Lemon for weight loss - the yellow tropical fruit offers a lot in combination with other foods

The lemon has been proven to not only be healthy, but also a true fat burner fruit. Not only does it have a high vitamin C content, but it is also very low in fat, with 35 kilocalories per 100 grams. The fruit, which thrives in the south, protects our body cells, ensures firmer skin and supports the wound healing processes in the body. It is also an immune system booster, as the vitamin C it contains helps prevent infections and colds. If you are struggling with digestive problems or want to detoxify your body, the citrus fruit is also very useful for this. However, in this article we will reveal how you canLemon for weight losscan use.

What makes lemons so popular

1. Immune system protection

A single lemon becomes half of oursDaily requirement for vitamin Ccovered. This counteracts bacteria in the organism and promotes the defense processes against pathogens. The magnesium it contains also strengthens the nerve fibers and thus contributes to better mental health.

2. Beauty-Booster

The vitamin C contained in citrus fruits stimulates collagen formation. This helps create strength, waterproofness and elasticity in the body. Wound healing is also supported. Vitamin C also fights free radicals that accelerate the body's skin aging process and supports connective tissue.

3. Fat burner par excellence

The high vitamin C content in lemon helps produce the happiness hormone serotonin and the neurotransmitter norepinephrine. Both boost your metabolism. The kilos start to fall off.

4. Digestive aid

The high acid content helps the organism process even fatty and difficult-to-digest foods more easily. The lemon peel also contains pectin, which acts as fiber and has a stabilizing effect on the intestinal flora.

5. Detoxification miracle weapon

The tropical fruit has a high potassium content, which has a positive effect on the electrolyte balance in the organism. It also has a draining or diuretic effect. This means that toxins are removed from the body and the normal function of the heart, muscles and nerves is ensured. It is also worth mentioning that, despite its sour taste, the citrus fruit is an alkaline food and helps with better absorption of iron supplements.

Why lemon is particularly suitable for losing weight

The high vitamin C content in the tropical fruit causes the body to produce the hormone norepinephrine, which is important for the weight loss process. This releases the fat from the adipose cells and the body can more easily access the fat stores for energy production.

However, a balanced diet is important because vitamin C can only produce L-carnitine, which is important for burning fat, together with vitamin B6 and niacin. In order to achieve a stronger effect of L-carnitine, strength and endurance training should also be carried out.

It is worth mentioning at this point that the weight loss process significantly increases the need for vitamin C, as fat loss puts a lot of strain on the body.

Which foods are good for losing weight with lemon?

1. Lemon water for weight loss

It is particularly suitableTo prepare the tropical fruit with water, as the metabolism is greatly stimulated and fat reserves are dissolved. It is best to first boil the water and let it cool down a little. Then add the juice of half a lemon. It is worth mentioning at this point that vitamin C must not be exposed to high temperatures. Therefore, lemon juice should only be added to the water when it is at a comfortable drinking temperature, otherwise the valuable vitamin will be destroyed. Depending on your taste, you can sweeten the lemon water with agave syrup or honey.

2. Combined with olive oil for fat burning

Both lemon and olive oil are foods that have valuable properties for maintaining health and supporting the weight loss process. The tropical fruit is a strong alkalinizing agent, so that the pH value of the organism can be brought into balance if hyperacidity is present. The acidification of the body is the cause of the outbreak of many diseases. The alkalinization in turn means that many already diseased cells are usually unable to survive in such a milleu. This minimizes the risk of an outbreak of disease.

Olive oil, on the other hand, has been a tried and tested food since ancient times with a high fatty acid content, which, for example, counteracts elevated cholesterol levels. As soon as you want to use olive oil and lemon for weight loss, this combination has incredible healing properties. This product provides the stomach lining with the nutrients it needs and prevents constipation. The intestinal function is regulated, the liver and gallbladder are cleansed and their functioning is improved. The fat burning process is automatically started and the body is brought into balance.

Preparing the olive oil and lemon mixture is easy. To do this, mix half a tablespoon of olive oil with half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Everything is carefully stirred. The mixture is then drunk on an empty stomach in the morning.

3. Lemon and coffee as appetite suppressants

Both coffee and lemons contain nutrients and vitamins that have a health-promoting effect. Coffee beans contain vitamin B12, B5 and minerals such as potassium and magnesium. The caffeine contained in coffee stimulates the nervous system, blood pressure and body temperature increase, so that fat burning begins. This in combination with the high vitamin C content from the citrus fruit further strengthens the fat burning process. The sour taste of the tropical fruit as well as the bitter substances in the coffee also lead to the appetite being inhibited and the different flavors giving you a better feeling of satiety.

To prepare it you need about 240 ml of black coffee and a lemon. The coffee is prepared according to taste. Then it is absolutely necessary to keep it cool. Meanwhile, the juice is squeezed out of the citrus fruit. After the coffee has reached normal room temperature, the juice is added and stirred diligently. Then you canCoffee-lemon drinkconsumed as needed.