Tomatoes do not germinate: what are the reasons for this and what measures should gardeners take?

Tomatoes are a very popular vegetable, aren't they? Many gardeners like to grow them themselves from seeds. Your tomatoes won't germinate? It can be frustrating when this happens and you wonder what went wrong and what mistakes you made when growing tomatoes! Of course, there are reasons why your seeds may not germinate and here we would like to tell you how to proceed to promote germination and care for the seedlings properly.

Why are my tomato seeds not germinating?

There are a few reasons why your seeds may not germinate. Here we explain the reasons and give you some tips on how you should proceed with sowing so that germination is successful.

The soil temperature is not right

Two of the most important factors in seed germination are soil temperature and soil moisture. Tomato seeds will not germinate if they are too cold (or too hot).Tomatoes are a warm weather cropand therefore do not grow well in cool soils. They need evenly warm soil without risk of frost so that they can germinate properly. Below 10 degrees Celsius the seeds will not germinate at all.

The ideal temperature range for germinating tomato seeds is 18 to 30 degrees Celsius. At these temperatures the seeds need 6 to 8 days to germinate. Use a seedling heat mat if the soil is not warm enough. You can also place the container on top of a running refrigerator, which also gives off heat.

Another way to warm the soil is to cover the soil with plastic and itto place in the sunlight. Place the container on a sunny windowsill. If soil temperatures are above 35 degrees Celsius, this is too hot and tomatoes will not germinate.

Tomatoes do not germinate due to lack of oxygen

Seeds need oxygen to germinate and sprout. Do not use tightly packed soil that is not aerated or the seeds will not germinate. Use a well-ventilated growing medium to ensure a higher seed germination rate.

Avoid drying out the soil

Dry soil is not okay for seedlings. Your tomatoes will not germinate if the soil is too dry because the seeds need to absorb enough moisture before they begin to germinate.

Dormancy is the period during which a seed does not germinate. The purpose of dormancy is to protect the seed from germinating if it is too cold or dry for the young plant to survive.

As well as warmer ground temperatures as well as anda higher moisture contentsignal to the seeds that the time has come for germination. It is very important that you keep the soil evenly watered because this will help promote tomato seed germination. If the soil remains too dry after germination begins, the seeds will die.

Mist the soil with a spray bottle to ensure even moisture without overwatering.

Overly fertilized soil burns the seeds

Tomato seeds don't need much fertilizer. An excess of nutrients at this stage can cause tomato seed burn. Allow the seeds to germinate initially and do not fertilize or use uncomposted fertilizer at this stage until you see the tomato seeds sprout their first leaves.

Do not sow old seeds

You need to consider that the germination rate of tomato seeds decreases over time. Old seedswill not germinate, even if you ensure the perfect temperature and humidity. Tomato seeds usually last for about 3 years. After that, their germination rate drops quickly.

Animals can dig up the seeds

Birds and rodents can find their way to tomato seeds and dig them up to feast on them, leaving nothing left to germinate. Solve this problem by first planting the seeds in containers in a safer location, such as a garden. B. on a windowsill.

The seeds are buried too deep

If you bury your tomato seeds too deeply, they won't germinate because they won't be able to break through the soil. Here comes the question of what is the right depth. Seeds should be planted at a depth of about 1/4 inch. Here's how to proceed: Put some soil in a container. Then lay out the tomato seeds where you want them. Then cover them with 1/4 inch of soil.

You can press the soil lightly, but don't press it too hard because the soil should leave room for air and water. Don't forget soil moisture! After planting the seeds at the correct depth, spray some water over them to keep the soil moist.