Livable outdoor spaces need to be cleaned of dirt after the winter, but what if you need to clean a patio cover? It is important to take into account the structure and materials, as well as some other factors such as weather conditions. This will prevent damage and make your work easier without having to have your patio cover cleaned by a cleaning company. If moss, leaves, mold or other dirt build-up has accumulated on it, the following cleaning methods and tips can help you.
What should you consider before cleaning your patio cover?
Not only weather conditions, but also the frequent use of such structures can affect their cleanliness over time. In addition, cleaning this part of yourTerrace without a high-pressure cleanerbe more advantageous as some surfaces are more sensitive than others. These can be made of different materials as weather protection and require occasional maintenance and care to ensure they last longer. Of these, wave plates and running boards are particularly susceptible to contamination and mold growth, but fortunately there are effective cleaning techniques that can help with this.
In addition, dashboards can be cleaned of greasy fingerprints and posts can be cleaned of dust or grease splashes without much effort. For example, you can easily clean such surfaces with soft brushes and water from yourClean the garden hose. However, if it's stubborn dirt and stains, this might require a little more cleaning power. Also, choose a sunny day when cleaning your patio cover so that everything can dry faster. Otherwise, depending on your materials, you can opt for some of the methods described below.
First remove any coarse dirt from the cover
First, try to remove any debris such as leaves and larger items that have accumulated on the canopy. Depending on the location, these can also be pine needles. Use a ladder and a broom to clean the patio roof with a telescopic extension. This means that the entire area can be reached, and the garden hose would also be a suitable cleaning tool. If you grill under the patio roof, soot or grease from the resulting smoke can collect on the ceiling. In this case, a degreasing cleaner may be required.
If your structure also has gutters and pipes, you can also use sideways movements to clear these of coarse debris. Make sure the surface is suitable for pressure washers before using one to prevent any possible damage. Some of them also allow you to add cleaning products to keep the patio cover clean for a longer period of time. However, for vinyl covers, using a water hose would be a better alternative. If the roof structure is made of plastic, you can use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to suck up dirt and debris.
How can you clean moss or mold on a patio cover?
If moss forms, it is important to use a scrub brush and a cleaning agent that is as alkaline as possible to remove stuck-on moss. When doing so, try to remove any residue to prevent future proliferation. Also let the alkaline cleaning agent work for longer so that a slightly alkaline climate is created on the roof in which moss cannot thrive. The routine use of such products ensures that such microorganisms stay away.
It also often happens that mold develops under a closed eaves, which requires appropriate cleaning. Mold can be easily removed by using bleach, although you should also wear rubber gloves. You can simply dilute this product with water in a 1:3 ratio and treat the affected areas with it. To do this, use a scrub brush or sponge to wipe away mold and let the stuff sit for a moment. For hard-to-reach areas, you can also scrub with an old toothbrush. If necessary, you can repeat the cleaning process, then rinse the surface with a hose and allow it to air dry.
How can acrylic sheets, glass or aluminum be cleaned on roofs?
If your patio cover is equipped with glass panels, you can proceed as you would with windows. Simply use a glass cleaner and newspaper to remove any stains. Distilled white vinegar or citric acid can also be used as cheap and effective home remedies for dirty glass. However, avoid using solvents, abrasives, or shaving cream if there is paint or other residue adhered to the glass panels. High-pressure cleaners are also not suitable for glass surfaces and could damage glass panes.
However, when it comes to polycarbonate panels or acrylic panels that act as sun protection, you should not use glass cleaner. Instead, try cleaning them with mild detergent or other non-aggressive cleaning agent and water. Afterwards, you can simply rinse thoroughly with the water hose to prevent soap residue and dirt from accumulating. For roofs made of less sensitive material, you can also scrub a little harder. Roofs made of the smoothest possible material are usually always the best solution. For aluminum, you can first spray the panels with the water hose and then further scrub the aluminum parts with a soft cloth or sponge. To do this, use a solution of lukewarm water and a non-greasing detergent.