Home remedies for sweating – prevent sweat and the smell of sweat with these tips

Even though sweating and especially the smell of sweat are annoying, this process in the body is not only completely normal, but even vital. Today we will explain to you why this is so and what home remedies for sweating andThe smell of sweat has an effective effectcan. And what is actually the reason that sweat smells so unpleasant? Read on and find out more about the topic!

Home remedies for sweating – Why do you sweat at all?

I'm sure you've noticed the following: On a hot daythe whole body sweats. Suddenly there is a slight breeze and you immediately feel a little better. That's exactly the job of sweat: it regulates body temperature when it gets particularly warm. Sweat, which protects against overheating, is produced in the sweat glands. So that the whole body can be cooled, they can be found everywhere on the body (except on the lips, for example).

However, there are places that have a particularly high number of sweat glands and that is why we often sweat more there than in others. Armpits, soles of feet, palms, backs of the knees and forehead are areas of the body that have increased sweat glands. But these can't just be stimulated to produce sweat by heat. Diet can also influence this process. Then, for example, home remedies for sweating can help.

Why do I sweat so much?

Basically, sweating is a protective function of the body that occurs when we get too warm. However, there are also other situations that can trigger sweating: nervousness and stress, sport or even an illness. Diseases and symptoms that can trigger increased sweating include:

  • anemia
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Fever
  • Flu
  • heart attack
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Krebs/Tumor
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Stress
  • Overweight
  • Hypoglycaemia in diabetes

If sweating occurs increasingly and persistently for no apparent reason, you should inform your doctor so that he or she can examine you and prescribe therapy if necessary.


Especially if there seems to be no reason for extreme sweating, but it still occurs increasingly, this can be a sign of an illness. One of these is the so-called hyperhidrosis, which causes an overproduction of sweat, usually in areas such as the armpits, head, and palms and feet. 1 to 2 percent of the German population suffers from this problem, which is also accompanied by a strong smell.

What is sweat made of and why does it have an unpleasant smell?

Sweat consists almost entirely of water. Only one percent of body fluid is made up of electrolytes, urea, lactate, amino acids, sugar and ascorbic acid - far too small an amount to cause an unpleasant odor. Nevertheless, it often smells unpleasant, especially for some people. Why?

The smell is caused by butyric and formic acid. These acids are created when bacteria and yeast break down sweat over time.

What can you do against sweating? If even the right clothing (not too thick, but airy and loose and made from natural textiles) and diet (nothing spicy) don't help, home remedies for sweating can help. We would therefore like to introduce you to some simple remedies for excessive sweating.

Vinegar for sweat

Vinegar, and specifically apple cider vinegar, is a great home remedy for sweat. Especially if you are looking for a remedy for extreme sweating, you are making a good decision with apple cider vinegar. Why? The vinegar contracts the sweat glands, reducing the secretion of sweat. That's why you can use vinegar to prevent sweating. In addition, the vinegar also fights the bacteria that are responsible for the bad smell. So you kill two birds with one stone!

Application: In the evening before going to bed, rub the areas of your body that sweat heavily with apple cider vinegar and let it work overnight. The next morning, wash it off and you're good to go!

Tips against sweating – sage tea

Tea also works against sweating and we are specifically referring to sage tea. Like apple cider vinegar, it also constricts the sweat glands and inhibits sweat formation, which can prevent you from sweating. You can use sage tea as a home remedy for sweating in two ways:

Boil 1 teaspoon of sage leaves (fresh or dried) in two cups of water for 15 minutes and:

  • Rub the cooled tea onto the affected areas of the bodyor
  • Drink tea several times a day (then the tea can steep for less time)or
  • Use the sage tea as a foot bathagainst sweaty feet.

Baking soda and baking powder as home remedies for sweating

Baking soda and baking powderare also natural remedies for sweating. The special thing about these two products is that they not only absorb moisture, but also fight bacteria thanks to their antibacterial properties, making them perfect home remedies for the smell of sweat. If you sweat more under your arms, you can use them to help. But the two products also prove to be good home remedies for heavy sweating for other parts of the body.

Natural remedies for underarm sweating – application: Mix 1 teaspoon of baking powder or baking soda with enough water to form a thick paste. It is best to apply this paste under your armpits every morning and leave it on for 15 minutes, then wash it off. If you want this home remedy for sweating under your armpits to smell good, you can also mix in a few drops of any essential oil.

As a home remedy for sweaty feet: Mix 2 liters of warm water with 2 tablespoons of baking soda to create a foot bath. Soak your feet in it for about 30 minutes.

Chamomile as a home remedy for sweaty hands

Wet hands are also quite unpleasant, even if they don't smell. To help prevent sweating on your hands (if your hands sweat a lot), you can mix a little water with chamomile tincture and, ideally, bathe your hands in it several times a day.