choice for your south-facing balcony. If you prefer lush blooming flowers, the easy-care bougainvilleas and hussar buttons are the right choice for you.
If your outdoor area is in the shade or partial shade, perennial plants and small trees can brighten up your patio. The Laurentie or Herrentreu balcony plants are very suitable for a partially shaded balcony. The bluebell and the bleeding heart bloom even without much sun and are pleasing to the eye. The beautiful fuchsia, for example, feels at home where other plants cannot survive for long, namely in the shade. The tuberous begonias and the snowflake flower also feel very comfortable in a shady place. The busy Lieschen thrives quite well without sun. You are welcome to try out different combinations of balcony plants with perennial plants. Combinations of flowering plants and bamboo, boxwood or fern look enchanting.
The choice of plants must also be adapted to the size of your balcony. For small balconies, you can hang the plants on the wall, on the ceiling or in hanging baskets. The various seasonal plants also find their place in plant boxes that you can attach to the balcony railing. If you have a large roof terrace, you can place an olive tree in a large pot as a balcony plant. The garden hydrangeas can also reach waist height and are very suitable for large balconies.
In the summer months of July and August they are a real eye-catcher with their white or pink flower balls. From June onwards, the oleander, which can grow up to two meters tall, will also beautify your roof terrace. On large balconies, the large plants also serve as privacy screens. The Indian flower cane gives your roof terrace a tropical flair and likes sunny locations, preferably protected from the wind. Other great flowers for your sunny terrace are the angel's trumpets and the lantana. The last ones grow to be over two meters high over the years.
Terrace design – exotic garden with bamboo as a privacy screen