Bananas are one of the most popular fruits. In addition to its healthy properties in the form of vitamin B6, C and potassium, it also tastes extremely delicious and is known to suppress chocolate cravings. It is therefore a great replacement for it. So what would you think about simply cultivating this delicious fruit yourself? Not possible you say? Wrong thought. Namely there isBananasperennials that thrive even in areas with cooler winters. But perennials that do not bear edible fruit are also very popular because they still enchant with their wonderful, tropical appearance and their impressive large leaves. Whatever type you choose, it is important that you familiarize yourself with theCaring for banana plantsto be able to enjoy them for a long time. For this reason, we have put together some helpful tips for caring for banana plants that will help you.
Caring for Banana Plants – Where and How Should They Be Planted?
As you probably know, a banana tree takes up a lot of space. For this reason, you should guarantee her a place that does justice to this. This is important so that the plant can develop well. Depending on the species, the banana plant can grow up to 7 meters high, while its leaves can be up to 2.5 meters in circumference. Furthermore, when caring for banana plants, it is important that they receive sufficient sunlight. Find a spot in the garden that gets the longest amount of sun. Above all, the soil should always have a temperature of around 20 degrees. Otherwise the growth of the plant will be severely restricted and slowed down. Therefore, several plants should not be planted together. They then cast too much shadow so that the ground cannot be warmed sufficiently. In addition, they then compete with each other for nutrients, which can affect the formation of fruit.
Caring for Banana Plants – A Dwarf Banana in the Garden
Before you plant the banana, you should remove old and injured roots to care for the banana plants. To do this, simply use scissors. The same applies to the leaves. It is sufficient if the plant has 5 leaves. Otherwise, you risk having too much shadow on the ground. The hole you dig for the plant should be 30 cm deep and 50 cm in diameter. Add compost to the bottom of the hole and mix it with the existing soil. Place the plant in the hole and put the soil back in, then tamp it down a little.
Caring for banana plants after planting
In principle, to properly care for banana plants, you should note that they need a lot of water and should be watered every day. However, check the soil first. If it is moist, you can skip watering; if it is dry, you can water it.
The banana should be fertilized every month or at least in those months when the plant develops the most. To do this, use liquid fertilizer. AlsoCompoundis very suitable for supplying the plant with the necessary minerals. You can chop the leaves that have been cut into small pieces and add them to the soil. In this way you guarantee the plant the necessary potassium.
Provide plenty of space to care for the plant
When caring for banana plants, wilting leaves should be removed immediately to avoid disease. The same applies to new shoots. These would only disrupt the growth of the fruit. You can keep the strongest shoots for next year, but the rest should be cut off to ground level and covered with soil. Only when the mother plant forms buds do you stop cutting off the new shoots.
After harvesting, half of the mother plant is cut off. The strongest of the new shoots is then kept as mentioned, while the old plant is cut up into compost after a month. But be careful not to injure the new shoot.
Banana tree with fruits
Caring for banana plants in pots
Decorate the front garden with banana plants in pots
Caring for banana plants in pots like in the garden
Pink Banana Plant “Musa Velutina”
Caring for Banana Plants – Red Garden Banana