Annoying green growth such as algae, mosses or lichens grow on almost any surface under the right conditions. Over time, airborne particles such as dust and dirt combine with the sand in the joints, creating an ideal place for the greenery to thrive. Shady places, damp conditions, damp areas and prolonged periods of wet weather accelerate growth. The best way to get rid of green growth is to be proactive and remove it early. Below we will give you a few tips on how you can remove green deposits, whether from stones, paving stones,garden furnitureor from the terrace.
What is green cover?
“Green growth” is usually a combination of algae, mosses, and/or lichens: algae and mosses are plants that we generally don’t value very much. They form an unsightly coating by spreading wildly and uncontrollably. Green covering should be removed because there is a risk of slipping on floors when it is wet. In addition, it should be mentioned that over the years it degrades the surface of the material.
Limit the growth of green growth: tips
Here are some measures you can take to limit the growth of greenery:
1. Keep your patio or path clean. Be careful not to allow dirt, leaves, mulch or debris to accumulate. Clean the surface weekly with a broom or blower.
2. Keep the patio dry. Remove standing water as quickly as possible with a broom or blower, especially in areas that are shaded and not exposed to the sun. Repair low-lying areas to allow water to drain away.
3. Remove any new moss quickly. As soon as you see a greenish growth, remove it. If left unchecked, it grows quickly and takes root in the joint sand. Once this happens, removal is more difficult and time-consuming. At theRemoving the green growthSand could then also be reduced and new joint sand must be incorporated.
If you discover green growth on your paved surfaces, you can often fight it yourself. The goal here is to remove it from the surface without the polymer sandin the jointsinfluence. To avoid damaging the joints, complete this task on a day when the surface is dry and the sand is firm.
With the last few weeks of the cold season flying by, early March is a good time to start cleaning your patio before spring. But what should you use? Moss, algae, lichens and other fungi can be removed in just a few minutes using the following common household products.
Remove green deposits with vinegar
White vinegar is great for removing stubborn dirt and common household stains and can even be used in your garden.
This environmentally friendly solution should be divided equallyfrom white vinegarand water to correct discoloration and remove stubborn stains. First, clear all plants and furniture out of the way before sweeping the area to remove the green growth. Use a weed removal tool to remove weeds from the patio before you begin cleaning. Mix the 50/50 solution in a large watering can and pour the liquid generously onto the greenery.
Leave it on for 20 minutes. While 20 minutes may not seem like a long time, this naturally acidic solution works wonders on stubborn dirt and deeply rooted dirt. Use a clean garden brush to sweep away the solution. Pour some additional vinegar on the remaining weeds to kill them naturally. Wash the patio with clean water to remove any remaining residue.
Remove green deposits with a high-pressure cleaner?
Especially in spring and summer, many people choose a high-pressure cleaner to clean paving stones. Unfortunately, there are two major disadvantages. First, the grout is ripped out of the patio tiles, which can cause the tiles to shift. Secondly, the pressure washer could damage the tiles, making the structure of the tiles more porous, causing green growth to penetrate deeper into the tiles. And that will cost you even more time and energy the next time you need to clean the tiles.
Beautify your patio with baking soda
Baking soda is best for lighter colored pavers. Clean your patio and sweep it thoroughly with a broom to start with a reasonably clean surface. Moisten the pavers with water before using thisnaturally effective baking soda solutiontreat. Place one cup of baking soda in a plastic bowl and slowly add two cups of distilled white vinegar. Mix the mixture thoroughly to a creamy but spreadable consistency and use a sponge mop to apply the mixture.
Let the paste sit for half an hour before using it and a nylon-bristled brush to scrub the surface. Then rinse the patio with a hose or a few buckets of water and allow it to air dry.
Soft soap, baking soda and hot water
A mixture of soft soap, soda and hot water is particularly effective for removing green deposits from wooden surfaces. However, scrubbing your garden table with a stiff brush can be time-consuming. Then rinse the garden furniture.