The 24 Hour Diet is becoming increasingly popular thanks to its life-changing health and weight loss benefits. It attracts more and more people because the idea is so simple. You don't have to completely change your diet, give up your favorite foods or drastically limit your calorie intake. However, the “inventor” of the 24-hour diet, Achim Sam, also relies on hard training that is intended to trim the metabolism to burn fat.
How does the 24 hour diet work?
Energy is very important for our body. Your body needs energy every day, whether you fast or not. The main source of energy is glucose, which comes from carbohydrates. The body stores some glucose for rainy days. When you diet, it only takes your body 8 hours to use up stored glucose. Gluconeogenesis is a process in which the liver converts non-sugar compounds such as amino acids, lactate and glycerin into sugars so that the body can use them for energy.
What are the advantages?
If you can do the diet one day a week, that's great. If you can do this twice a week, even better for you. You can find out what benefits this diet will bring you in our article.
Fat loss is an important benefit
Frequent diets help with weight loss because you limit the number of calories you consume. To lose weight and lose body fat, you must be in a calorie deficit, meaning you must consume fewer calories than you burn.
24 hour diet: blood sugar control
A regular 24 hour blitz diet can reduce your insulin resistance, which has a positive effect on your blood sugar levels. If your insulin resistance is high, it stays that wayYour blood sugar levels are high, and that increases your risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Very easy to follow
One of the biggest advantages of this diet, especially when compared to other diets, is that it is very easy to follow. All you have to do is record your last meal.
Fight inflammation successfully
Studies have shown that diets helpchronic inflammationto fight. This reduces the risk of developing chronic diseases and other health disorders such as multiple sclerosis.
Promote brain function
There are also studies that have other potentialhealth benefits of dietsshow: improvement of brain function and protection against neurodegenerative diseases. Of course, improving cognitive function has far-reaching effects, such as: B. increased alertness, a faster reaction time between the nerves and the cells and improved performance.
24 Hour Diet: Improving Heart Health
Diets are also proven to be beneficial for overall heart health. Heart disease is the leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for almost a third of all deaths. Diets like these can lower “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, thereby reducing the risk ofCardiovascular diseasesreduce.
Promoting metabolism
Diets can also increase metabolic rate (how quickly the body burns calories). Introducing a 24-hour diet into your weekly routine can help improve your metabolism over time.
Regulation of hormones
Hunger and satiety are related to hormones – ghrelin and leptin, respectively – and diet can help regulate these hormones so they remain at healthy levels.
24 hour diet: strengthening the immune system
Studies have shown that diets actually boost tissue immunity in the body. This is because evolution has trained the human body to consume few calories and go without food for long periods of time.
Promoting a longer life
As we age, old proteins and toxins tend to build up in our body and “clog” it, causing theAging process acceleratedand can lead to health complications. However, diets can combat this process and promote a natural response called autophagy. This is essentially a “clearing out” process that removes these old toxins from the body so that it can regenerate and repair the cells.
Here are some fabulous 24 hour diet recipes. They are simple, easy to follow and can be planned and prepared in advance.
Body cleansing elixir drink
Add the juice of half a lemon and 30 drops of neem tincture (mixed in cold water) to a cup of hot water and 2 tablespoons of honey.
Fennel bulb and pear juice for breakfast
Wash and juice:
¼ Fenchelknolle
1 apple, ½ pear
4 sprigs of mint
6 sprigs of parsley
1 cm piece of ginger, peeled
Add 1 teaspoon of live greens powder and stir with a fork.
24 Hour Diet: Body Blender Breakfast
2 tbsp oat flakes
1 tbsp wheat germ
3 semi-dried plums
1 tbsp ground flaxseed
Put the lecithin granules and a little nutmeg in a measuring cup and fill with 200 ml of boiling water. Let it soak for 20 minutes. Place in a blender. Rinse the measuring cup with 100 ml of hot water and place in the blender. Puree for a minute. Place in a bowl and garnish with 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds, ½ apple or pear cut into pieces, or a few strawberries.
Vitality soup for lunch
Puree until smooth:
1 x 400 g Dosa Bio-Tomaten
½ small red onion, chopped
1 small red pepper, chopped
large pieces of cucumber, chopped
2 cloves of garlic
1 fresh chili pepper or Tabasco sauce to taste
a handful of basil
Add 1 tablespoon olive oil and 1 teaspoon sugar to taste and mix for 10 seconds. Season with black pepper and chill in the refrigerator. Garnish with ½ avocado, 1 teaspoon lecithin and chopped parsley.
Simple and healthy snack
Grind 8 walnut halves in a blender.
Also add:
1 The Mandelbutter
1 tbsp pure fruit spread
1 THE Lecithin
1 tbsp ground flaxseed
1 dried fig, chopped
3 dates, chopped
Blend for 30 seconds. For 8 servings. Form each into a ball. Roll in cocoa powder and chill for 30 minutes.
Nutty energy source for the evening
Puree 1 tbsp almond butter, 200 ml orange juice and ½ banana until smooth. Place in a bowl and serve with ½ apple or pear and 6 walnut halves.
Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.
The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.