Nothing can put a damper on a child's fun - or derail family plans - more than a case of diarrhea. Diarrhea is a common condition that occurs when stool contains too much water. The best treatment depends on the cause, but there are ways to relieve symptoms. Learn how to treat diarrhea in children, including tips on medications, home remedies, and the best foods for your child.
What can cause diarrhea in children?
Typically, diarrhea in children is considered “acute,” meaning it lasts a few days to a week. The most common cause is an infection, be it viral, bacterial or parasitic.
Aside from gastrointestinal infections, diarrhea in children can also be caused by other problems such as:
- Food allergies
- Lactose intolerance
- Eating or drinking too much sugar or artificial sweeteners
- Certain antibiotic medications
Chronic diarrhea that lasts longer than 2-4 weeks is less common. Like acute diarrhea, it can be caused by bacterial, viral or parasitic infections, as well as underlying inflammation in the body, genetic or autoimmune diseases.
How do you recognize the symptoms in the gastrointestinal tract of a salmonella infection? Thefind out here!
What helps against diarrhea in children
Medication is usually not required to treat diarrhea in children. In most cases it stops when the organism clears the infection.
Diarrhea is like the cough with a cold. Your intestines try to eliminate the bad substances. For infectious diarrhea, slowing down the bowels with an antidiarrheal medication will keep the infection in the body.
If your child's diarrhea lasts longer than a few days, see your pediatrician to find out the cause and the best treatment.
Information about medications for diarrhea
- In general, antibiotics are not used to treat infectious diarrhea in children.
- Always talk to your doctor before giving your child over-the-counter diarrhea medications like Imodium.
- In some types of infectious diarrheaProbiotics can be helpful. You can buy probiotics over the counter in liquid and pill form. Be sure to buy the version that is “for kids.”
- Do not give any medication to children under 3 years old without first consulting your doctor.
There is no specific food, drink, or home remedy that can stop your child's diarrhea. The best treatment is supportive care. To relieve diarrhea symptoms, you should focus on the following:
- Keep your child hydrated: During diarrhea the body loses salts and electrolytes, so it is necessary that your child drinks enough fluids. Avoid juice and other sugary drinks.
- Offer a variety of nutritious foods
- Identify triggers or problem foods
To hydrate a child with diarrhea, offer him plenty of fluids, such as:
- Water
- Broth or soup
- Pediatric electrolyte solutions in liquid form or as a frozen drink
- Sports drinks (choose low-sugar varieties)
What should you feed a toddler with diarrhea?
If your child has diarrhea, it is important to give him plenty of fluids as well as a healthy, balanced diet. Doctors used to recommend the “BRAT” diet (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast). Today many doctors no longer recommend this diet. Instead, they recommend that children continue to eat a nutritious, balanced diet because there is evidence that the intestines heal when the child is fed.
For breastfed infants and children, breast milk is still a good nutritional option for diarrhea. Breast milk is easily absorbed and contains more nutrients than electrolyte solutions. However, parents should remember that infants, especially newborns, are very susceptible to dehydration during diarrhea. So if you notice a change in your baby's stool, you should contact your pediatrician.
In some cases of diarrhea, your child's pediatrician may suggest a dairy-free, low-sugar diet - for a short period of time. If your child's diarrhea persists, try keeping a food diary. Gluten can also cause diarrhea in some children.
Can fiber or certain foods help?
Fiber is often used to regulate bowel movements and can be used for both constipation and diarrhea, depending on what type of fiber is present in the diet. Pectin, a naturally occurring substance in foods, can also be used to thicken stool. Certain foods high in fiber can help slow your child's diarrhea. Foods rich in fiber that may help with diarrhea include:
- apples (not the peel)
- Bananas
- barley
- Oats
- Beans
- Peas
- Sweet potatoes (not the peel)
When should you take your child to the doctor
Call a doctor if your child:
- Is less than 6 months old
- has blood in the stool
- Shows signs of dehydration (little urine output, no tears, no spitting in the mouth, excessive sleepiness or low activity)
- It vomits
- High fever that does not improve with fever medication
- The abdomen is bloated (swollen or enlarged)
- Has a history of abdominal surgery
- Symptoms last longer than 2-3 days