Flat stomach from 40: Healthy eating habits and scientifically based nutritional tips for losing weight

According to nutritionists, if you change your eating habits after the age of 40, it will be easier to achieve a flat stomach. Because manyDiet plans for weight losscould be overwhelming, such a strategy for losing weight would be a correspondingly gentle and clever decision. The following information will help you burn calories in a healthy way as you age to stay in top shape.

How to achieve a flat stomach by changing your diet

There is no shortage of strategies if a flat stomach is desired after reaching age 40. However, some of them can lead to failure. Most diets simply require too much effort, too soon. These can be so challenging and restrictive that people become frustrated and stop before the results are there. In addition, a flat stomach will not last long if you cannot stick to the appropriate diet long-term.

One of the biggest mistakes people make is trying to make too many big onesMaking lifestyle changes at the same time. This can be overwhelming, especially if your daily routine is already busy. Therefore, according to nutritionists, you should only focus on one small change you want to make. You should then master these by making them a new habit. Then you should choose your next small change, etc. This is the secret to achieving long-term results that last.

Choose frequent small meals instead of overeating

Many experts recommend eating five or six small meals and snacks daily. The idea is to keep your hunger in check to avoid overeating. However, it can be difficult on sixChanging meals per day, if you currently only eat twice. Therefore, it is recommended to start small, add a snack and then gradually have another meal.

A flat stomach becomes easier to achieve because you make small changes over time. Eating more frequently throughout the day will also stimulate your metabolism. This helps to reduce body weight anda flatter stomach area fasterto get.

Consume more resistant starches

The so-called resistant starches are known to enter the small intestine undigested. In addition, they are fermented by beneficial bacteria that live in the intestinal tract. The byproducts from this fermentation process help improve the body's insulin resistance and reduce fat storage around the waist. Some types of resistant starches include legumes and lentils, raw bananas and potatoes, seeds, nuts and grains.

Accordingly, consuming foods high in resistant starch every day will help you lose more weight in a short period of time. You can do this very easilyBreakfast with overnight oatsin the morning, snacking on cashews or adding legumes and lentils to salads or soups for a light meal.

Follow the rule of 50 percent vegetables in your plate at every meal

Cover half of your plate with vegetables at every meal. This simple habit will help increase your satiety, prevent overeating, and promote portion control. This will also give you the nutrients your body needs throughout the day. So try following this simple principle without being tempted to overeat high-calorie foods, making a flat stomach more and more possible. As we age, body fat in the abdominal area tends to increase as lean muscle mass and bone mineral density decrease. The best eating habit to adopt in your 40s is to eat more plant-based foods as they are a good source of micronutrients, proteins, and healthy fats. Try to consume fat from plant and marine sources and limit animal foods.

Often what you add to your diet is more important than what you subtract when your goal is a flat stomach. In this regard, nutritionists recommend three low-calorie foods that you could eat every day. Cucumber, for example, is rich in water and at the same time low in calories. Use this vegetable as a substitute for bread or rice in your meals. Berries also have an antioxidant effect and help fight inflammation in the body caused by free radicals. At the same time, they contribute to improved cell health.

Most berries also contain vitamins B6, C and E, which provide anti-aging benefits, prevent heart disease and promote cognitive function. Lastly, leafy greens like spinach, kale, and lettuce contain lots of fiber, which helps remove excess water from the body. OneMeta-analysis of studiesfrom 2020 showed that increased consumption of soft fruits and vegetables, including leafy greens, was associated with long-term weight loss.