Make hyacinths out of paper: This is how you can make beautiful flower decorations yourself

Are you already longing for some spring? How about decorating your home with beautiful early bloomers? Instead of using real flowers, you can also make beautiful hyacinths out of paper.

Foto: @one_little_project/ Instagram

The hyacinths belongnext to the daffodilsand tulips are the most popular spring flowers, which impress with both their colors and their wonderful scent. If you want to keep their beauty longer, you can make them out of paper and other materials. Although these flowers have no fragrance, they can beautify interiors just as well and will never fade. In this article you will find three ideas for making hyacinths out of paper. You can then design the homemade paper flowers as a flower decoration or as a DIY gift for mom or grandma.

Making hyacinths out of paper: instructions for beautiful paper flowers

Photo:@one_little_project/ Instagram

These beautiful paper hyacinths will bring some spring atmosphere into your home! With a little skill, they can be realistically recreated so that you can't tell from a distance whether they are real or not. The craft idea may seem time-consuming at first glance, but with a little practice, each flower stem can be finished in just a few minutes. Children are welcome to help or simply watch.

The following materials are required for this colorful craft project:

  • Colorful construction paper sheets, A4, 130 gsm
  • Thin green paper (A4) or green paper drinking straws for the stems
  • Scissors
  • Lineal
  • Pencil
  • Glue stick
  • Knitting needle or wooden skewer
Fotos: @one_little_project/ Instagram

How to make the flowers:

  • Cut the construction paper lengthwise into 5cm wide strips.
  • Mark 1cm from the edge of the paper and draw a line across the strip with the pencil.
  • Use scissors to cut strips about 0.5 cm wide up to the pencil line. Walk continuously along the entire strip.
  • Don't worry if the cuts aren't ideal, it doesn't matter that much to the final result.
  • Then roll up the strips using a wooden skewer or knitting needle. Make sure the pencil line is on the back. Each strip is rolled up as much as possible.
  • Continue until each small strip is rolled up the entire length.
Fotos: @one_little_project/ Instagram

Make the stem:

  • If you don't have green straws, make the stem out of A4 construction paper.
  • To do this, cut out a 5 cm wide strip of paper lengthwise.
  • Starting at one corner, roll the paper diagonally.
  • Apply adhesive widely to ensure cohesion.
  • Continue rolling the green strip around itself at an angle until it forms a thin, rod-shaped stem.
Fotos: @one_little_project/ Instagram

Design leaves:

  • Cut out a 5cm x 8cm piece from the green paper.
  • Fold the paper lengthwise like an accordion, with each fold about 0.5cm wide.
  • Using scissors, cut the folded paper at an angle to form a leaf shape. Leave 1.5 cm free at the bottom so that there is enough space to glue the leaves later.
  • After unfolding you should have 4-5 sheets.
Fotos: @one_little_project/ Instagram

Making hyacinths:

  • Take the curled paper flowers and apply a little glue to the back of the bottom edge.
  • Place the flower on the thinner end of the stem with the tips facing up and outward. Gently wrap around the stem and down so that the flower overlaps.
  • Pull the paper tightly around the stem until you reach the end. Apply some more glue at the end for extra hold.
  • Then apply glue to the bottom edge of the leaves.
  • Wrap the leaves diagonally around the stem, starting about 2 inches below the flower. Press the paper firmly so it can stick well.
Foto: @one_little_project/ Instagram

So the first flower stalk is finished! Continue using other colors for the flowers until you have enough hyacinths for your project. Whether you fill a vase with them, make a bouquet of flowers or wrap a gift, the delicate flowers are sure to put you in a good mood.

Also interesting:Make tulips: pipe cleaners, pistachios, toilet rolls etc.

Tipp: For even more realistic looking flowers, you can also use crepe paper. Check out how it works in the video below.

Craft idea for children: Make simple hyacinths with tissue paper and a cardboard tube

Photo:@theresourcefulmama/ Instagram

The following craft idea is much easier and is therefore also suitablefor children in kindergartenor in elementary school. Depending on how big the hyacinths should be, you can use either an empty kitchen paper roll or a toilet roll. You need these materials:

  • For paprro
  • Tissue-Papier
  • Glue
  • green paper
  • green color (optional)
  • Scissors
Photo: @theresourcefulmama/ Instagram


  • First decide whether you will paint the cardboard roll green or wrap it with green paper. The second variant looks a little more sophisticated, but both work.
  • If wrapping the roll, cut a matching piece of green paper and tape it to the length of the cardboard roll. Wrap the paper around the roll and secure the other end with glue.
  • Cut the tissue paper into small pieces. You can also tear it to save some time.
  • Then start designing the hyacinth flowers. Put some glue on the top part of the cardboard tube and stick crumpled pieces of paper on it.
  • Continue like this and cover about two thirds of the roll with “flowers”.
  • Cut leaves from the remaining green paper and glue them to the inside bottom of the roll so that they protrude from the stem.

These pretty hyacinths look beautiful on their own, but if you feel like it, you can make several paper flowers in different colors. Have fun!

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