Even though the problem is particularly common in summer, it is also very annoying in all other seasons: sweaty feet and especially smelly feet. And especially if you are spontaneously invited to visit somewhere and suffer from foot odor, taking off your shoes can be a problemparticularly unpleasantbe. You feel ashamed. But there are a few things you can do about the problem. We'll explain why feet sweat, what causes the smell and what you can do about it.
Sweaty feet – cause
Why do feet sweat? Feet, like the rest of the body, sweat to cool the body at higher temperatures and thus regulate body temperature. If we didn't sweat, we would die of overheating very quickly. No matter how annoying the sweat under your armpits, hands, feet and head may be for you, it is vital! However, some people sweat excessively. In such cases, simpleAnti-sweating remediesProvide a remedy, provided the cause is not an illness.
Feet sweat – Why do feet stink?
As with all other parts of the body, foot sweat is completely odorless. Armpits and feet only smell when various bacteria begin to break down the sweat. Bacteria love warmth and moisture, so shoes provide them with just the right conditions to feel comfortable. All the sweat cannot evaporate, which is why your feet stink.
Sweaty feet – what really helps?
But how do you get rid of sweaty feet? You can use some remedies for sweaty feet as a preventive measure. You can find helpers both in stores and at home in the form of natural products that can support you in the fight against sweaty feet, but also against smelly feet. We have summarized what you can buy for this purpose and which home remedies for sweaty feet are effective.
What helps against foot odor – the right shoes
Have you noticed how much your feet sweat in your shoes? This can have two causes:
- They don't carrythe right shoesfor the current season or for the temperature in your environment (e.g. in the office) or
- the material your shoes are made of is unfavorable.
A good tip to avoid excessively sweaty feet is to choose the right type of shoe and choose a breathable material. For example, sandals and other open shoes are more suitable for summer than sneakers or other closed footwear.Natural materials like leatheror linen are to be preferred, while artificial ones only increase sweating on the feet. The same goes for the socks. Avoid synthetic fabrics.
Feet sweat quickly - foot deodorant as a preventative measure
There are special foot deodorants that you can apply before putting on your feet and afterwards (like thisDeodorant for the armpits) is intended to prevent foot odor from occurring. Such deodorants are available in the form of sprays, but also as powder. Apply it between your toes too.
Insoles against sweaty feet
Special insoles, which are very thin and often have a pleasant scent and are simply placed in the shoe, also help prevent sweaty feet. With their help, the air in the shoe can circulate better in order to reduce the risk of your feet sweating. The soles also bind moisture, which makes life more difficult for bacteriaStinky feet can be avoided. These shoe soles are changed about once a week.
Deodorants for shoes
We have already mentioned that there are deodorants for the feet. But you can also treat your shoes with special shoe deodorants. As for the feet, these are available both in the form of a spray and in the form of a powder. They are only applied inside and are then intended to fight the bacteria so that unpleasant odors are avoided.
Feet sweat a lot - natural remedies
Your feet are sweating profusely, but you'd rather it firsttry with home remediesbefore you reach for the purchased products mentioned? No problem, because nature has some clever helpers to offer. You can use the following remedies in the form of aApply foot bathsand thus prevent your feet from sweating and smelling:
- essential oils, such as tea tree oil and lavender oil
- vinegar and apple cider vinegar
- Green tea
- Baking soda
- sage
- Black tea
It is best to do the foot bath in the morning before putting on your shoes. It is very important that you give your feet enough time to dry afterwards. First, dry them thoroughly with a towel and don't forget the areas between the toes. Then let them dry in the fresh air for a while.
You prepare the water bath itself with lukewarm water and a small amount of one of the products mentioned. Mix the two ingredients well and then soak your feet in this bath for 10 minutes. The agents have an antibacterial effect and constrict the sweat glands, which reduces sweat production.