No matter whether we are 30, 40 or 60 years old, maintaining a healthy weight and lifestyle is important at any age. However, according to a survey, approximately 75% of men and 55% of women are overweight at the end of their working lives and, unfortunately, being overweight in old age has become the norm. If there's one thing that gets more difficult as the years go by, it's losing weight. Let's face it - losing belly fat is no easy task, but once you get to a certain age it can become a real challenge. From the age of 30 onwards, our body changes, the basal metabolic rate drops and we have less strength and energy. Although all of this makes losing weight much more difficult, you don't have to panic right away. So that you can look good and stay healthy as you get older, we have researched for you and explained to you how you as a woman can lose belly fat after 60!
Can you still lose weight after 60 – how often have you asked yourself this question? The older we get, the slower our metabolism becomes. From the age of 30, we begin to lose muscle mass and the basal metabolic rate drops. To be successfuldecrease with age, we have to use more energy than we take in - we all know that. But as the years go by, our bodies need fewer calories and this can make the weight loss process even more difficult. With a few changes to our habits, we can lose weight even at 60 - in a healthy way and without making sacrifices. A balanced diet and physical activity are the optimal combination for men and women who want to lose belly fat after 60.
The dangers of belly fat as you age
Even if your weight on the scale doesn't change, you may have noticed that you've gained some weight around your stomach. The development of visceral fat – which is deep, internal abdominal fat that surrounds our internal organs – can impair liver function and increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. A healthy weight in old age also alleviates problems with the joints and the supporting system and prevents back pain in the long term. Losing belly fat after 60 is not only important for purely visual reasons, but also plays an important role for our health. A 2012 scientific study in the journal Obesity found a remarkable reduction in abdominal fat in overweight postmenopausal women who did regular cardio exercise.
Lose belly fat after 60 with a healthy diet
The older we get, the less we pay attention to our diet. After trying a variety of diets our whole lives, at some point we no longer feel like it and finally want to treat ourselves, right? Of course that's a good thing and nobody is perfect. In order for women to lose belly fat after 60, a balanced and healthy diet is essential. Check your eating habits? How big are your portions? Do you snack too often? Or is the food too fatty? Your menu should primarily include fresh fruit and vegetables, unsaturated fatty acids and plenty of protein. As for carbohydrates, try to eat about 50 grams of carbohydrates daily and go for unprocessed and starchy carbohydrates.
However, you should avoid radical diets as you get older, because a calorie deficit that is too large slows down your metabolism even more and the yo-yo effect is inevitable in the end. The average woman over 60 consumes about 1,600 calories a day, and if you reduce your intake by about 500 calories, you're left with 1,100 calories. And we probably don't have to explain to you that this is unhealthy in the long term. To lose belly fat after 60, a calorie deficit of 200 to 300 calories per day is considered optimal.
Keep moving
An active lifestyle is a crucial step to maintaining a healthy weight and losing belly fat - especially as we age. Sporting activities build muscle, increase calorie consumption and boost metabolism - and all of this is a huge advantage for women who want to lose belly fat after 60. Sometimes it's the smallest things that have the biggest impact. Take longer walks every day, leave the car parked more often and walk instead. And here's a little motivation - 1 hour of walking at a moderate pace can burn between 200 and 350 calories. Even extensive house cleaning burns around 400 calories per hour. So get creative and think of other ways you can be more active every day. But so that you don't give up after 2 weeks, you should do something that you enjoy.
Lose belly fat for women over 60 with strength training
If you haven't started strength training yet, now is the perfect time! After all, it's never too late to get fit and build some muscles. As already mentioned, our body begins to lose muscle mass after the age of 30, making sport and exercise even more important. To avoid possible injury, you should first consult with your doctor and discuss your options. Contact a personal trainer who will develop a specific training program just for you and your needs.
Abdominal workout for older women
There is no local fat burning and unfortunately we cannot specifically lose weight on just the stomach or legs. In this case, a full-body workout would be the best possible option to lose belly fat after 60. But if you want to tone your stomach additionally, you can also do a short abdominal training for beginners 2 to 3 times a week. The selection of exercises is now really huge, but we would recommend that you seek advice from a fitness trainer who is familiar with your complaints and illnesses. If you are new to the fitness world, it is better to start slowly and give your body time to get used to the stress.
Lose belly fat after 60: Be patient
While it's just as possible to reach a healthy weight in your 60s as it is in your 20s, it will definitely take a little longer. After a certain age, we are no longer able to exert ourselves as hard as we would like, which leads to lower calorie burning. Your metabolism also slows down, making it even more difficult to lose weight. But don't give up and be patient! Focus on the healthy habits you adopt to achieve your goal and don't get frustrated if it doesn't happen overnight. If you stick to a healthy diet and stay physically active, you can lose belly fat after 60.