Parsley is one of the most popular herbs in the garden. Not only because it tastes delicious and goes well with many dishes, but also because it serves as a natural pest control agent. When planting parsley, there are a few things to consider. What goes with parsley? Gardeners know that many plants thrive and support each other when properly planted, so they combine different varieties in the garden. What are good neighbors for parsley and what you should not plant together, read on!
Grow parsley as a mixed culture
The herb is a useful plant for any garden and if you want to get the most from it, you need to combine parsley by choosing the right parsley planting partners. Here we show you a list of the best neighbors for the herb.
Plant roses together with parsley in the garden
Planting the herb near roses will benefit the shrubs because parsley attracts tachinids and hoverflies, which feed on pests such as sawflies. Hoverflies eat aphids that attack roses. This keeps your rose bushes healthy. Parsley is also known to repel rose beetles and this is another useful property of the magnificent herb.
Apple and pear trees benefit from accompanying parsley
Apple and pear trees are often attacked by codling moths and gypsy moths, which feed on the leaves of the trees. This is where parsley comes to the rescue because it attracts insects that repel the pests. Here's how to save your fruits naturally.
Are tomatoes and parsley good neighbors
The answer is: yes! The herb also lures pests away from tomato plants. Aphids eat tomato leaves, and the hoverflies that parsley attracts eat the aphids. This is how cleverly you can grow the herb as a trap plant and save your tomatoes.
Plant parsley and basil together
Which herbs are compatible? Gardeners know that basil and parsleyare excellent companion plants, because they have similar growth requirements and are easy to grow. Plant them in locations with full sun and well-drained soil. Maintain consistent moisture and the plants will grow happily.
Good neighbors: parsley and chives
Chives and parsley are considered greatCompanion plants for every garden, because when overwintered parsley blooms in spring, it attracts pollinators and other beneficial insects that keep pests away from your chives. It's that easy if you know which plants you can properly use for companion cultivation.
Combine beans with the cabbage
Are parsley and beans good neighbors? Yes! Beans make perfect companion plants for the herb as it can keep cutworms away. Gardeners know that runner beans and French beans are susceptible to pinworms, and parsley attracts tachinids, which eat pinworms!
Saving corn naturally with companion farming
Corn is often attacked by earworms, mealworms and armyworms, which eat your corn crop. Again, if you grow parsley as a companion plant, you will save your crop naturally. The beneficial insects that are attracted to the herb feed on the pests. The flowering herb also attracts parasitic wasps and tachinid flies, which keep these and other types of worms away.
Plant peppers close to the cabbage
It is known that parsley and peppers are good neighbors. Aphids and beetles are pests that commonly affect pepper plants. If you grow the herb near your pepper plants, the pepper plants will benefit because the beneficial herb will attract predators that will eat any pests that the pepper plants cannot take care of themselves,especially aphidsand beetles.
Can asparagus be used as a companion plant?
Asparagus plants grow very well with parsley and benefit from it. Parsley keeps the asparagus beetles away from the plants. Therefore, plant the herb between the rows of asparagus to keep your asparagus free of pests. Asparagus and parsley promote each other's growth.
Brassicas are good neighbors for parsley
The brassica family includes kale, cabbage and broccoli. They are often attacked by pests such as cabbage worms or pinworms that feed on their large leaves. Parsley is perfect as a useful companion plant because the predators it attracts eat these pests and save your Brassica plants.
There are also plants that should not be planted near parsley because they do not get along well with the herb. Therefore, avoid planting the following plants together with parsley:
- Allium plants:Garlic, onions and shallots should not be grown as companion plants for parsley because they can inhibit the growth of the herb.
- Carrots:Because carrots and parsley are in the same family, they can cross-pollinate, which can cause problems for seed preservation. Both varieties also attract the carrot root fly, which is harmful to the plants. Instead of parsley, you can plant carrots with leeks or sage.
- Salat:Growing parsley near lettuce is not a good choice because it can cause the lettuce to sprout too early.
- Mint:The roots of mintother herbs can, like parsley, overgrow. As a general rule, it is advisable to grow mint in an isolated area, away from other herbs.