Best diet of 2022: Mediterranean, Dash or Flexitarian? The individual diet concepts for losing weight in comparison

It's that time again - first the snowdrops, ... now the crocuses - It's very clear - themSummer and swimwear seasonis inevitably on the way. The starting signal has been given to work on the summer figure! The only question is, which is the best diet? What's new, what do experts advise us to do and couldn't you use the diet to improve your health at the same time? This year, US Health News surveyed a team of experts consisting of doctors, nutritionists and dieticians and ranked 40 diets, from which we would like to present to you the top 5 classification “Best Diet for 2022”.

Mayo diet: This is how you can avoid the yo-yo effect

The Mayo Diet is based on the principle of weight loss through changing your diet. Good eating habits should be exchanged for bad ones. The stars of this diet are fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which in the long term lead to fewer calories being consumed in a healthy way. Instead of half a chocolate bar, we eat a whole salad - eat more with fewer calories. The Mayo Diet promises a weight loss of three to 5 kilograms in the first two weeks and up to one kilogram per additional week. The Mayo Diet ranks among the 10 bestDiets for heart healthand the 4 best diets to prevent diabetes.

Mind diet: low-carb concept with the benefit of good brain health

The Mind Diet is a combination of the Dash and Mediterranean diets. More specifically, the name Mediterranean-Dash means Intervention for neurodegenerative delay and is designed to care for brain health, even preventing Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. A 2015 study at Rush University Medical Center confirmed that this diet can reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease by 53%. Another study from Iran from 2020 concluded that the Mind Diet could reverse negative cognitive effects in overweight patients and also in their brain structure. The Journal of Movement Disorders wrote in 2021 that there is evidence that the Mind Diet would protect against Parkinson's.

With this diet, you should consume two portions of whole grain products, two salads and one other vegetable every day. A glass of wine is allowed and snacks consist of nuts. Low-fat chicken fillet is on the menu twice a week and fish once a week. A cup of beans and half a cup of berries several times a week. Basically, good olive oil should be enjoyed. What doesn't belong on the menu is red meat, butter and margarine, dairy products, cheese, sweets, cakes, fast food and convenience products. This diet focuses primarily on maintaining health rather than on short-term weight loss. If you want to maintain your weight in a healthy way and do something to prevent illness, this diet is a good choice, especially because it is a combination of two tried and tested diets, but it is less suitable for short-term weight loss.

Flexitarian: The Diet for Semi-Vegetarians

The name flexetarian comes from “flexible” and “vegetarian” and is a way to lose weight primarily vegetarian, but with the option to enjoy some meat every now and then. The idea behind this is that you don't have to give up meat completely to reap the health benefits of a vegetarian diet. Categorized among the top 4 diets for good heart health and the top 2 diets for diabetes, this diet promises continuous, consistent, and healthy weight loss over the long term.

What is allowed? Whole grains like quinoa, rice and oatmeal. Plant proteins such as various beans, lentils, chickpeas or tofu. Nuts and seeds, eggs, fruits and vegetables, dairy products and healthy fats like olive oil or avocado oil. Even a small amount of alcohol is allowed. Meat and processed foods such as white rice, white bread and white pasta should clearly be limited. Overall, this diet is sensible, easy to practice and healthy and helps you lose significant weight in the first year - so it is also designed for the long term.

Dash diet: Proper nutrition for high blood pressure

This diet is applicable for high blood pressure and its prevention. It consists of foods that are rich in potassium, calcium, protein and fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins and skimmed milk products. Saturated fatty acids, dairy products with a high fat content and drinks with added sugar should be avoided. There is a daily maximum amount of sodium. A 2021 summary of studies on StatPearls showed that the Dash diet can prevent and support high blood pressure, stroke, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Experts agree that in addition to the health benefits, this diet can also successfully reduce weight.

Mediterranean diet: This is why it is the best diet of 2022

DieMediterranean dietappears to be the optimal choice in several respects when choosing a diet. Not only is it sensible, healthy, tasty, but also rich in food choices and therefore easy to practice. The health aspect covers a particularly wide spectrum, from weight loss to maintaining the health of various organs such as the heart and brain, preventing cancer, diabetes and chronic diseases.

It is not for nothing that this nutritional concept took first place three times in all categories - namely as the best diet of 2022 for diabetes, the best diet of 2022 for heart health and also the best diet of 2022 in the general category. The absolute advantage is that it is very well researched, sensible and scores very well in terms of practicality - because everything is allowed - except processed products such as ready-made products, sugar and sweets and the limitation to small amounts of meat. The greatest value of this ratherlong-term dietary changeslies in their rich nutritional value and safety. You can't go wrong with this.


Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.

The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.