Make your own 3-day detox juice cleanse – plan, instructions and recipes

Do you need a reboot of your immune system? Then take the first step towards a healthy diet, a slimmer figure and more stable health. Through a detox juice cleanse you can regulate your metabolism and cleanse your body of accumulated toxins. After the 3 detox days you will feel fresher and full of energy! Let ours guide youJuice and smoothie recipesinspire or simply experiment with the different ingredients yourself.

How does the detox juice treatment work?

It's not for nothing that the juicing trend is booming. With this form of detox you simply replace five meals a day with juices and eat an exclusively liquid diet. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients, enzymes and antioxidants. Especially as juice, these can flow into the body better than in whole form. The nutrients and vital substances reach the cells in just a few minutes, so that the body is not burdened with digestion. This is the process that costs the organism the most energy. That's why it's good to give your body and especially your intestines a break every now and then.

Do I actually need a detox?

The detoxification treatment has a positive effect on your health. Losing a few pounds is of course a nice side effect. If you mostly agree with the following statements, then your body could benefit from a detoxification treatment.

  • They often suffer from headaches, especially in the forehead, temple and eye areas
  • You are always tired in the morning
  • You have no energy
  • You have stomach problems
  • You have difficulty passing stools
  • You have impure skin
  • You sweat when you sleep
  • You find it difficult to concentrate

A detox is worth it, even if you simply want to give your body time to recover and hydrate. You can start with a 3-day treatment and increase the duration next time.

Basically that isDetoxification treatment with juicessuitable for everyone. Nevertheless, caution is advised: you should definitely seek advice from your doctor if you are taking any medication. Juicing is not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and those who are sick.

Some tips and advice on the juice cleanse

– It is advisable to eat healthier for a week before the detox treatment and not jump straight from the calorie bombs to the juices.

– Headaches may occur at the beginning of the detox treatment. This is how the body reacts to the change. Don't worry and just drink more water.

– There should be at least 2 hours or more between juice meals. And in the meantime, you should drink plenty of water. It is recommended to consume at least two liters per day.

– Drink the juice slowly and enjoy it. To activate the digestive juices in your mouth, you should also chew the smoothie. This way your stomach can prepare itself optimally.

– Exercise and sport are also very effective during a detoxification treatment. Pilates, yoga and Zumba, for example, can be done in your own four walls.

Detox juice cleanse plan for 3 days

Tag 1Tag 2Tag 3
Morningwarm water with lemonwarm water with lemonwarm water with lemon
For breakfastGinger shot
"Sweet Power" (smoothie)
Ginger shot
"New Beginnings" (Smoothie)
Ginger shot
"Sweet Mint" (smoothie)
Midday"Fresh Day" (juice)"Happiness" (juice)"Green energy" (juice)
Afternoon"Fresh Day" (juice)"Happiness" (juice)"Green energy" (juice)
At evening"Sweet Mint" (smoothie)"Sweet Power" (smoothie)"New Beginnings" (Smoothie)

This detox juice treatment is super easy to implement. The 3 day detox plan includes 3 juices, 3 smoothies and an SOS drink that you can prepare in the morning and drink several times throughout the day. Try to stick to the order of the recipes if possible.

In the morning, immediately after getting up, drink a glass of warm water with the juice of half a lemon. Before you start making your first smoothie, drink a shot of ginger.

You should drink plenty of water and herbal teas throughout the day. Of course, if you're not hungry, you might miss a meal. However, there is the SOS option for food cravings.

Shopping list

22 apples
4 oranges
3 Avocados
8 lemons
8 cucumbers
4 medium-sized beetroot tubers
22 carrots
2 kg Spinat
6 stalks of celery
200 grams of ginger
2 bunches of parsley
1 bunch of mint

Mineral or filtered water
herbal tea
50 g wheatgrass powder
40 g Spirulina-Pulver

Juice and smoothie recipes for the 3 day detox juice cleanse

Ginger shot

1/2 apple
2cm ginger or more (if you're brave enough)

Put the apple and ginger in the juicer and drink the finished juice all at once.

SOS Drink

1/2 apple
1/2 lemon
1/4 small beetroot tuber
2 carrots
750 ml water

Add all ingredients to the juicer. Mix the finished juice with the water. Drink several times throughout the day.

“Sweet Power” (Smoothie)

1 apple
1/2 cucumber
1/2 small beetroot tuber
2 carrots
1/2 lemon
1 handful of spinach
1 cm piece of ginger
Optional: 1 teaspoon wheatgrass and 1 teaspoon spirulina powder
The recipe makes approx. 600 ml smoothie

Add all ingredients except the avocado to the juicer. Then puree the finished juice with the avocado for 45 seconds.

“Fresh Day” (juice)

2 apples
1 cucumber
1 handful of spinach
1/2 bunch of parsley
1/2 lemon

The recipe makes approx. 500 ml of juice

Add all ingredients to the juicer. It's best to press the spinach and parsley between the apples. This creates more juice.

“Sweet Mint” (smoothie)

5 carrots
2 oranges
1 bunch of mint
1 small beetroot tuber
1/2 Avocado
Optional: 1 teaspoon wheatgrass powder

The recipe makes approx. 600 ml smoothie

Add all ingredients except the avocado to the juicer. Then puree the finished juice with the avocado for 45 seconds.

“New Beginnings” (smoothie)

2 apples
1 stalk of celery
1/2 lemon
1 handful of spinach
1/2 cucumber
1 cm piece of ginger
1/2 Avocado
Optional: 1 teaspoon wheatgrass and 1 teaspoon spirulina powder

The recipe makes approx. 600 ml smoothie

Add all ingredients except the avocado to the juicer. Then puree the finished juice with the avocado for 45 seconds.

“Happiness” (juice)

2 apples
1 cucumber
1 handful of spinach
1 stalk of celery
1/2 lemon
1 cm piece of ginger

The recipe makes approx. 500 ml of juice

Add all ingredients to the juicer. It's best to press the spinach between the apples. This creates more juice.

“Green energy” (juice)

2 apples
1 cucumber
1 handful of spinach
1 stalk of celery
1/4 bunch of parsley
1/2 lemon

The recipe makes approx. 500 ml of juice

Add all ingredients to the juicer. It's best to press the spinach and parsley between the apples. This creates more juice.

Plan two or three build-up days after the juice cleanse

After the juice cleanse come the so-called build-up days, during which the body slowly gets used to solid food again. First have a fruit and vegetable day, then continue with vegetable soup, rice, potatoes and other easily digestible foods. The amount of solid food should be increased gradually.

Good luck!