Oiling the terrace in autumn – this is how you can easily maintain your wooden terrace

Sun, wind and humidity are weather conditions that can damage wooden floorboards, but you can prevent this by oiling your deck. If you take care of your patio wood, you can enjoy a perfect balcony floor or outdoor wooden walkways for a long time. The exposure can otherwise lead to unsightly cracks, washing out, mold formation or discoloration of the expensive wood. For this reason, all wooden decks, including exotic ones, should beHolzarten wie Bangkiraior Massaranduba, are regularly preserved with special ground oil. Just read on to learn more about it and add more sparkle to your outdoor patio.

Oil the terrace and maintain a shiny appearance

Decking can look fantastic in your garden, providing you and your family with the perfect place to eat, relax and play. To ensure that your flooring stays in perfect condition, you can maintain it in a variety of ways. You may also have invested in a range of wooden outdoor furniture. So you want to make sure that they last for several years. You know how to clean your outdoor cushions, but what is the best way to protect the wood from the elements? Wood decking and hardwood require a combination of protection, cleaning and conditioning to keep the material in good condition and looking good. So, discover here some tips if you want to oil your patio and maintain it over the years to preserve the strength and natural beauty of the flooring.

Before you begin, it is important to assess the condition of your surface. If your flooring has been newly laid, you can make it naturally weatherproof for around six months. This helps ensure that any existing treatment has eroded. This allows the new paint to sink in properly and stick to the floor. If it is untreated, older than six months, or has previously been stained or painted, you can follow the following step-by-step instructions through the treatment. Maintaining a wooden deck is not as complicated as many people assume. All that is required is that you do the work from the start. This way you will significantly increase the longevity of the wood and no refinishing is required. However, you should at theChoosing a wooden deckpay attention to long service life and durability. The most suitable types of wood for this are larch wood or the exotic types of wood mentioned above.

Before you care for a wooden deck

If this is your first time oiling a deck, there are a few things you need to know before starting the process. Preparation for oiling the floorboards is different if your flooring has been newly installed or has been a part of your home for years. So here are some practical tips to get it right. If you've installed new flooring around your home, it may be tempting to immediately oil the wood to remove dullness and add shine. However, before you begin oiling your wood deck, check with your supplier as some woods require 4 to 6 weeks of weathering before coating. Some may require up to two to three months. You should also familiarize yourself with the patio oil drying time in advance.

The reason for weathering is that your wooden floor is still full of tannins and oils and these are damaged by sunlight or rain. Oiling the deck will help ensure that the wood surface is ready for oil penetration and better adhesion of treatments. On the other hand, if you apply the oil to the wood too early, you can ruin the coating. To help the leaching process, you can use a chemical solution or hose down your wood deck every few days. Many people often ask themselves the question: “How often do you have to oil the terrace? How much time does a wooden floor need to weather? How can the tannins and oils properly leach from the wood so you can apply the oil sooner?” Oiling is a fairly simple process, but it can be time-consuming. Cleaning is also important before you can oil your patio.

Clean and prepare patio wood

Extend the life of your wooden deck through appropriate wood treatment and care. The surface of wooden decks becomes weathered over time. The surface turns gray and cracks, eventually making it slippery and exposed to dirt and green growth. Above all, this can store moisture, which will damage the wood in the long term, while increasing the risk of mold and rot. Therefore, proper cleaning and care is required to keep the wooden boards beautiful and long-lasting. When maintaining a wooden deck, you should not just apply some wood oil to the surface. That would be equivalent to building a house right on the lawn.

The key to a beautiful and lasting result is to thoroughly clean the wood before applying wood oil. If you do not clean the wood, the oil will not be able to penetrate deep into the wood, but will form a new layer of oil on top of the dirt and previously hardened oil. This causes the newly applied floor oil to come off, which is almost inevitable. In addition, in such cases you will have to treat the floor surface again and oil the terrace. Never use pressure washers, chlorine or algae removers to actually clean the wooden floor. These methods can cause more harm than good. Also remember that after cleaning the wood must be completely dry before applying wood oil. A damp surface prevents the oil from penetrating the material.

When and how can you care for a wooden terrace?

Get the most out of your wooden floor by maintaining it twice a year. In spring you prepare the wooden surface for the summer months, and in autumn you protect it from the coming winter. Check the weather forecast when looking for the best time. Do not apply the product in humid conditions or when rain is likely. “Oil the terrace – how long do the floorboards dry?” can also be a difficult question to answer depending on the weather conditions. Avoid it forExample, the terrace woodto be treated in very hot weather. When oiling the terrace, the product can be exposed to sun and radiation and dry too quickly. Then it cannot be completely absorbed by the wood.

One of the quickest ways to freshen up your wooden deck is to give it a thorough cleaning. This will restore the wood to its natural color and revive the appearance of the wooden surface. This method also removes moss, mold and algae and makes it easier to apply top paint and oil. To do this, use a stiff broom to give your patio a good sweep. This also removes dirt or loose pieces of wood and general residue from the covering. Check the surface of the floor for loose boards or raised screws and secure them with a cordless screwdriver.

Oil a cleaned and maintained terrace

Once you've cleaned the wooden boards and prepared them for oiling, it's time to apply the oil. Before applying, stir the product thoroughly and read the instructions on the can. This will give you an indication of the drying time and the waiting time between applications. This is an important first step because the deck will always stick after oiling if the wood has not dried properly. To apply the oil, run a paint roller or brush as far along a single board as possible without touching any of the other boards. Do one row at a time and once one row is complete, move across the rest of the wood floor. To ensure even application, do not rush the application. Apply long, continuous strokes to ensure each wood slat is coated evenly.

After applying the first coat, wait according to the instructions for when the next coat can be applied. The second time you usually need to add less oil because the wood can't absorb as much. Too much of it can also make the surface sticky. Have a rag and turpentine handy to clean up any spills. Turpentine helps dilute the oil. Allow your wood deck to dry after the second coat. Depending on the weather, it may take a day or two before you can place your furniture back on the floor. In addition, you must consider the temperature and outside air when oiling the terrace. Once you have oiled the wood, you should regularly oil and seal the deck every six to twelve months to ensure longevity and keep everything looking its best all year round.

Oil an old terrace or renovate it professionally

If you have had a wooden terrace made of Bankirai, larch, oak, Douglas fir or any other exotic material for a long time, it may already be badly weathered. The mainly homogeneous Bangkirai is yellowish brown (often olive brown) and has a high density. However, it is heavy and has correspondingly high strength values. Bangkirai is used not only for exterior structures, but also for floors, walkways and work surfaces that are subject to high loads. However, massaranduba wood is increasingly being used instead of bangkirai. This is one of the hardest types of wood and can be used in particular as Massaranduba decking for outdoor construction or as wooden furniture for the garden. However, proper maintenance can bring the whole thing back to its original glory. If your wooden terrace is already gray in certain areas, an initial treatment with wood degreying agent makes sense. To do this, pour water over the entire surface to reduce absorption.

You may consider a professional service to restore the wood to the way it looked when first installed. This can even be turned into a new, characterful, beautiful version of the terrace. It may also be tempting to pull up your old wooden deck, but an expert can professionally create a repair or restoration plan. If you have deck wood that you want to bring back to life, a professional team can save you a lot of effort. His experience and expertise offer you a cost-effective solution.

If this is your first time oiling a deck or if you are short on time and need someone who can oil your deck, this would be the right choice. Otherwise, you can simply follow the steps described above. To renovate weathered wooden terraces, pre-treatment with wood degreying agent and two thin layers of floor oil is required.