Hostas are known for brightening up shady spots and adding texture and color to difficult spots in the garden. While hostas are typically referred to as "shade-tolerant" plants, meaning they grow in shade or partial shade, some varieties can also tolerate some sun. Some varieties even benefit from some sunlight to keep their foliage vibrant and colorful. The sun also has a positive effect on flower formation. However, it is not recommended to feed the hosta constantlyin the blazing sunleave it standing, otherwise the leaves may burn and turn brown. Too much sun can also cause the colorful foliage to fade. Read on to find out which hostas tolerate full sun!
Hostas for full sun
Hostas with yellow-gold leaves orfragrant flowersoften tolerate more sun than hostas with green, blue or white leaves.
Of course, there are always exceptions, and you may even have a hosta that thrives in full sun - so there is no hard and fast rule. Keep an eye on newly planted hostas and move them to a shady location when the leaves turn brown around the edges.
In general, yellow hostas can tolerate a little more sun without theirbright yellow colorto lose. About two hours of sun per day keeps these yellow-green beauties looking their best. A location with morning sun and afternoon shade would be ideal.
The fragrant hostas of the species Hosta plantaginea also need sun to develop their flowers. The hostas in the Plantaginea family can tolerate 4 to 6 hours of sun.
Keep in mind that a full sun location varies from area to area and even at different times of day. The full sun in the morning hours is not as intense as the full sun at midday, and solar radiation in southern regions of Germany can be much stronger compared to northern climates. Yellow and fragrant hostas do need a certain amount of sunlight, but they do not like to be in full sun. So if your sunny location is extremely hot or dry, consider providing your hostas with drip irrigation to keep them well watered.
Hostas for partial shade
Although sheknown for its shade toleranceMost hosta varieties thrive when they receive some sun in the morning and some shade in the afternoon. Too much sun results in burnt leaves, starting from the edges inward. The leaves then look brown, dry and papery. Too much sun also causes the colors of the foliage shrub to fade.
Blue leaf hostas require the most protection from the sun. The leaves of blue hostas are not actually blue. Instead, a waxy layer on the green leaves gives the plant its bluish appearance. In hot, blazing sun, this wax layer melts and exposes the green leaf underneath, changing the color of the plant from blue to green. Rain can also cause the waxy coating to fade over the course of the growing season.
White hostas
There are several varieties of hosta with white leaves or variegation. Unfortunately, the only way to find out which types of white hostas can tolerate full sun without getting sunburned is through trial and error. The thicker the leaves are, the more sun-tolerant the hosta is. Hostas with thin leaves, like 'White Christmas' in the picture below, should be placed in partial shade to keep them looking their best.
A problem with light-leaved or white-variegated hostas is that the leaves are white because they contain little chlorophyll. In a full sun location, the plant's chlorophyll content can increase, causing the leaves to take on a green tinge and look less colorful. The best results are achieved with white variegated hostas if they are planted in a location with only morning sun. As a rule of thumb, the thinner the leaves are, the less sun the plant will tolerate.
Is your hosta getting too much sun?
The only real measure of how well your plant is coping with the sun is how it behaves. There are two clear signs that your hosta is getting too much sun:
- You notice browning on the tips of the leaves or the outer edges of the leaves.
- Your plant's leaves become paler or have faded spots.
If your hosta is not doing as well as you would like, consider transplanting it. Hostas are hardy plants and tolerate transplanting all too well.
Hostas that tolerate full sun
Based on previous experience, the American Hosta Society and home gardeners recommend some varieties and hybrids that tolerate sun. Note that these suggestions vary and depend on your location, exact sun exposure, and of course any other site conditions.
Yellow-leaved hostas:‘Sum and Substance’, August Moon’, ‘Gold Regal’
Yellow variegated hostas:‘Gold Standard’, ‘Inniswood’, ‘Regal Splendor’, ‘Rainforest Sunrise’
Scented Funkien: Hosta plantaginea family including 'Aphrodite', 'Ming Treasure' and 'Venus'; 'Fragrant Bouquet', 'Guacamole', 'Honeybells', 'Invincible', 'Royal Standard', 'Summer Fragrance', 'So Sweet', 'Sugar & Cream'
White-edged hostas: 'Patriot', 'Albomarginata', 'Francee', 'Minuteman'
Green-leaved hostas: ‘Invincible’, ‘Pearl Lake’
These varieties tolerate some sunlight, not full sun
As already mentioned, blue hostas should not be planted in full sun locations. However, you can try planting these types of gray-blue hostas in sunny, but not full sun, locations.
Blue leaf hostas for sun:‘Blue Angel’, ‘Elegans’, ‘Halcyon’, ‘Krossa Regal’