Find the most beautiful perennial with purple flowers for your garden! These species are perfect for perennial beds

Autumn is the time for perennials - the faded specimens are diligently cut and divided, but also replanted. So if you want to renew and expand your garden beds, now is exactly the right time. How about one or two perennials with purple flowers? Which specimens bloom in this attractive color?

Purple in all its nuances will definitely be a real eye-catcher in the perennial bed and can be easily combined with nuances of the same color, but also with contrasting colors such as yellow and white. In addition to the well-known classics such as monkshood, columbine and aster, there are a number of other specimens you can choose from.

Find purple flowering plants for the perennial bed

Fortunately, Mother Nature offers numerous specimens that meet your flower color requirements. And then there are also beautiful cultivated forms that have provided purple color in places where it does not occur naturally. How about some of the following perennials with purple flowers?

Columbine-leaved meadow rue for partial shade

A tall perennial with purple flowers is the columbine-leaved meadow rue (Thalictrum aquilegifolium), because it grows between 100 and 120 cm high. Despite its size, it appears quite delicate and delicate, which is mainly due to the shape of the flowers. The perennial can bloom in purple or white from May or June to July or August. The pretty one,purple flowerneeds fresh soil that should never dry out completely. Also find a sunny, partially shaded location and provide it with good nutrients.

Blue sea lavender with small, delicate flowers

Der Strandflieder (Limonium latifolium), also known as sea lavender, is a perfect perennial with purple flowers for a sunny location because it also copes well with dry soil. Therefore, waterlogging should be avoided by using loose, sandy and permeable soil. The plant also proves to be very easy to care for in terms of its nutrient requirements, as poor soil is sufficient for it. The sea lavender grows between 60 and 100 cm high and the flowers appear between May and July in purple, pink or white.

Large-flowered Braunelle – Perennial herbaceous plants

You get a ground-covering perennial if you use the large-flowered brown nelle (Prunella grandiflora) as a purple flowering plant for the garden that only grows 10 to 25 cm high. The pretty flowers appear between June and August, sometimes longer, and primarily attract bumblebees to the garden. Find the plant in a sunny location or at least partial shade in dry to fresh, and above all well-drained, soil.

Lily cluster with attractive inflorescences

The lily grape (Liriope muscari) in the garden. These purple bedding plants can grow up to one meter high, and the flower clusters alone can reach a length of 40 cm. The plant has small, bell-shaped purple flowers on these flower clusters, which adorn it from August to October. The perennial with purple flowers tolerates pretty much any location and can therefore be placed in partial shade or even shade, but also in full sun. In any case, it needs protection from the winter sun in winter and from wind and rain all year round.

Planting a perennial with purple flowers – lip moths as a lawn replacement

The pretty lipped mouth likes it sunny to partially shaded (Small reptans), which is why it also copes well with shorter dry periods. The purple flowers of the garden plant appear between May and June. The low growing flowers areperfect as a ground coversuitable and can even replace a lawn. In the first winter after autumn planting, winter protection is recommended to protect the still sensitive plants from the cold. Prepare a well-drained soil for the plants.

Orchid primrose with red-violet for contrast

A real eye-catcher that outshines almost all of our other suggestions is the orchid primrose (The first of the vials). The flowers are cone-shaped and can grow up to 60 cm high and shine in a strong red-violet in the shape of a flower spike. The flowers then open in a contrasting purple, so that in combination with the green foliage there is an explosion of color that is rare for flowers. Partial shade and fresh, humus-rich soil are optimal. The earth can and should only dry out in winter.

Shaggy zest for the garden bed

Zottiger Ziest (Stachys monieri) likes it sunny and in normal garden soil, where the perennial can optimally develop its violet-purple panicles. The flowers appear from June and decorate the plant until July. The plant, which is up to 50 cm high, scores particularly well with its ease of care, which makes it easy even for garden beginners. It is perfect for a bee garden because bees and butterflies are immediately attracted and receive plenty of food from the flower.

More ideas for a beautiful perennial with purple flowers

  • Akelei (Aquilegia)
  • Aster (Aster)
  • Berg-Flockenblume (Centaurea montana)
  • Blaukissen (Aubrieta)
  • Blauraute (Perovskia atriplicifolia)
  • Dreimasterblume (Tradescantia)
  • However Lavender (Lavendula
  • Honorary Award (Veronica spicata), towards blue
  • Verbena (Verbena)
  • Fetthenne ('Lidakense')
  • Flammenblume (Phlox paniculata)
  • Garden nettle (Agastache)
  • Garden beautiful eye (Coreopsis rosea)
  • bellflower (Campanula)
  • Grasnelke (Maritime armoury)
  • Native foxglove (Digitalis purpurea)
  • Autumn monkshood (Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii')
  • Small periwinkle (Vinca minor)
  • catnip (Nepeta Fassenii)
  • globe thistle (Echinops ritro)
  • Prachtspierre (Astilbe chinensis)
  • Rittersporn (Delphinium pacific), towards blue
  • sage (Salvia)
  • Butterfly bush/buddleia (Buddleja davidii)
  • Prickly hogweed (Acanthus spinosus)
  • Storchschnabel (Geranium)
  • Thymian (Thymus)
  • Wollziest (Stachys byzantina)

The berries of the love pearl bush also shine in breathtaking purple.Find out more here!