Make your balcony spring-like – These flowers bloom in spring

As soon as the sun begins to shine warmer and the snow disappears from gardens, parks and green spaces, this is a sign that spring is coming. Download thatSpring into your own four wallsand make the balcony spring-like. Bulb plants are very suitable for flower arrangements: grape hyacinths, hyacinths, tulips, crocuses, daffodils, pansies, sweethearts and primroses.

Make your balcony spring-like with onion plants

To create a nice atmosphereTo create balcony plants, you should choose flowers and plants that bloom at this time of year. Colors like yellow, purple and white look beautiful and inviting. Here are some of the most beautiful types of flowers for spring:

Tulips– The variety of tulip varieties is very impressive. The Fosteriana tulips bloom from February onwards. The Kaufmanniana tulips delight us from March to April.

Crocuses– here you can also choose many varieties with different flower colors: from snow white to cream, yellow, purple, blue to orange. Some flowers are bicolored or striped.

Daffodilsare among the most popular flowers for spring decorations, especially small varieties with yellow flowers such as B. “Tête à Tête”, “February Gold”, “Carlton”.

Hyacinthsimpress with fragrant flowers in rainbow colors. These bulbous plants can also be planted in pots, baskets and other containers. Onenice decoration ideaThere are hyacinths in glass for spring.

Traubenhyazinthe(Muscari sp.) – To create a beautiful floral arrangement, you can use classic grape hyacinths with blue flowers or the variety 'Alba', which blooms white.

Schachblume (Fritillaria meleagris)is also an early bloomer. The colorful flower bells delight from the end of March to the beginning of May.

Spring compositions with bulbous plants

OnePlanting balcony boxes in spring, you can use ready-made plants in pots purchased at florists, supermarkets or garden stores. However, if you want to grow the bulb plants yourself, remember that they still need to be planted in the fall and can be left outside in the winter. Only then will they bloom in spring!

Spring flowers look good both alone and in groups. Here's how you can plant a dozen hyacinths in a single container -for example in a wide balcony box. Choose just one of your favorite colors or create a multicolored arrangement of white, pink and purple flowers.

An interesting idea is a mix of different spring flowers, e.g. B. Hyacinths, daffodils and tulips in a balcony box or a wicker basket. Whether plants with flowers of the same color or in contrasting colors - the choice is up to you. The yellow daffodils look excellent in combination with blue grape hyacinths.

Spring flowers on the balcony: primroses, pansies, daisies

In addition to the onion flowers, the primroses are also perfect for thisSpring decoration of the balcony. Different varieties can be combined, for example cushion primrose (Primula vulgaris), carpet primrose (Primula juliae), rose primrose (Primula rosea) and ball primrose (Primula denticulata).

Garden pansiesare also enchanting flowers with which we can make the balcony spring-like. They are hardy and can be planted in pots, wicker baskets, window boxes, bowls and other containers with interesting shapes! The pansies come in a variety of sizes and colors of flowers.

Bellis perennis, also called Thousand Beautiful and Massliebchen, blooms from March and shines with its play of colors. Whether in white, in various shades of pink or carmine red, the thousand beautiful looks particularly good in combination with daffodils, pansies and tulips.

Herbs provide even more fresh greens

Some impatient people dream of planting herbs on the balcony. Why not? From March onwards, herbs such as rosemary, thyme, basil, sage, lemon balm or hyssop can be preferred on the windowsill. These can be left outside from April.

We advise against placing purchased herbs (e.g. in supermarkets) in small pots on the balcony. For example, it's about basil, mint and coriander because they were grown in a warm greenhouse. In the fresh air, even a gust of wind will cause their leaves to curl up and dry.

Vegetable lovers can also look forward to the coming spring, because from March onwards chives and spring onions will also be allowed outside. There are also many types of lettuce that can be cultivated and harvested earlier.

Do you want to decorate your balcony for spring? Now you know which flowers are perfect for this. Take a look at the beautiful ideas in our picture gallery and get inspired!