A woman's body can be slim and narrow, athletic and muscular, or soft and round. When it comes to losing weight, you'll find that there is no "one size fits all" plan that works for everyone. Women often ask themselves: “Which oneIntervalfasten-Variantis the best for my body type?” Want to learn more about intermittent fasting by body type? In this article we reveal which method of intermittent fasting suits which type and which foods and exercises are best for losing weight.
The different interval fasting variants
Comparisons destroy motivation. Women tend to judge themselves and their weight loss results based on the successes of other women. However, different body types have different needs to function optimally. Knowing your body type will help you make better decisions about diet and exercise. It can also help you choose the most effective intermittent fasting method to easily achieve your weight loss goals.
Intermittent fasting involves the timing of food intake and longer breaks from eating.
16/8 Method
In this method, you fast for 16 hours and then choose what and how much you want to eat during an 8-hour eating window.
5/2 Method
With this variation of intermittent fasting, you eat normally for five days and only consume 500 calories for two consecutive days.
Alternate Day
This type of fasting is similar to the 5:2 method, except that you alternate between a full day of feasting and a day of 500 calorie restriction every day.
Extended fasting
Extended fasting is an extended form of intermittent fasting. You go without food for 36 hours or longer.
What body types are there?
The concept of somatotypes was developed in the 1940s by psychologist William Herbert Sheldon. His idea that different body types have different characteristics that determine personality is not widely accepted, but may prove useful when it comes to losing weight (1).
A 2017 study that analyzed the three-day food diaries of women over the age of 57 found that body type was linked to factors such as diet, physical activity, and body mass index (BMI) (2).
Determining your body type can help you create a realistic plan and decide which intermittent fasting option and which foods are bestbestare suitable and which exercises are most effective for your body type. This will make your intermittent fasting journey easier and more successful.
Somatotypes/body types
There are three main body types. Lifestyle and hormonal changes caused by pregnancy or menopause often alter the body to the point where one becomes a hybrid of two types. Below are some guidelines for making the healthiest choices for your body type (3).
Characteristics of the ectomorph type:Thin, small frame, low body fat, trouble gaining weight
Recommended diet:moderate protein, low fat, high carbohydrate diet
Empfohlenes Training:Endurance sports (running), strength/resistance training (body weight exercises),HIIT-Training(high-intensity interval training)
Characteristics of the mesomorphic type:Muscular, medium build, hourglass figure, strong legs
Recommended diet:balanced amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates
Empfohlenes Training:Sports involving strength and endurance (football), tendency to fitness plateaus, so mesomorphs should change their routine frequently, HIIT training
Characteristics of the endomorphic type:Curvy, with barely defined muscles and a high body fat percentage. Fat deposits quickly accumulate on the waist, stomach, hips and thighs. This type has a slow metabolism and therefore has problems losing weight.
Recommended diet:Lots of protein and fat, few carbohydrates
Empfohlenes Training:Cardio and HIIT workouts for extra fat burning
Hormone types
Body types can also be differentiated based on the part of the body where weight is gained and the dominant hormones that influence weight gain (4).
Adrenaline shaped (in English Adrenal)
Features:sagging lower abdomen, which is usually caused by stress and the release of the hormone cortisol. You can find out more about the 6 types of belly fatread here.
Recommended diet:lots of protein, carbohydrates should be eaten during or after training
Empfohlenes Training:Workout later in the day to release pent-up stress, exercise to relieve stress (yoga, walking, swimming), avoid heavy weights
Estrogen shaped (in English Thyroid)
Features:Weight gain throughout the body, usually due to high estrogen levels
Recommended diet:avoid lots of protein, sugar, white flour and rice, limit carbohydrates, avoid caffeine
Empfohlenes Training:Cardio and resistance training
Concerning the gonad (in English gonadal)
Features:Fat deposits are deposited on the thighs and lower abdomen and are also influenced by changes in estrogen levels
Recommended diet:Protein at every meal, healthy fats (e.g. avocado), lots of vegetables, avoid soy and soy products
Empfohlenes Training:Walking, cycling
Concerning the pituitary gland (Pituitary, Intenstinal)
Features:The stomach is domed but not flabby. You often have little body fat, but your liver leaks fluid that fills a sac that sits on top of your intestines.
Recommended diet:Cruciferous vegetables (broccoli), lean protein, low-fat foods, avoid alcohol
Empfohlenes Training:HIIT-Training
Intermittent fasting depending on body type
There is no specific research on intermittent fasting based on body type, but understanding how intermittent fasting works and knowing your body type can help guide you.
Intermittent fasting helps with fat loss, reduces insulin sensitivity, reduces inflammation, and provides anti-aging benefits that can benefit all body types (5).
A major benefit achieved by combining the endomorph body type and intermittent fasting is the reduction of insulin resistance. This body type benefits most from longer fasting intervals like the Alternate Day or 5:2 fasting schedule. With these plans, you fast for an entire day or consume very few calories that day.
Assuming you eat healthily and don't overeat on the non-restrictive days, these two methods are very effective in improving insulin sensitivity. These body types may also benefit from regular, extended fasting.
Although fat burning and weight loss are not the primary focus for the ectomorph body type, they still benefit from the other benefits of intermittent fasting. The ectomorph body type should avoid prolonged fasting. The 16:8 method is best suited for him, in which the fasting times are adjusted as needed to avoid excessive fat loss.
When it comes to intermittent fasting and the adrenal body type, it is important to understand that all forms of fasting cause additional stress and strain on the body. Therefore, people with an adrenal body type should choose short fasting periods and extend their fasting windows very carefully. (6).
Intermittent fasting by body type is not a well-researched topic, but there are some conclusions that can be drawn. Knowing how fasting works and your body type will help you make the best decisions regarding intermittent fasting method, food choices, and type of exercise.
(1) William Sheldon / Psychology Wiki (2021)
(2) Kulik S. / Somatotype, diet and nutritional status of women (2017)
(3) Catudal P., Colino S. / Just Your Type: The Ultimate Guide to Eating and Training Right for Your Body Type (2019)
(4) Berg E. / 7 Principles of Fat Burning (2014)
(5) Stockman / Intermittent Fasting: Is the Wait Worth the Weight? (2018)
(6) Fung J. / The Obesity Code Unlocking the Secrets of Weight Loss (2016)
Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.
The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.