8 reasons why losing weight isn't working (and possible solutions)

Weight loss is a goal often set, especially at the start of the new year. Before New Year's Eve, many people decide to eat healthier and eat moremore exercise and sportnext year to lose the excess pounds. But after a few days or weeks the motivation disappears. And the reason? Losing weight doesn't work. When this happens, instead of feeling defeated and giving up on your goal, you need to ask yourself the question: What can I do? Sometimes, despite dieting and exercising, you just can't get rid of those last few pounds. And there is almost always a reason for that. In this article we summarize these reasons and also provide a possible solution.

Reasons why losing weight doesn't work

Why don't I lose weight? Many of us ask ourselves this question every day. Weight loss is a process that doesn't always happen as quickly as you would like. While healthy weight loss can take time, there are also reasons that may prevent you from losing the excess weight. We have listed the most common of these below.

1. Lack of sleep

If younot getting enough sleep at night, this can contribute to weight gain. A 2006 study found that women who slept five hours a night were more likely to gain weight than women who got seven hours of sleep. The lack of sleep can further slow your metabolism, making it more difficult to burn calories. In addition, energy levels decrease and you can no longer exercise effectively.

When you're tired, you're more likely to eat unhealthy foods, such as: B. Sweets instead of fruit. According to another study, people who didn't get enough sleep ate about 300 calories more per day than those who got more rest.

Important: Getting enough sleep is crucial when you're trying to lose weight. Sleep has both a physical and a mental impact.

The solution:Try to sleep at least 7 hours a night. It is also important to go to bed as early as possible and to do it at the same time every day. This way you will feel refreshed the next morning and wake up quicker. You should also avoid stimulants such as caffeine a few hours before bed. If you have sleep problems, you can, for exampleRoom scent to help you fall asleeptry it out or a short oneYoga training before sleepingmake.

2. High stress levels

Stress and weight gain or problems losing weight go hand in hand. High levels of stress can lead to a number of health problems. Here are just a few ways stress can impact your weight loss program:

  • Experience cravings:When we're stressed or unhappy, many of us turn to "comfort foods" that are high in sugar and fat.
  • Higher cortisol release:Just like lack of sleep, too much stress can increase cortisol production. Not only does this stimulate your appetite, but it can also lead to additional storage of belly fat.
  • Skip training:If you feel low, tired or stressed, you may lack motivation to exercise.

The solution:Meditation can reduce cravings and keep stress at lower levels.You can lower cortisol with these tipsand therefore deal with stress better.

Please note thatchronic stressmay not be easy to solve on your own. Talking to a counselor or your doctor can help you identify the stressors and figure out how best to treat them.

3. Calorie intake and calorie burning

One of the most important factors in losing weight is how many calories you eat and how many calories you burn - or the concept of calories in and calories out. It may seem obvious that to lose weight you should simply eat less. But if you don't count your calories every day, you may be eating more than you think. Research shows that most of us underestimate how much we eat, especially when we go out to eat.

The solution:To lose weight effectively, you must first determine your calorie needs. There are many calorie calculators online that use your gender, age, current and goal weight, activity level, and height to calculate your recommended daily calorie intake. You can still keep a food diary. This way you think more about what and how much you eat.

4. Slow metabolism

Losing weight doesn't work despite a calorie deficit? Then the metabolism may be to blame. The reasons for a slow metabolism can be varied, with age being the most common of them, especially if you are not maintaining your muscle mass. If you continue to eat the same number of calories while your metabolism drops, you will gain weight over time.

The solution:Strength training can boost your metabolism. Incorporate more muscle-building exercises into your workout routine, such as lifting weights.

5. Not exercising enough

Sport and exercise are a crucial element for weight loss. However, it's hard to know whether you're doing the right workout or burning enough calories. For effective weight loss, experts recommend 60 to 90 minutes of exercise per day. If it is an intensive workout, then 30 minutes a day is enough.

Look at your training program. If you exercise less than recommended, then it may not be enough. However, this does not mean that you have to increase your training duration all at once. In fact, if you're not used to this effort, this is a bad idea as it can lead to injury, burnout, or overtraining.

The solution:You need to either increase your exercise time or intensity to achieve your set weight loss goals. But start slowly: 10 minutes more on the first day, another 10 minutes after a few days, and so on. But don't forget that it's not just about a structured workout. Even exercising for an hour won't cancel out the next eight or nine hours of sitting. In addition to training, try to be as active as possible: take regular breaks from the computer, go for a walk,stretchand leave the car at home if possible.

6. Feast on the weekend

It's not uncommon to feel fine during the week, only to be a little too relaxed in your exercise and diet on the weekend. While an occasional break is fine, consistently letting go on weekends can hurt your weight loss goals.

In general, to lose 500 grams of fat in a week, you would need to reduce 500 calories per day with diet and/or exercise. If you only do this for five days, you'll end up eating too much on the weekend or skipping exercise. This corresponds to one step forward and two steps back. Of course, that doesn't mean you can never treat yourself, but you have to stay on track to lose weight.

The solution:We have some suggestions for staying true to your weekend weight loss plan.

  • Don’t do a cheat day/weekend– Instead of completely binging on Saturday and/or Sunday, choose one or two treats to enjoy over the weekend. Then stick to your eating plan the rest of the time.
  • Avoid rewards– When you've been eating healthy all week, it's tempting to want to reward yourself. It's a good motivation to look forward to something, but try to reward yourself with experiences like a trip to the movies or the mall instead of food. Because this is a very common reason why losing weight doesn't work.
  • Keep moving– It's okay to set aside some time to rest on the weekends, but that doesn't mean you should sit and lie down all the time. A nice walk with your family or a half hour bike ride may not be a structured exercise, but it still counts.

7. Possible medical reasons

Losing weight doesn't work despite exercise and a healthy diet? Then it is possible that a medical reason is keeping you from achieving your dream weight. Weight loss is a complex process that involves a variety of factors. Some we can control, like our diet and exercise. We can also work on managing stress and developing good sleep habits.

But there are also some factors that affect weight loss that we cannot control, such as: B. our genes, gender differences (including the influence of hormones), age-related changes and our individual body type.

The solution:If you don't lose weight despite making changes to your diet and activity level, contact your doctor to rule out illness as a cause. This is important not only if you don't notice a difference on the scale or in your body despite your best efforts, but especially if you find yourself gaining weight inexplicably.

There are various health conditions and medications that are linked to weight gain. Tell your doctor if you gain more than 3 kilograms in a month without changing your diet or exercise.

Diseases and medications that cause weight gain:

  • Thyroid diseases
  • Medicines used to treat diabetes
  • Medications with corticosteroids
  • Some antidepressants (SSRIs)
  • Beta blockers to treat high blood pressure
  • Antipsychotics and anticonvulsants

8. Setting unrealistic goals

Losing weight won't work if you have unrealistic goals. For example, you cannot be a 1.80 meter tall woman and weigh 50 kilograms. It is important that the target weight you set is possible and healthy.

Many people have an unrealistic idea of ​​what it means to be a healthy weight. If you take away the reasons that have to do with your appearance, are there other reasons why you need to lose weight? Are you at risk for conditions such as diabetes or heart disease? Is your BMI in an unhealthy range?

The solution:Talking to your doctor can help you ensure that your desires and goals align with what is not only healthy but possible for your body. For some people, losing weight can be an important part of getting and staying healthy. But if you're healthy at your current weight, it may be best to invest your efforts into figuring out how to be happy with your weight.

Remember that not all healthy bodies look the same and that negative thinking can lead you to believe things about yourself that simply aren't true. Try to focus on all the things you like about your body. Appreciating all that your body can do can help you improve your body image.