Summer is approaching and the perfect summer figure is still a dream for you? There is hardly any time to lose weight, especially at the start of the season. In order for the results to be visible quickly and for us to be fit and slim at the start of our vacation, cycling and jogging are not enough. Changing your diet can also help you lose a few pounds quickly. There are many crash diet plans, but not all of them keep their promises. The new Thonon diet, for example, is supposed to guarantee that you lose a full 10 kilograms in less than two weeks. Fans of the diet swear by its weight loss success. Opponents of the extremely low-calorie eating plan warn that it can lead to a yo-yo effect. We take a closer look at the trend diet and summarize the most important advantages and disadvantages.
The Thonon Diet: The two-week nutrition plan was developed in France
But where does the Thonon diet actually come from and who developed it? It is believed that the diet plan was drawn up by doctors in the hospital of a French resort town, Thonon-les-Bains. However, hospital staff have not yet confirmed these suspicions. The diet itself has certain similarities to the keto diet: OnCarbohydrates are completely avoided, instead you eat a high-fat, low-calorie diet. A very detailed nutrition plan for a period of two weeks can be found on the diet's official website. You can choose between a vegetarian version and a meat version.
The meal plan includes three meals; the total daily calorie intake must not exceed the upper limit of 800 calories. As far as drinks go, coffee and tea are allowed as long as you avoid sugar and milk. Alcohol consumption, however, should be limited for two weeks. An exception could be made on the seventh day and a glass of wine could be drunk in the evening.
Even if you haven't reached your dream weight at the end of the two weeks, you should definitely not continue with the diet. Instead, the so-called stabilization phase begins, which is intended to protect against a yo-yo effect. During this phase you can consume a maximum of 1200 calories per day. How long this phase lasts is closely related to weight loss. As a rule of thumb, you need to plan for a week of stabilization for every kilogram you lose. For example, if you are looking for theDiet 5 kilosweigh less, then you should eat 1200 calories a day for five weeks afterwards. Only after this stabilization period is over could you follow a two-week Thonon diet again.
What's on the plate?
TheNutrition plan of the Thonon dietis, compared to other crash diets, very concrete. We offer you the menu for the first seven days. In the second week the menu starts again from day 1.
Thonon diet plan:
Day 1 / Day 8
Breakfast: coffee or tea without sugar
Lunch: 2 hard-boiled eggs, spinach without salt
Dinner: 1 medallion steak 300 g or 3 vegetarian meatballs. If desired, serve with celery or salad (optionally iceberg lettuce).
Day 2. / Day 9.
Breakfast: Coffee or tea optionally with milk, but without sugar
Lunch: 1 medallion steak 300g / 3 vegetarian meatballs, tomatoes and fruit
Dinner: Boiled ham/tofu sausages
Day 3. / Day 10.
Breakfast: coffee or tea without milk and sugar. A slice of whole wheat bread
Lunch: 2 hard-boiled eggs, lettuce or iceberg lettuce and tomatoes
Dinner: Boiled ham and salad / salad and tofu sausages
Day 4. / Day 11.
Breakfast: coffee or tea without milk and sugar. A slice of whole wheat bread
Lunch: 1 hard-boiled egg, carrots (raw or cooked), a slice of cheese
Dinner: 1 cup of yogurt, fruit
Day 5. / Day 12.
Breakfast: coffee or tea without milk and sugar. Grated carrots
Lunch: fish soup or fish in broth/salad of boiled carrots and celery/two medium tomatoes
Dinner: 1 medallion steak 200 g / vegetarian celery steak, salad
How many carbohydrates per day on low carb to lose weight?
All low carb diets involve eating primarily meat, poultry, fish, cheese, oils and leafy vegetables. You should never completely avoid carbohydrates, but rather consume them in small quantities. How many grams of carbohydrates you can eat depends on the diet variant you choose.
Day 6. / Day 13.
Breakfast: coffee or tea without sugar. A slice of whole wheat bread
Lunch: Grilled chicken as desired / vegetarian celery steak
Dinner: 2 hard-boiled eggs, carrots (raw or cooked)
Day 7. / Day 14.
Breakfast: Coffee or tea with lemon, without milk and sugar
Lunch: 1 medallion steak 300g / 3 vegetarian meatballs
Dinner: Eat whatever you feel like. No alcohol
The stabilization phase
This diet is followed by a stabilization phase during which the calorie intake for men is a maximum of 1500 calories and for women it is 1200 calories. Here comes the recommended menu for this period:
Cup of tea or coffee without sugar
Low-fat yogurt or 3 thin slices of sheep's cheese or a glass of milk
1 slice of whole wheat bread topped with butter
200 g salad 1 teaspoon olive oil
150g steak/fish or 2 hard-boiled eggs
Seasonal vegetables and fruits
For in between:
Low-fat yogurt, coffee, tea or other refreshing drinks without sugar
Vegetable soup
1 small potato, cooked
150 g meat, fish or vegetarian meatballs
200 g salad drizzled with olive oil
1 slice of whole wheat bread
What are the disadvantages of the Thonon diet?
Die ThononDiet has an advantage: It works. It is really possible to lose 10 kilograms in two weeks. But such rapid weight loss can have consequences for your health. Nutrition experts warn that the diet plan can slow down your metabolism in the long run. Anyone who follows the diet for longer than two weeks can also expect a vitamin deficiency because not enough vegetables and fruit are consumed every day. And sports fans will probably have to avoid exercise completely for the two weeks because the body is simply too weak during the diet. Since the calorie intake per day is very low, the body will not only convert fat into energy.Also muscle massis lost during crash diets. If the yo-yo effect leads to rapid weight gain, then we will weigh more at the end of summer than at the beginning.
Since the diet plan is too strict, we recommend that you definitely consult your doctor first.
Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.
The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.