As soon as theSummer flowers in your potshave already faded, it is a good idea to replace them with plants that will look good in autumn and winter. Which plants can be combined well? Here are 13 ideas for colorful container planting for fall.
1. Container planting for autumn in rich red and bronze tones
With its beautiful autumn tones, this eye-catching container planting is just the thing to brighten up your patio or yourBeautify your home entrance for fall. The cheerful chrysanthemum brings a lot of color to the front of the pot, while the foliage in the back provides more structure and movement.
Planting partner:
- Chrysanthemum, blooming red
- Purpurglöckchen ‘Marmalade’ ® (Heuchera micrantha) (2)
- New Zealand sedge (Carex comans) (2)
The best time to plant these perennials and grasses is October. The container planting looks best from October to the end of November.
Regularly remove the spent flowers of the chrysanthemums to keep everything looking fresh, and plant the sedge and purple bells in the garden at the end of autumn.
2. Decorative autumn planting hardy
This colorful fall planting captures theEssence of autumn in a bucketa. The combination of colorful branches, berries and leaves looks harmonious and creates an autumn atmosphere everywhere. The simple terracotta pot gives the plant good support, the coral-red branches of the dogwood go well with the sky bamboo, and the berries of the flower skimmia provide a bright red splash of color that nicely rounds off the overall picture.
Planting partner:
- Tatarian Hartriegel (Cornus alba)
- Himmelsbambus (Nandina domestica)
- Japanese flower skimmia (Skimmia japonica)
- New Zealand sedge (Carex comans)
The planting looks good from day one and will delight the eye all winter long. Only the dogwood will lose its leaves, but it will still have its beautiful colorful stems.
3. Autumn planting with heather and ampel violets
The pink striped leaves of New Zealand flax beautifully highlight the pink flowers of Siebold's stonecrop (Hylotelephium), cyclamen and heather in this striking autumn container.
Planting partner:
- Heather, pink
- New Zealand flax (Phormium tenax) 'Pink Stripe'
- Mini cyclamen
- Siebold-Fetthenne (Hylotelephium / Sedum sieboldii)
The best planting time is from August to the end of September. The plants look best from September to October.
Remember to remove spent cyclamen flowers regularly to encourage flower production. When the container planting is past its prime, you can plant New Zealand flax, heather and Siebold's sedum in the garden.
Idea: Change the look of this container planting by combining red phormium with heather and cyclamen in shades of red. It's amazing how easy it is to change the impact of an arrangement through the clever use of a color palette.
4. Stylish container planting in white, purple and silver tones
Purple, white and silver form a stylish trio and instantly bring glamor to any patio orevery balcony. We used five types of plants – ornamental cabbage, brachyglottis, heuchera, white tomentose ragwort and cyclamen. All should be available at garden centers this time of year – feel free to mix up the varieties depending on what you can find.
Planting partner:
- Brachyglottis ‘Sunshine’
- Purple bells Heuchera 'Obsidian'
- Weißfilziges Greiskraut (Senecio cineraria)
- Purple ornamental cabbage (2)
- White mini cyclamen (2)
Plant your containers in October. This fall planting looks best from October to late November.
The same applies here: To ensure that the cyclamen continues to bloom, you should regularly cut off the faded flowers. In early winter, the brachyglottis and purple bells can be planted in the garden.
5. Modern autumn planting in unusual colors
This modern fall planting consists of just three plants. In black, white and green, it's a bold design statement for early fall. Place the pot in a place where it will attract attention, such as the entrance to the house. In particular, the black, hand-shaped leaves of the ornamental sweet potato 'Blackie' are a real eye-catcher.
Planting partner:
- Lampenputzergras (Pennisetum)
- Ballhortensie Endless Summer® The Bride
- Ornamental sweet potato 'Blackie' (Ipomoea batatas)
The best planting time is September-October. This container planting looks best from September to October.
6. Easy-care autumn planting with pansies
This rich purple pot planting marks the changing of the seasons as the heat of summer begins to wane. The velvety pansies steal the show, while the other plants create an interesting mix of color and texture. A simple terracotta pot creates a nice contrast. The plants are perfect for a partially shaded spot.
Planting partner:
- Heather
- Hartzungenfarn (Asplenium scolopendrium)
- Purple flowering pansies
- Rotblättriger Günsel (Ajuga reptans) 'Braunherz'
The best time to plant is in August or September. The arrangement looks best from September to November. The red-leaved Günsel and the fern can then be planted in the garden.
Care tip: Keep a pair of pruning shears handy so you can remove the pansies and heather flower heads as they fade.
7. Bee-friendly fall planting
Bee-friendly plant combinationsare a good source of nectar and pollen for pollinators in autumn. The purple sedum forms a beautiful contrast to the green leaves and flowers of the other plants.
Planting partner:
- The Mexican scented nettle 'Summer Glow' (Agastache mexicana)
- Longleaf speedwell (Veronica longifolia)
- Purpur-Fetthenne (Hylotelephium telephium) ‘Purple Emperor’
8. Container planting for a sunny terrace
Evergreen plants play an important role in this container planting, with the gum eucalyptus providing a backdrop for the yellow-flowering coneflower and the blue fescue providing some structure.
Planting partner:
- Mostgummi-Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus gunnii)
- Shining coneflower (Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii) 'Goldsturm'
- Blauschwingel (Festuca glauca)
9. Autumnal container planting with purple flowers
This container planting in shades of purple is perfect for a partially shaded location. With its upright flower clusters, the grape lily is a striking autumn bloomer. The Pelle fern, also known as the button fern, has decorative, leathery leaves and grows in a creeping manner. Other evergreen ferns such as the striped ferns (Asplenium) or the spotted ferns (Polypodium) are also well suited for this plant combination.
Planting partner:
- Lilientraube (Liriope muscari) ‘Royal Purple’
- Pellefarn (Pellaea rotundifolia)
- Ballonblume (Platycodon grandiflorus)
10. Beautiful autumn planting with dahlias and grasses
This pot planting impresses with warm colors that are reminiscent of the changing autumn leaves of the deciduous trees and bushes. Cut out dead flowers regularly so that the dahlias bloom longer.
Planting partner:
- Garden dahlia 'Gallery Art Nouveau'
- Purple bells (Heuchera) 'Fire Chief'
- Brownish sedge 'Bronco' (Carex comans)
11. Pink flowers brighten up the dreary autumn
This combination of autumn anemone, sedum and New Zealand wind grass can be grown in sun or partial shade. The beautiful flowers of the anemone and sedum attract pollinators looking for nectar in autumn.
Planting partner:
- Herbstanemone (Anemone hupehensis) ‘Pretty Lady Julia’
- New Zealand wind grass (Anemanthele lessoniana)
- Magnificent stonecrop (Hylotelephium spectabile)
12. Planting in containers with autumn asters
Rudbeckias and autumn asters provide colors that are in no way inferior to the summer flowers. New Zealand wind grass provides more height and gives the container planting a casual charm.
Planting partner:
- Shining coneflower (Rudbeckia fulgida var. sullivantii) 'Goldsturm'
- Glattblatt-Aster, Neubelgien-Aster (Aster novi-belgii)
- New Zealand wind grass (Anemanthele lessoniana)
13. Container planting for fall with bright berries and copper-colored grasses
When it comes to bringing good cheer to the garden in autumn, there's nothing better than a coral bush. The spherical berries are reminiscent of tomatoes and decorate the bush for months, until winter.
Planting partner:
- Rotholz Hartriegel / Purpur-Hartriegel ‘Sibirica’
- Peitschentragende Segge (Carex flagellifera)
- Coral bush (Solanum capsicastrum)
- Orange winter blooming pansies
The dogwood will shed its leaves in winter to reveal showy red stems. Together with a sedge and winter-flowering pansies, a plant combination is created that also looks very modern.
These plants are not picky and do well in almost any location. If you have enough space, you can plant more coral trees individually in small pots. With a group like this you will make a stronger statement!