Plant an easy-care hedge as a privacy screen in the garden: List of undemanding plants

Hedge plants are still one of the most popular privacy protection options. They are not only sufficiently opaque, but also give the garden, and even the balcony and terrace in the case of potted plants, a beautiful naturalness. In stressful everyday life, an easy-care hedge is the best choice as a privacy screen in the garden. But which plants does this apply to? Where are cuts and other care measures rather limited?

When choosing a plant, you should consider the need for care and act according to your own options, because you cannot always invest the time that you should. Luckily, there are some species that are fairly undemanding and offer everything you would expect from a privacy hedge.

There are hedge plants that decorate with beautiful foliage, which sometimes changes color in autumn, but in some specimens they also fall off and have to be picked up. If you don't have a problem with this additional gardening work in the winter, you can choose one of the following specimens for an otherwise very easy-care hedge as a privacy screen:

Copper beech as an undemanding hedge plant

These plants are particularly impressive with their foliage color, which changes over the course of the season. The new shoots sprout in a beautiful red and then turn green, returning to red in the fall. The copper beech (Fagus sylvatica)prefers a sunny oneto partially shaded location, where the soil should be nutrient-rich, but never too clayey, as there is a risk of waterlogging, which it cannot tolerate. Avoid underplanting these hedge plants as the root areas should be exposed. You can easily cut them at any time.

Plant field maple as a hedge

In any case, you will get a hedge that is absolutely opaque with the popular field maple (Acer campestre). The only thing this plant requires is a calcareous soil that is free of waterlogging, otherwise you don't need to do much. Regular fertilization is only necessary in the early months so that the plant can develop well in its new location. Later it can be left to its own devices and only needs irrigation water during longer dry periods. The hedge can be trimmed and shaped at any time if necessary and can also reach a good height.

Easy-care hedge as a privacy screen – the pretty privet

The foliage of the privet is somewhat reminiscent of the boxwood, but you get a very fast-growing plant, which is not the case with the boxwood. So the perfect alternative. You are free to choose the location and soil, as this is the casethere Privet (Common privet)very undemanding, but it prefers sun and partial shade. Not only is the foliage pretty, the hedge is also decorated with beautiful flowers and berries, making it an eye-catcher at pretty much any time of year. The privet is also very easy to cut.

These hedge plants are also a good choice

  • Chokeberry (Aronia)
  • Azaleas (Rhododendron)
  • Bloodcurrant (Blood stream)
  • Feuerdorn (Pyracantha)
  • Common pipe bush (Philadelphus coronarius)
  • loquat (Photenia)
  • Hainbuchenhecke (Carpinus betulus)
  • Hibiscus (Hibiscus), also called marshmallow
  • dog rose (dog rose)
  • Evergreen barberry (Berber candidula)
  • Japanese lavender heather (Pieris japonica)
  • Kolkwitzie (Lovely Kolkwitzia)
  • Kornelkirsche (Male horn)
  • Copper rock pear (Amelanchier lamarckii)
  • Prachtspierre (Spiraea vanhouttei)
  • Rosa Weigelie (Weigela florida)
  • Sanddorn (Hippophae rhamnoides)
  • umbrella bamboo (Fargesia)
  • butterfly bush (Buddleja davidii)
  • Black elderberry (Sambucus nigra)

Coniferous hedge plants that grow quickly

Which hedge can you choose as a privacy screen if you prefer coniferous trees? You get a hedge without work with:

The yew tree comes with needles

The needles of the yew tree are pretty to look at (Yew), but they are also poisonous, while the berries are a wonderful source of food for birds. These hedge plants prefer a shady to semi-shady location and there they can grow to an impressive height. The plant is evergreen and therefore provides reliable protection from prying eyes even in winter.

The Thuja as a classic

Most people come firstthe tree of life (Thuja)come to mind when you think of evergreen, fast-growing and easy-care privacy plants. No wonder, because all of these properties make it the perfect hedge plant. The thuja only needs regular fertilizer, otherwise only water when there is no rain for a long time. You get a flowering hedge in which the flowers are somewhat reminiscent of fire beetles. The tree of life also tolerates shady locations as well as shape and care cuts very well.

You might also be interested in:Planting privacy hedges in autumn: which ones are suitable?

Juniper as year-round, evergreen protection

The juniper (Juniperus) is very opaque and can be shaped into any shape, although cuts are not absolutely necessary. The berries and needles are slightly poisonous, which is something you should keep in mind. The hedge is also very easy to care for in terms of water requirements: you only need to water it during a long dry phase and only in the beginning. So if you value hedges that need little water, juniper is perfect.

Other coniferous trees that are suitable for an easy-care hedge as a privacy screen

  • European larch (Larch)
  • Leyland cypress (Cupressus x New Zealand)
  • Spruce (red spruce or Serbian spruce)