Burning fat while you sleep: How do you stimulate your metabolism and which are the fat killers in the evening

Burning fat while you sleep sounds like a dream, but it's possible if you follow a few simple tricks. When your body falls into REM sleep, it begins to burn more calories. If you already have oneHave a calorie deficit, you will burn fat. Getting more sleep at night isn't the magic pill for weight loss, but lack of sleep has been shown to lead to increased appetite.

Burning Fat While Sleeping: How many calories you burn when you rest for 8 hours

The amount of calories you burn while sleeping depends on your weight. In every hour of sleep, a person burns on average around 1 calorie per 1 kg of body weight. This means that a person weighing 150 pounds burns 580 calories while sleeping for 8 hours.

Interesting facts: What is REM sleep

During sleep, the brain goes through four different phases, one of which is the REM phase. In this, the eyes move quickly in different directions. Normally, humans enter the REM phase during the first 90 minutes. Because the sleep cycle repeats itself, deep sleep occurs multiple times. Most dreams occur during REM sleep. This is a phase that can play a role in learning, memory and mood.

  • Enough sleep. The first stepto optimize fat burningin sleep consists of getting enough rest at night. Because sleep is necessary for the normal functioning of the body's hormones and immune system. Lack of sleep or “bad” sleep leads to weight gain. The average adult needs about seven and a half to nine hours of sleep.
  • Lifting weights boosts your metabolism, allowing you to burn fat even at rest. Since it is an extremely intense exercise, our body needs additional oxygen after exercise to recover from the loss of energy. This effect lasts more than 24 hours after exercise and helps you burn calories.
  • To burn fat while you sleep, you should sleep in a cooler, darker room. Research shows that lowering the thermostat to 18 degrees Celsius burns 7% more calories as the body burns fat to maintain its core temperature. Sleeping with light, in turn, suppresses melatonin and affects circadian regulation of metabolism, leading to weight gain. So turn down the heat, turn off the TV, phone and bedside lamps and consider buying blackout curtains to block out the light from outside.
  • Don't drink before bed. A cocktail or glass of wine in the evening sounds very relaxing, but even an alcoholic drink late at night can affect the body's ability to burn calories. Instead of focusing on burning fat while you sleep, your body is busy breaking down alcohol.

What should you eat before bed to lose fat?

Low-calorie foods with a high proportion of fiber and protein as well as certain drinks are ideal for stimulating fat burning while you sleep. See which ones are the nighttime fat killers!

Cottage cheese is a fat-burning snack

Research shows that theConsumption of cottage cheesebefore bed can help you lose weight. The reason for this is that cottage cheese is extremely high in protein, which is slowly released into the body and helps restore and build muscle mass while you sleep.

Cottage cheese contains only 2.7g of net carbs per 100g, making it a great fat-burning snack that's also inexpensive to buy. Plain cottage cheese can taste pretty bland. To make it tastier, you can season it with salt, pepper and cucumber.

Avocados stimulate fat burning while you sleep

Avocados before bed can significantly aid weight loss. They're high in fat, low in carbs, and high in fiber, so you won't wake up hungry.

If you don't want to eat avocados plain, you can make oneMake delicious guacamoleor mix them with the above-mentioned food on the fat burning list: cottage cheese.

Eggs: Fat killer in the evening

Eggs are essential for anyone who wants to lose weight. Not only are they low in calories (less than 80 calories per egg), but they are also high in protein (about 6 grams of protein per whole egg) and the amino acid “leucine”.

Leucine is an important amino acid that helps the body increase muscle mass and increase metabolic rate.

Lentils stimulate fat burning overnight

Cooked lentilsare a fantastic source of fiber (1/2 cup of green lentils contains 9 grams of fiber), meaning they will keep you fuller for longer. They also contain a lot of protein, making them a good meat and poultry substitute for vegetarians.

According to an 18-month study, volunteers who consumed more legumes burned more belly fat than those who rarely ate them.

Slim while you sleep with blueberries

A 100-gram serving of blueberries contains just 57 calories and 2.4 g of fiber, making them an excellent low-calorie snack. In studies with lab rats, blueberries were found to help them lose belly fat and lower their cholesterol levels.

Drink cinnamon tea to lose weight while you sleep

As we already know, cinnamon offers a lot of health benefits. It is a staple in Indian households and is known for its metabolism-stimulating properties. It also has various antioxidant and antibiotic properties, making it the perfect detox drink. Not only does it help burn more fat, but it also ensures better sleep.

Burn fat while you sleep with turmeric milk

And last but not least, turmeric milk, which is generally taken for colds, coughs and other ailments. The spice can also support fat burning during sleep and improve digestion. BecauseTurmeric is rich in antioxidants, which help flush harmful toxins from the body. Milk (especially soy milk) contains calcium and proteins that promote good sleep.