Beautiful perennials for small gardens: This means even limited space can be beautifully blooming!

With a very limited garden area, it is difficult to find the right balance between all garden elements. You want beautiful flower beds, the odd vegetable and also a comfortable seating area to relax and enjoy it all. This works best if you choose small or at least compact specimens. How about some suitable perennials for small gardens?

Foto: Hannamariah/ Shutterstock

Compact and best of all, still hardy and easy to care for. Robust against drought or shade-tolerant would also be a few advantages, because in a small garden you don't always have the opportunity to vary the location. Does that sound impossible? We'll see...

Perennials for small gardens: Each specimen at least 3 times

Foto: Joanne Dale/ Shutterstock

Despite or especially because of the limited space, throwing many different plants together can create a chaotic look. For this reason, you should concentrate on a smaller number and plant each selected specimen in a total of three places (or even more often).

Foto: Silvia Marcos/ Shutterstock

In this way, the individual garden areas are visually connected to each other, creating a harmonious interaction in which everything fits together. By the way, they don't necessarily have to be small species. There are also tall perennials for small gardens that remain compact in size.

Asters are long-flowering perennials

Photo: Nikolay Gyngazov/ Shutterstock

Want blue flowering perennials that are hardy include asters (Aster novi-belgii) a wonderful choice. But they are also available in other colors, so you have freedom of choice. It's best to offer it a place in the sun, but there are also varieties that can tolerate partial shade. These hardy perennials for sunny, dry locations do not necessarily need to be watered. Assuming it rains sometimes. Otherwise, you should help with the garden hose or watering can.

Another plus point that this beauty brings is theextraordinarily long flowering period. This starts in spring and can last until November.

Plant splendors for pink and white flowers

Photo: Maria Evseyeva/ Shutterstock

In July and August the tall, magnificent spires (Astilben) with their interesting flowers. In order to develop well, they need a sunny to partially shaded location.In the shadowsflowering is unlikely. You should pay attention to regular watering, especially in the sun, as the flower likes fresh soil and cannot tolerate dry phases. It is best to plant magnificent spars in autumn. But it is also possible at other times.

Patagonian verbena

Foto: dailin/ Shutterstock

The Patagonian verbena (Verbena bonariensis) is really pretty to look at and quite striking too. Firstly, because of its height of one and a half to two meters, but also because of the cute flowers that bloom in July and then bloom until November. The flowerbelongs to the cold germinators, which means that the seeds can only germinate if they have previously been exposed to cold. For this reason, they are sown in autumn so that the seeds spend the winter outdoors.

Hardy perennials for full sun: the steppe candle

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The steppe candles like it sunny and warm (Eremurus) with its bright yellow flowers, which are also available in white and orange. It is important that they are watered regularly because they don't really like drought. The soil is ideally nutrient-rich, so fertilizing every now and then will benefit the plant. Although steppe candles are hardy, they can suffer damage if they have to endure late frosts. In such cases, it is best to have protective fleeces on hand. The flower is planted in autumn.

Compact and with beautiful foliage: Wollziest

Foto: Tibesty/ Shutterstock

Which perennials bloom all summer? The Wollziest (Stachys byzantina) is definitely one of them. It is a ground cover because it grows compactly and spreads quickly to cover. The purple flowers come in the middle of thesilver-green foliageDue to their rather delicate size, they show off rather discreetly, but from June to August. Since these perennials are winter green for small gardens, their leaves decorate the garden even in winter. They only die back in spring, immediately before new growth.

Also read:Long-flowering shrubs in summer: The most beautiful species ensure a splendor of flowers in the garden!

Other valuable perennials for small gardens

Foto: Tibesty/ Shutterstock

Of course, that's not all. Since we can't possibly list all the variants, we've put together a few of our favorites for you below:

  • Akelei (Aquilegia vulgaris)
  • Bartfaden (Penstem)
  • Bergen (Bergen)
  • Blaukissen (Aubrieta)
  • Edelraute (Artemisia)
  • fine jet (Erigeron was handsome)
  • rockweed (Alyssum saxatile)
  • lady's mantle (Alchemilla), preferably one of the smaller varieties
Foto: Flower_Garden/ Shutterstock
  • Spring Memorial (Omphalodes verna)
  • Golden Loosestrife (Lysimachia punctate)
  • Goldnessel (Lamium galeobdolon)
  • autumn anemone (Anemone)
  • Tall Flame Flower (Phlox paniculata)
  • horned violet (Horned violet)
  • Caucasian forget-me-not (Brunnera macrophylla)
  • girl's eye (Coreopsis verticillata)
  • Cushion bluebells (Campanula portenschlagiana)
  • purple bells (Heuchera)
  • Rittersporn (Delphinium)
Photo: Syed Sabbir Ferdous/Shutterstock
  • foam blossom (Tiarella cordifolia)
  • Sommer-Margerite (Leucanthemum proud)
  • Sun Bride (Helenium hybrids)
  • Sternmoos (Sagina subulata)
  • Storchschnabel (Geranium)
  • Taglialie (Hemerocallis)
  • stinging nettles (Lamium)
  • Bleeding Heart (Lamprocapnos)
  • Turkish poppy (Eastern poppy)
  • scabious (Macedonian Knautia)
  • spurge (Euphoria)
Photo: Olga Glagazina/Shutterstock