Everyone wants to look good and be slim, but the methods and diets to achieve this are rarely healthy. But you can lose weight healthily by eating a balanced diet and exercising regularly. When you eat healthy, the body is cleansed of all the toxins and toxic deposits and the metabolism - accelerates. In this way, the fat deposits are gradually reduced. It might seem to you that a strict diet is a quick way to lose weight, but a healthy lifestyle would be much more effective.
Get used to ithealthy foodsto buy and pay attention to the contents of the packaging. If you want to lose weight healthily, you should not eat white bread, cheese, eggs or fatty dairy products. You should also avoid baked goods, alcohol, fried foods, sunflower oil, chocolate and sweeteners. Daily consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables promotes body cleansing. Eat dried figs once a week as they are very useful for cleansing the intestinal tract. In your daily menu you should include raw nuts, yogurt, parsley, dill and celery as much as possible.
How should you eat properly?
Consume 1.5 liters of water and 1 liter of freshly squeezed juice per day. For breakfast, be sure to have carrot juice with apples, cabbage, beets, parsley, spinach or celery. Fresh carrot juice cleanses the intestines, but mix it with other juices so that the body receives various vitamins.
Eat whole grain bread three times a week and marinate salad with olive oil. Sweeten tea and coffee with honey or brown sugar.
Combine healthy eating and exercise
Diehealthy eatingshould be combined with regular exercise such as jogging, fitness, yoga, Tae-Bo, swimming or any other sport. Training further promotes blood circulation and thus metabolism.
Important basic principles for healthy eating
A healthy diet is not a diet. You should just eat right and find your own healthy lifestyle. There are some important basic principles that must be adhered to:
1. 1 liter of freshly squeezed juice and 1.5 liters of water per day.
2. Three times a week – eat fish and on the other days – lean meat such as beef, chicken and turkey.
3. Consume raw nuts, fresh fruit or fresh juice between meals or when you feel hungry.
4. Do not consume fried foods, but prepare everything on the grill, in the oven or steamed.
5. Every day food should be varied to provide the body with different vitamins and minerals.