Lantanas are beautiful flowers that, if cared for well, will reward you with a wonderful display of flowers. The flowers are also real magnets for bees, bumblebees and butterflies and provide food for pollinating insects. To ensure that the perennial flower feels comfortable in the pot on the balcony, you should pay attention to a few things when caring for the lantana. We explain what the most common mistakes are and what you should pay attention to when watering, cutting and overwintering!
Lantana care tips for the summer
Unlike other plantsLantana feelparticularly comfortable in prolonged heat. Conversely, they have difficulty withstanding longer cooling periods. It has a medium water requirement and can tolerate drought for a short time.
Water and fertilize lantana properly
In summer, the permanent bloomers need a lot of water. Water the flower thoroughly and never let the soil dry out. The rule of thumb applies: the smaller the volume of soil, the faster the water evaporates and the more often you should use lantanasupply with water.
The young plants that are blooming for the first time this year will need about 2.25 liters per week. Water the flowers about 2 to 3 times a week, each watering should be around 700 ml. Water the plants from below; under no circumstances should the leaves get wet.
So that the flowers feel particularly comfortable on the balcony or terrace, you should plant them in a large pot with enough soil volume. In summer, the flowering exotic needs regular fertilization. But be careful – too much of a good thing can damage the plants.
Remove spent flowers
Cut off spent flowers regularly to encourage flower formation. In addition, spent flowers are entry points for bacteria and fungi and the decay processes make the plant more susceptible to pests. So cut off the flower shoots down to the upper leaf immediately after they have faded.
Cut lantana in summer
If the flower becomes too tall or the growth becomes too dense, you can shorten the lantana a little and thin it out. The right time for this is mid to late August, so that the potted plant can recover before it is moved to winter quarters. Cut all shoots by a third. The best time to prune is early in the morning on a cloudy day.
Lantana does not bloom - possible care errors
If the lantana suddenly stops producing flowers, this is a sign of care errors. It could be due to a lack of nutrients, for example because important nutrients are washed away from the soil when watering.
Lack of flowering is also a sign of over-fertilization. If you have provided the plant with nitrogen fertilizer, it will promote growth and not flower formation.
If the lantana doesn't bloom or the flowers are significantly fewer and smaller than usual, then it could also be due to the location. If the plant is in full sun or shade for too long, it will stop producing flowers. Ideally, the flower should be in a sunny location or in light shade. The lantana also needs a place on the balcony protected from the wind.
Lantana care and pruning
What should you do with the lantana after the flowering and gardening season is over? Many hobby gardeners wonder whether they can bring the flower into the living room and whether it can spend the winter as a houseplant. However, the flowers are not suitable as houseplants and will feel much more comfortable in an unheated room.
Bring the lantana into winter quarters before temperatures outside fall below 12 degrees Celsius. First, check the flower for signs of infestation or disease. Place them at least one meter away from other houseplants.
If the winter quarters have windows, place the flower as far away from the window as possible. Water them twice a week, each watering should be about 500 ml.
Cut lantana and overwinter in the pot
If the room is bright, the lantana does not need pruning. However, if the room is dark, you should cut the shoots back by two thirds. You can also thin out the plant a little by removing diseased or inwardly growing shoots. Water the flower sparingly, only when the soil dries slightly. The room temperature must not fall below 12 degrees Celsius, otherwise the flower will freeze.
The flower is losing leaves, what can you do?
Lantanas are known to be sensitive to changes in light and temperature. However, if your plant loses its leaves, it is not necessarily dangerous or serious. This is usually a sign that the lantana is not getting enough light in its winter quarters. In this case, you can cut them in half and overwinter in the dark.
Lantana care: The most frequently asked questions
Is the lantana winter hardy?
No, lantana is not hardy in this country. It must be brought into winter quarters before the first frost.
Is the lantana fast-growing?
Lantanas grow quickly and bloom magnificently, especially when grown as perennial container plants. You can also care for the lantana as an annual plant; once the frost sets in, it will die.
Is Lantana suitable as a houseplant?
No, the lantana will not do well as a houseplant. It needs a winter quarters and is then allowed outside at the start of the gardening season. The permanent bloomer feels most comfortable outdoors.
What is the difference between lantana and verbena?
The two plants belong to the Vebenaceae family and are real butterfly magnets. However, the lantana produces smaller but more flowers than the verbena. The second is also less heat tolerant than the lantana.