You wantWeed with home remediesdestroy, finally get rid of the ants in the garden or pre-germinate crops? Then vinegar comes into question. The home remedy has numerous outdoor applications that every hobby gardener should know. We'll explain to you how to use vinegar correctly in the garden and when it's better to use other home remedies.
Using vinegar in the garden: When is it allowed to be used and when not?
Vinegar can be used in many ways in the garden. Inexperienced hobby gardeners try to use it to combat weeds. Especially in hard-to-reach places likeJoints between paving stonesit is often used. However, this is a very controversial application because the vinegar can damage and destroy both weeds and ornamental plants.
One of the most popular home remedies, which consists of vinegar and salt, is even prohibited by law and punished. If you want to fight weeds with vinegar, you should choose a preparation with vinegar from the garden center. Such preparations were developed in such a way that they cause as little damage to the environment as possible and can be used specifically to destroy weeds. The vinegar from the supermarket can cause more damage than actually help against pests. The home remedy does not offer a long-term solution as it does not damage the roots of the plants, but only destroys the leaves and shoots above the ground.
Using vinegar in the garden: This is how you can increase the acidity in the soil
Household vinegar contains 5% ethanoic acid and can therefore, if used correctly, increase the acidity of the soil. There are many plants that cannot tolerate alkaline soil and thrive better in acidic soil. These include hydrangeas, rhododendrons and flowers from the gardenia genus. So if you have a quick...Promote growth and floweringIf you want to extend the time, you can dilute 250 ml of vinegar with 4 liters of water and then spray the plants with the solution.
Using vinegar in the garden: How to keep cats and rabbits away from the vegetable garden!
You can also use vinegar to keep stray cats and rabbits away from the vegetable garden. Not only can cats damage the vegetables, but they also transmit toxoplasmosis through cat feces. Rabbits feed on vegetables and can cause so much damage to the plants in your garden that you will have to replant it. To prevent this, dip several cotton pads or a sponge in vinegar and place them in a plastic container with a lid. Use a shish kebab skewer to make holes in the lid and place the container in a corner of the kitchen garden. The smell will keep both cats and rabbits away.
By the way, vinegar is considered the most effectiveHome remedies for ants. It exudes an intense smell that...Insects from the gardenkeeps away. You can dilute vinegar essence with water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spray the ant trail and the ant hole with it. This is how you will get the ants to leave. Above all, it is important that you regularly spray the ant burrow with vinegar water afterwards.
Clean vegetables from your own garden with vinegar
Every hobby gardener is particularly happy about vegetables and herbs from theown kitchen garden. Here are two tips for preserving them:
1. Wash the vegetables under running water and then place them in a bowl with a solution of 1 liter of water and 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and leave them there for 15 minutes.
2. Wilted lettuce can become crisp again if you put it in a bowl with cold water and 2 teaspoons vinegar.
Use vinegar in the garden: promote germination
Are you unable to get the seeds to germinate? Then vinegar comes to the rescue. Plants like nasturtiums and okra are notoriously difficult to grow. You can promote germination by soaking the seeds overnight in water with 1 tablespoon of white vinegar.
Clean garden tools with vinegar
It's a good idea to thoroughly clean garden tools such as rakes, hoees and spades at the end of summer. To do this, put 1 liter of apple cider vinegar in a bucket and let the tools soak in it overnight. This allows rust, bacteria and algae to be removed.
Clean the garden furniture with vinegar
If you want to protect the rattan furniture on the terrace or balcony from dirt, you can moisten a cloth with vinegar and wipe the furniture with it. Please make sure that this cleaning is only suitable for rattan furniture. You should paint wooden furniture and with aluminum furniture it is sufficient to wipe it with a damp cloth.
Using vinegar in the garden: cleaning clay pots and ceramics
Clay and ceramic pots are very popular among hobby gardeners for their natural appearance. However, since these are open-pored materials, minerals and water can leave stains on them. At the end of the gardening season, you can place the clay pots in a bucket or large container and soak them in a solution of one cup of apple cider vinegar and four cups of water. Wait an hour before removing them from the container.
Make cut flowers from your own garden last longer
Every hobby gardener is happy to see wonderful flowers in their garden. The flowers from your own garden also look good in a vase on the dining table. The self-tied bouquet of flowers is of course something special. With the next trick you can preserve the cut flowers from your own garden for a long time. To do this, fill tap water into a vase and add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and one teaspoon of sugar to the water.
Use vinegar in the garden: Protect fruit trees from fruit flies
If you have fruit trees in your garden, then you are certainly familiar with the problem: fruit flies. Getting rid of these pests can prove to be a very difficult task. If you don't want to use pesticides, you can opt for the following home remedy instead. In a small plastic container (for example from wall paint), fill 1 cup of water, half a cup of apple cider vinegar, 1/2 teaspoon sugar and 2 teaspoons molasses. Hang the plastic container on the tree and replace the contents every two weeks.
Using vinegar in the garden: Determine the pH value of the soil
Are you unsure whether the soil contains too much acid? Then you can do a simple test to check it. Fill a plastic container with soil from your own garden and add half a cup of apple cider vinegar. If the vinegar begins to foam, then the soil is alkaline and has a pH of 7 or higher.
Use vinegar in the garden to repel snakes
Snakes are not pests, in fact they are the opposite - they can drive away pests such as rabbits, cats and mice. However, if there are small children or pets in the family, then it is better to get rid of the snakes. Proceed similarly to the cats and rabbits. Place containers where you have seen snakes in the garden. The smell will drive them away.
Apple cider vinegar helps with dry skin
Gardening never ends. Daily handling of fertilizer, soil and pesticides as well as weather influences such as wind and strong sunlight can have a negative effect on the skin of the hands. What helps with dried out and chapped skin? Apple cider vinegar. Rinse your hands with apple cider vinegar, it will make the skin soft and supple again. The vinegar can also protect the skin from allergens.
Vinegar has numerous uses in the garden. However, you should be careful not to add the vinegar directly to the soil. Because then it can change the acidity in the soil in the long term. This is not a problem if the soil is highly alkaline, but if the soil has a pH of 4 to 6, you should be very careful with it. Vinegar is also not approved as a pesticide or weed control agent. However, it is very suitable for repelling pests.