Plant privacy hedges in autumn: These species and varieties are permanently opaque

As a privacy screen for the garden, hedge plants are probably one of the most popular options. And since autumn is the perfect time for new planting, you may be wondering: can you plant a privacy hedge in autumn or are hedge plants planted at a different time?

In principle, you can decide for yourself whether you plant the hedge in spring or autumn, as both seasons are suitable. However, most people choose the end of the season because this has some advantages for the plant and you as a hobby gardener.

Plant privacy hedges in autumn – these are the advantages the season brings

Photo: bialasiewicz/EnvatoElements

If you plant the hedge in autumn, the ground is still quite warm from the summer and at the same time the rainy days are increasing, so it is also moist: ideal conditions for a plant that still needs to get used to it, even if it is otherwise heat tolerant. You can save yourself the regular watering, which is necessary during prolonged drought, and only water when necessary. The blazing sun is no longer as intense. In addition, the plant that has been acclimated in the fall will start and thrive much faster in the coming season than one that you plant then. It couldn't be better!

Does the privacy hedge have to be evergreen to fulfill its function?

Foto: edchechine/EnvatoElements

No. However, it is advisable to at least choose deciduous species whose leaves change color from autumn onwards but still remain on the plant throughout the winter. There are many variants in which the leaves only fall off in spring, but then the new leaves sprout immediately. It is not uncommon for the transition to be smooth, so that no bald period disturbs your privacy.

You can plant beech hedges before winter

Photo: wirestock/EnvatoElements

Beech trees grow quickly and are easy to care for, which is why they are often turned into hedges. They are also ideal for planting as a privacy hedge in autumn. But this also means that a topiary is necessary twice a year. Another advantage of this plant is that itfor each locationSuitable from sun to shade. If a more vigorous pruning is necessary, the hedge plant will recover very quickly. But things look a little more sensitive underground. Try not to stress the roots and that means even a new layer of soil should be avoided. They also can't tolerate waterlogging, but it shouldn't be too dry either.

Popular beech species for a privacy hedge are:

  • copper beech (Fagus sylvatica var. purpurea) with reddish leaves
  • hornbeam (Carpinus betulus)
  • Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica) with green leaves

Cherry laurel hedge with a green look even in winter

Foto: valeriygoncharukphoto/EnvatoElements

The cherry laurel (Prunus laurocerasus) is evergreen and is therefore guaranteed to provide reliable privacy protection in the garden during the cold winter months. There are different varieties that grow to different heights, so you should inquire about this beforehand. After all, 1 meter high varieties would not give you the desired effect. Otherwise it doesn't matter whether youhedge in the shadeor plant in the sun, because the cherry laurel can tolerate pretty much anything, even long dry periods. Burns can only occur in the blazing sun in winter, but the plant recovers from this very quickly.

Popular cherry laurel varieties that are suitable as privacy plants:

  • ‘Etna’
  • 'Genolia' for small gardens
  • ‘Herbergii’
  • Portuguese cherry laurel with different leaf shapes
  • 'Rotundifolia', but more for milder winters

Rain willow for a high privacy hedge

Foto: Kaboompics/pexels

The rain willow (Ligustrum) is more commonly known as “privet”. This plant is definitely a good choice if you want to plant a privacy hedge in autumn, because it not only grows sufficiently high (up to 3 meters), but is also very resilient. Therefore, it can easily adapt to a wide variety of conditions. The same pruning rules apply to privet as to beech: shape twice a year and make radical cuts without hesitation if necessary. This hedge plant also usually retains its foliage in winter.

More about the wintergreen privetfind out here.

Popular types are:

  • Common privet (Common privet) with the varieties Black-Green Privet (Common privet 'Atrovirens') and dwarf privet
  • Oval-leaved Privet (Ligustrum ovalifolium) with the variety Goldprivet (Privet ovalifolium 'Golden')

What else can you plant for a privacy hedge in autumn?

Photo: Daria_Nipot/EnvatoElements
  • Boxwood, but only the tall oneBuxus sempervirens(2 to 4.5 meters)
  • yew (Yew), particularlyTaxus baccataandTaxus mediawith 'Hillii' and 'Hicksii'
  • field maple (Acer campestre)
  • loquat (Photenia) mit 'Red Robin', 'Camilvy', 'Robusta Compacta'
Foto: Mike Bird/Pexels
  • tree of life (Thuja), for a tall thuja hedge, for example: 'Brabant', 'Smaragd', 'Martin', 'Atrovirens', 'Columna', 'Excelsa'
  • Scheinzypresse (Chamaecyparis) with the varieties: yellow cypress 'Ivonne' and blue cypress 'Columnaris'
  • European holly (Ilexaquifolia), evergreen, but also 'Heckenfee', 'Alaska', 'Heckenpracht', 'Heckenstar'; Japanese holly (Ilex crenata) ‘Caroline Upright’

Also interesting:7 important gardening tasks in November: What still needs to be done in late autumn

Photo: RossHelen/EnvatoElements