Aloe vera juice is a sticky, thick liquid extracted from the pulp of the aloe vera leaf. It is used both externally and orally. We now delve into the health benefits of the plant when taken as juice.
It contains 20 minerals (including copper, iron, calcium, zinc, magnesium and manganese), 12 vitamins (including vitamins A, E, C, B1, B2, B6 and B12, folic acid and niacin), 18 amino acids, over 200 active ones Enzymes and over 75 nutrients. This means that this range of ingredients manages to act as an effective therapy for a wide range of health and skin problems.
Which aloe vera juice effects and uses are important?
Aloe vera is rich in phytonutrients that promote the detoxification process in the body.Drink the juicein the morning on an empty stomach so that you can reap the benefits of the plant.
It also contains polysaccharides that have antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects and improve the function of the immune system and it plays a role in supporting the body's immunity against bacteria and viruses.
A source of antioxidants
The juice is a rich source of antioxidants that help fight free radicals. This reduces oxidative stress in the body and reduces the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and even cancer.
The succulent relieves heartburn
Heartburn, also known as acid reflux, is a painful condition in which acid leaves the stomach and travels up the esophagus. A recent study showed that the sap of this succulent plant can relieve the symptoms of heartburn without unpleasant side effects.
Digestive problems can be treated with aloe vera juice
The plant has shown that it can also help with diarrhea and constipation. These are two common problems that can arise from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
The inside of the aloe leaves is rich in ingredients and plant mucilage. When used externally, they help with skin inflammation and burns. By the same logic, they can also relieve inflammation of the digestive tract.
Taken internally, aloe juice can have a calming effect. However, you should keep in mind that there are some safety concerns with aloe latex, as taking too much of a laxative may worsen your symptoms.
The plant can improve dental and oral health
Some studies suggest that aloe vara has antibacterial properties and may help treat some dental and oral diseases.
Additionally, a study of 74 people with oral submucous fibrosis, a chronic condition that causes pain and inflammation in the mouth, showed that taking 30 ml of juice twice daily for three months was as effective as traditional treatments such as hydrocortisone injections.
Although more long-term data is needed, these studies suggest that the juice has aalternative treatment approachfor certain dental and oral diseases.
Aloe vera juice for weight loss Stimulating metabolism
Some research shows that aloe vera boosts metabolism and can therefore increase the number of calories burned, which in turn promotes weight loss.
It has also been found that the succulent plant can influence fat and sugar metabolism in the body while preventing the accumulation of belly fat. Consuming juice before a mealsupports weight loss.
What are possible aloe vera side effects?
The most common side effects include digestive problems such as diarrhea and stomach cramps.
Although the plant can act as a laxative,an excessive consumptionhowever, could increase the risk of adverse effects such as dehydration and electrolyte imbalances.
Because this succulent can interfere with the absorption of certain medications, it is important to consult your doctor before taking it if you have any health problems or are taking medications.
How can you make aloe vera juice yourself?
Making this beneficial juice at home is easy and actually only requires two ingredients: an aloe vera leaf and water. However, there are some important things to keep in mind when working with aloe leaves.
- Aloe vera leavesare available in natural food stores. You only need one leaf as there is a lot of gel hidden under the thick shell. An aloe vera leaf is peeled to reveal the inner aloe vera gel.
- Using a sharp knife, cut off all of the skin, exposing the aloe gel core. Be very careful as the gel makes your hands and knives very slippery.
- Aloe vera leaves consist of three main layers: the green outer skin, the yellow milky sap and the clear gel. It is important to extract all of the latex as it contains natural aloin, which is a natural laxative.
- Aloe vera naturally has a very bitter taste. It's important to rinse it well to take some of that bitterness out of it and wash away any latex residue.
- Dilute the aloe gel with water by pureeing it in a blender. You can blend the juice until it is completely smooth, or pulse it so that there is still pulp left over.
Coconut water with aloe vera
What you need:
3 fresh aloe vera leaves
250 ml coconut water, unsweetened
Juice of one lemon
Juice of half a lime
- Decorate the edges of the glasses with coconut blossom sugar.
- Drizzle a little lemon juice onto the rims of 2 glasses or apply with a brush.
- Turn the glass upside down and lightly cover the edge of the glass with the coconut blossom sugar.
- Then repeat this with the second glass. Now put both glasses in the freezer for about 5 minutes.
- Scoop out the flesh of the aloe leaves with a spoon and place it in a blender.
- Add coconut water, lemon and lime juice and puree everything very well.
- Take the glasses out of the freezer, fill them with the aloe drink and enjoy.