With these simple yoga exercises to lose weight you will achieve your goal!

One of the many reasons why yoga is so amazing is the fact that it is suitable for everyone. Yoga does not discriminate in terms of age, size, flexibility, body type, gender, etc. Anyone who is open to Indian teachings can benefit from the many benefits of this philosophy. We have already reported on how you can lose weight with yoga. Even if you have to fight overweight, it can be a faithful companion for you on the way to the healthy figure you want. In today's article we have put together useful tips and many yoga asanas that will help you get rid of excess weight. Thanks to the following yoga exercises for weight loss, even plus-size women will be able to enjoy the endless benefits.

Yoga exercises to lose weight – yoga for people who are overweight

Yoga for overweight people does not differ in its principles from that for slim people. This separation and the terms “yoga for overweight people” or “yoga for slim people” are out of place because the practices are considered universal. The breathing technique remains the same as do a number of basic asanas. The difference is that the excess weight in the individual exercises must be partially compensated for in order to avoid injuries. This is achieved using auxiliary devices.

Who withexcess weightIf you are struggling, you need to realize that losing weight with yoga will not be a quick and easy process. After all, this ancient knowledge system called “yoga” should not be perceived as gymnastics, but as a complete philosophy. First of all, it allows you to gain confidence in your abilities, get rid of depression, and then regain a slim figure. Nevertheless, by following our tips, with regular exercises and faith in the successful end result, you will undoubtedly achieve your dream figure.

Helpful tips and hints

Before you get on thePath to your desired weightand a new attitude to life, you should prepare for it and prepare well. We have put together a list of important tips for you that will make it easier for you to start practicing yoga.

1. Breathelearn

Before you learn the different asanas, you should learnto breathe properly. In yoga practice, the complex of breathing exercises is called “Pranayama”. Why is yoga breathing so important for beginners? The breathing exercises are based on certain techniques that can be very useful. First, proper breathing increases inner potential and encourages practitioners to learn to transform and manage inner power. The breathing practice of Pranayama also addresses a number of physical aspects that can benefit overweight or obese individuals. Pranic breathing improves blood circulation, strengthens the nervous system, relaxes the internal organs and helps prevent high blood pressure. The latter manifests itself particularly often in people with excess kilos. The breathing exercises make you resistant to stress and create a stable emotional background. Yoga breathing also increases the adaptability of the human body.

2. RelaxSheitself

Yoga is the ideal way to develop a sensible relationship with your own body and appearance, boost your metabolism and free your mind. Try to think of yoga not just as a physical activity, but also apply what you have learned in different life situations. Concentrate and try to forget all your worries, at least for the yoga session. Live in the “here and now”.

3. Get inspired by onecompetentaccompany teachers

Find a good teacher who will give you enough attention. You will feel more comfortable if the experienced yoga teacher can give you individual recommendations. Together you will find the most suitable style for you, which will boost your metabolism and help you achieve a beautiful figure. That's why Eastern teachings have so many followers, because there are many yoga directions.

4. Comfortable clothingobtain

The choice of clothing for yoga practice is essential. It must not restrict movement. So try out at home how you can move with it and how the yoga clothing behaves. Find the right size. You will also perform such asanas in which you stand on your head, raise your legs and bend over. Don't emphasize your problem areas.

5. Listen to yoursBodyon

To find the optimal behavior for you, enjoy all the mental benefits of yoga, and avoid injuries, you should listen to your body. Every body is different and therefore unique. Don't overexert yourself and pay attention to how your body reacts to a certain position. Accept your body's needs and limitations.

6. Keep yoursGoalin front of your eyes

Remember why you are engaging in yoga. The different asanas offer you the opportunity to observe yourself and accept yourself as you are in this moment. Weight doesn't play a role in yoga. It's not a marathon or a dance sport. Even if you feel relatively immobile, a competent yoga teacher will offer you simple yoga exercises that you can start with effortlessly. Don't forget that chubby people are often much more flexible than slim people. See your weight as an advantage during the yoga session. If you perform power asanas, you will certainly have more power than slim yogis. This in turn means you will reduce your weight faster.

7. UseSheAuxiliary devices

Yoga exercises for losing weight that are suitable for plus-size women are easier if the excess weight is partially compensated for. This can be achieved with aids and devices that support part of the body weight. For every situation you find yourself in, there is a creative approach that will solve the problem. Depending on the particular asana, this can be:

– Gymnastics ball
– a small pillow
– a chair, a small bench, a rigid plastic box or any other object that plays the role of a support block
– Belt or rope

Yoga for weight loss – easy yoga exercises to lose weight for beginners

Body weight is not crucial for performing the particularly complicated yoga positions that we have all seen before. Plasticity is different for each person and the fact that such difficult asanas are achieved through long and persistent training cannot be overlooked. In this regard, beginners are recommended not to immediately start complex exercises, but first carefully learn five or six basic asanas. Below we have created an overview of yoga exercises for weight loss that will help your body get into fat burning mode. Don't forget to protect your body against injury by warming up adequately.

1.The tree

Yoga exercises for beginners include the “Tree” yoga position. The starting position here is standing. When performing this asana, the body is placed in the characteristic position, which is where the name comes from. Stand with your feet together and take a few deep breaths. The back should be straight, the stomach is drawn in, the legs are slightly apart. Extend your arms to the sides. Raise your left foot. Try to rotate your knees outward as much as possible. Stretch your arms up slightly bent and close your hands. Tense your stomach. Stay in this position for fifteen seconds and then repeat the exercise with the other leg. If you find it difficult to maintain balance, simply place your hands on your chest. This yoga exercise strengthens the sense of balance and strengthens the body.

2. ThefirstKrieger

The “First Warrior” pose is considered one of the best yoga exercises for losing weight. This asana boosts your metabolism. Arm, thigh and leg muscles are trained. The muscles in the back area are strengthened. Stand up straight. The legs should be hip-width apart and the arms should hang loosely at the sides of the body. Lunge backwards with your left foot and bend your right leg. The knee must not extend beyond the toes. Keep your back leg straight and turn your foot outwards. As you inhale, stretch both arms up and keep them parallel to each other with your palms facing inward. Hold the tension and change sides.


You can also introduce the asana “The Chair” into the sequences with yoga exercises for weight loss, which will require a lot of strength from you, but will also give you a lot of energy back. Stand upright in the starting position and stretch your arms over your head as you inhale. They must form the extension of your body. The palms face each other. Bend your knees with an exhalation. The thighs are parallel to the floor. Keep your legs parallel to each other and shift your weight into your heels. Tilt your pelvis slightly backwards and pull your shoulder blades towards the mat. Stay in this position for at least five deep breaths.


The plank pose, also called stick or staff, is another effective yoga position that trains the entire core muscles, stomach, buttocks, legs and arms and has a positive effect on weight loss. First, assume the push-up position. Support yourself on the floor with your forearms, elbows and toes. The knees should be hip-width apart. Stretch your body like a board, avoiding a hollow back. Breathe evenly and stay in this position for at least a minute.


If you have specifically decided to work on your abdominal muscles, the yoga exercise “The Boat” is just right for you. With this asana you train all four layers of the abdominal muscles, which brings you a little closer to your dream figure. Sit upright on the yoga mat with your legs stretched. At the same time, lift your legs and upper body so that they ideally form a 45 degree angle. When performing this asana, it is important not to round your back and keep your stomach tense at all times. If you feel too unstable, you can hold onto the backs of your thighs with your hands.

6.More condescendingDog

With the yoga exercise “The Dog” you can also promote weight loss and enjoy a number of benefits for your body. This pose improves digestion and helps against constipation. It also strengthens your sense of balance and cleanses the lungs, deepening your breath. Kneel on the floor and spread your knees hip-width apart. Place your upper body on your knees and stretch your arms straight forward. Look at the yoga mat. Stand on all fours and keep your back straight. Straighten your legs and press your hands firmly against the floor. Keep your head in line with your spine and push your bottom up. Stay in this position for fifteen seconds and repeat the asana three times.

7. DieCobra

Cobra pose is also one of the effective weight loss exercises. It trains the spine, tones the glutes and activates the digestive organs. Lie flat on your stomach. Extend your legs and arms parallel to your body. The backs of your feet are on the floor and your palms are facing downwards. Place your hands close to your body and bend your arms. Raise your upper body slightly and tense your leg and buttocks muscles. Use your arms to push your upper body further away from the floor, keeping your elbows close to your body. Direct your gaze upwards.

8.The grasshopper

The “Grasshopper” yoga position strengthens the entire back of the body and also supports digestion. Lie on the mat and close your legs. Place your arms next to your body and turn your thighs slightly inwards. The tip of the chin touches the floor. As you inhale, lift your legs off the floor at the same time. Stretch your arms back. Relax your glutes and tense your arms and legs. Keep your legs as high as you can. Breathe deeply and gently. Look ahead. The exercise should last at least 30 seconds. As you exhale, lower your legs.

Yoga exercises forLose weightnot at any price

Constantly monitor your health. If you feel the slightest discomfort, such as pain, shortness of breath, excessive heart rate, etc., stop exercising and continue only when you have returned to normal well-being. Pregnant women and people with chronic illnesses should first seek advice from a doctor.