Lose weight with the rainbow diet: How to eat according to the rainbow principle and stay in top shape!

We all want to be fit and slim, but more importantly, stay healthy. Whether keto, low carb, paleo, etc. – diets are now a dime a dozen and all of them promise us true miracles. However, there are strict rules for most diets and entire food groups are often completely eliminated from the diet. As a result, our body lacks important nutrients and vitamins and in the end the yo-yo effect is simply inevitable. But with the rainbow diet this should finally come to an end. The essential foods are fruits and vegetables, whose colorful power promotes our vitality and health. Curious? Then you've come to the right place! How exactly do you eat according to the rainbow principle, why is it important to eat a colorful diet and a rainbow diet plan, you can find out in our article!

What is the Rainbow Diet?

That fruits and vegetables are an integral parta balanced dietWe all know by now. Have you ever heard the saying “Eat the Rainbow”? The Rainbow Diet is not a new fad in the diet world and was developed back in the 80s. You shouldn't cut out fats or carbohydrates from your diet, but simply eat fruits and vegetables from every color of the rainbow.

Whether red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple – each plant pigment has its own individual effect on our health. And when you fill your plate with all the colors of the rainbow, you provide your body with all the important minerals, vitamins, antioxidants and fiber. The rainbow diet is not about giving up, but rather about changing our eating habits. It would be optimal if you eat two to three types of fruit and vegetables of the respective color every day. And to help you do that and to make it easier for you to get started, we have a great rainbow diet plan with recipes for you.

What effects do the different colors have?

You already know what the rainbow diet is. Now you may be wondering what effects different colors have on our health? Each color represents a different phytochemical and provides our body with different vitamins and antioxidants.


Red fruits and vegetables contain important secondary plant substances and have a high content of the plant pigment lycopene. The plant substance belongs to the group of carotenoids and has a strong antioxidant effect. Regular consumption of red fruits and vegetables also stimulates the circulation, strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of diabetes. And here are some examples of red fruits and vegetables:

  • Tomatoes
  • Root Peppers
  • Red onions
  • radish
  • Watermelon
  • Strawberries
  • Raspberries
  • Cherries
  • Pomegranate bug

Orange and yellow

You may know that regular consumption of carrots improves our eyesight. The reason for this is that yellow and orange fruits and vegetables contain lots of carotenoids (beta-carotene, alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin). Beta-carotene promotes the immune system and is good for the skin and cell regeneration. In addition, the body processes it into valuable vitamin A, which is important for cell growth and vision. Yellow foods are also rich in beta-carotene and hesperidin - a phytonutrient that stimulates blood circulation and reduces the risk of stroke.

And here are some yellow and orange fruits and vegetables that you can include on the Rainbow DietCitrus fruits for weight loss, can be consumed without hesitation.

  • Carrots
  • sweet potatoes
  • pumpkin
  • Orange peppers
  • Oranges
  • Peaches
  • Mango
  • Tangerines
  • Parsnips
  • yellow peppers
  • More
  • Bananas
  • Lemons
  • Plums
  • Pineapple

Green fruits and vegetables on the rainbow diet

Some of the healthiest foods in the world are green! Green fruits and vegetables contain the carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin, which strengthen the immune system and support intestinal functions. The green color comes from the plant pigment chlorophyll, which has a detoxifying effect and promotes vitamin and mineral absorption. And here is a small list of green fruits and vegetables:

  • Cucumbers
  • Broccoli
  • Green peppers
  • Kale
  • All salads – arugula, iceberg, lettuce, etc.
  • Spinach
  • asparagus
  • Rocket
  • Zucchini
  • Peas
  • Green beans
  • Avocados
  • Green grapes
  • Pears
  • Apples
  • Kiwis

Blue and purple

Blue and purple fruits and vegetables contain powerful antioxidants and phytonutrients called anthocyanins and resveratrol, which help repair skin damage and stimulate collagen production. They also have an anti-inflammatory effect and promote memory and vision. Blue and purple fruits and vegetables are also an excellent source of potassium, manganese, and vitamins B6, C, and K1.

  • Blueberries
  • Blue grapes
  • currants
  • Blueberries
  • Blackberries
  • Figs
  • Plums
  • Rotkohl
  • eggplant
  • Beetroot
  • Purple potatoes

White and brown

In addition to the classic rainbow colors, white and brown fruits and vegetables are also an important part of the rainbow diet. They contain various compounds such as allicin, sulforaphane and quercetin, which reduce the risk of cancer and have anti-inflammatory effects.

  • Cauliflower
  • Garlic
  • Leek
  • Onions
  • potatoes
  • Parsnips
  • Mushrooms

Rainbow diet recipes and plan

We all know that we should eat more fruit and vegetables. But unfortunately that is easier said than done. The great thing about the rainbow diet is that there are no strict rules and you don't have to go without anything. Sometimes it's the small changes that have the biggest impact. How about one, for exampleEggplant casserole for dinner? Or instead of oatmeal for breakfast, treat yourself to an omelet with spinach and tomatoes. To make it easier for you to get started, we have created a little rainbow diet plan for you with a few suggestions.


  • Omelet with spinach, mushrooms and orange peppers
  • A smoothie with mango, bananas and blueberries
  • A yogurt bowl with oat flakes, strawberries, kiwi and blueberries
  • An avocado toast with tomatoes and lettuce

Lunch or dinner:

  • Mixed salad with kale, iceberg, apple, carrots, red pepper, cucumber and tomatoes, paired with a protein source (grilled chicken, salmon, chickpeas or beans)
  • Grilled chicken with roasted sweet potatoes, Brussels sprouts and mushrooms
  • Whole grain spaghetti with tomato sauce, spinach and onions
  • Homemade pizza with tomatoes, green peppers, red onions and spinach paired with some chicken or cheese

Rainbow Diet Recipes for Snacks:

  • Apple with peanut butter
  • Vegetable sticks with hummus
  • Grapes and cheese
  • Green smoothie
  • Bananas and blueberries with yogurt


Any methods, information, and tips in this article are based on current studies and medical sources (at the time of publication). However, they are not suitable for self-diagnosis and treatment and in no way serve as a substitute for competent medical advice.

The nutritional method described is safe for many people, but not for everyone. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or have a medical condition, talk to your doctor before starting.