Which plants can be used as privacy screens from neighbors – ideas for shrubs, grasses, climbing and hedge plants

Which plants can be used as a privacy screen from the neighbor? Bamboo as a privacy screen

ABamboo privacy screen, which is a grass, is not a new thing, but its popularity is constantly increasing. Especially the umbrella bamboo (Fargesia murielae) is a good choice because it is robust and hardy. This type of bamboo can grow up to 3 meters high. So if you ask yourself which plants are suitable as privacy screens for your terrace and garden, you will get an answer here. This bamboo is also a good choice if you are looking for a fast-growing plant.

If a bamboo plant is to stand alone, a distance of 60 to 80 cm all around is ideal. As a hedge plant, the distance can also be smaller so that dense growth is possible. Then you can plant the individual plants 35 to 40 cm apart.

Guidelinesof the different federal states.