Homeopathy is a type of alternative medicine that has become extremely popular in the last 10 years. And the truth is that people are increasingly choosing to entrust this alternative treatment. That's why we're taking a closer look at homeopathic treatment in today's article. Our article provides you with useful information and interesting facts about the topic. What exactly is this method, what principles is it based on and what are its health benefits? What types of diseases can be treated? How does a consultation with the homeopathic doctor take place? And how effective is homeopathy really? Read all the answers and other interesting facts in the following sections!
What is homeopathy?
The word homeopathy comes from two Greek words “hómoion” and “pathos,” meaning “similar” and “disease,” respectively. This type of alternative medicine was invented by the German doctor Samuel Hahnemann in 1796 and is now practiced almost everywhere in the world. People who practice it use small amounts of natural substances such as plants and minerals and believe they stimulate the healing process. Homeopathic teachings are based on the principle that something that causes symptoms in a healthy person can (at very low doses) treat an illness with similar symptoms. This is intended to trigger the body's natural defenses.
For example, the onion makes us cry. That's why onions are used in homeopathicremedies for allergiesused. Treatments for various diseases are also made from poison oak, white arsenic and arnica. Homeopathic doctors weaken these ingredients by adding water or alcohol. They believe that the lower the dose, the stronger the drug. This process is related to dilution, which we explain below.
Homeopathy is a holistic medicine whose best-known principle is the interest of the individual. In addition, it is important to mention that about 200 million people around the world use the homeopathic method. Well, if you already have an idea of what this type of alternative medicine represents, let's take a closer look at the basic principles.
The basic principles
This alternative medicine is based on three fundamental principles - the similarity principle, homeopathic drug testing and so-called potentization or dilution. In homeopathy, doctors treat the individual and not the disease itself. Therefore, the individual health condition of the patient is of great importance. Because in the end, every person reacts differently to the treatment. All this information about the individual's condition is collected by the homeopaths during the sessions.
Similar things should be treated with similar things - that's what they saySimilarity rule, which is one of the basic principles of homeopathy. In other words, a high-dose substance that causes symptoms in a healthy person could cure the same symptoms in a sick person. But for this to happen, the dose has to be significantly smaller.
Diehomeopathic drug testingon healthy people is the focus of homeopathy. It is even considered a prerequisite for the similarity principle. Because, in order to find the appropriate homeopathic remedy to cure the symptoms of a sick person, it should cause the same symptoms in a healthy person. The so-called drug picture is created based on these symptoms. This is how homeopathic medicine comes into being, which consists of comprehensive collections of the effects of various homeopathic medicines.
The third principle relates to thePotentiation. This refers to the method of preparing homeopathic medicines by gradually diluting them. Hahnemann discovered the need for dilution when he heavily diluted and shook some toxic substances. He discovered that after dilution, the effects of the drugs actually increased instead of becoming weaker. The German doctor called this process potentization, which means increasing the effectiveness of the homeopathic remedy. To dilute it, homeopaths shake the medicine with water or ethanol or rub it with milk sugar. However, this method contradicts scientific knowledge and remains highly controversial today.
The process of producing homeopathic remedies is now regulated in the so-called Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia (HAB). The regulations were created in 1978 and contain the generally applicable principles for the production of homeopathic medicines.
The homeopathic medicines
The typical medicines in homeopathy are the globules, which are packed in small containers. It's actually small balls of milk sugar that are rubbed and wetted with the respective active ingredient. The beads should not be swallowed, but should be allowed to melt on the tongue, as they develop their full effect on the oral mucosa. In addition to the globules, you can also find liquid homeopathic remedies (drops) and tablets. Ointments and injections are also known, but are used less frequently.
The homeopathic medicines are made from plants, minerals, animals and some animal products. Today there are more than 2,500 different remedies that are used to treat various ailments and diseases.
Some homeopathic products combine several different medicines, each known to be helpful for a specific condition. Taking the combined agent should increase the likelihood that one of the drugs will improve the symptoms of the disease. For example, a combination product couldfor ear painThe five most commonly prescribed homeopathic remedies for ear pain include. These combination remedies are now often used for acute illnesses, but are not classic homeopathy.
Things to know about consulting a homeopath
The consultation with the homeopath lasts at least half an hour. Given the principle of individuality, the doctor will ask you many questions, the answers to which must be honest and fairly detailed. This step is important because the homeopath is able to get more information needed to make a prescription for the remedies that best suit your symptoms. The questions focus on your mental, emotional and physical health and most importantly the problems you are experiencing, your lifestyle, your family history and so on.
Homeopathic doctors always prescribe individual remedies, i.e. those that are made from just a single starting substance. Complex remedies are rarely prescribed in homeopathy because drug testing on healthy people is only carried out using individual remedies. Since homeopaths cannot examine a collection of symptoms, they prescribe individual remedies for the respective symptoms. Usually only one homeopathic medicine is taken at a time.
Which diseases and ailments can be cured with it?
Homeopathy is an alternative medicine that has many health benefits. It can treat a variety of health problems, including some chronic diseases. The disorders include allergies, migraines, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome, premenstrual disorders and rheumatoid arthritis. This holistic medicine can also be used for minor illnesses such as wounds, scars, toothache and headaches, nausea,Coughand colds. Just be careful not to use homeopathic medicines for life-threatening illnesses such as asthma, cancer, or heart problems. In these cases, only modern medicine can help, although homeopathy is sometimes also used as an accompanying treatment.
Homeopathic treatment for acute illnesses
The medicines of a homeopathic nature have proven to be very effective in acute illnesses. For example, when it comes to the common cold, there are many homeopathic remedies that quickly improve the symptoms and cure the disease. Even doctors who are not homeopaths often prescribe homeopathic medicines for such complaints. These medicines are also recommended for blocked, itchy or runny noses. Other illnesses that can find treatment in alternative medicine include gastrointestinal complaints, bladder infections, childhood illnesses, back pain and various injuries.
Treat chronic illnesses
The symptoms of any chronic illness can be improved or, in some cases, completely cured with homeopathic therapy. If homeopathic remedies are carefully selected, they can improve the condition of patients with diseases such as migraines, hay fever, allergies, thyroid disorders, psoriasis, eating disorders, depression, etc. Of course, there are limits to homeopathy and there are disorders and complaints that simply cannot be cured. Examples of this are illnesses that require surgery, various failures of important bodily functions, broken bones, type 1 diabetes, etc.
For sleep disorders
There are many factors thatProblems with sleepcause. Various scientific studies have shown that homeopathy has a positive effect on sleep, improving its quality and duration and significantly reducing awakenings during the night. Therefore, homeopathic remedies for healthy sleep are recommended by doctors.
Homeopathy for weight loss
Can you actually lose weight with homeopathy? This question interests many of us, especially ladies. Homeopathic remedies can help with weight loss if they attack the causes of obesity. If indigestion, water retention, stress, etc. have led to weight gain, these symptoms can be treated with the appropriate homeopathic medicines. In order for losing weight to achieve the desired effect, you should undergo treatmentcombine with a diet.
Does homeopathy really work?
This is a long-debated question, and we were also looking for the answer to it. Every coin has two sides and homeopathy is no exception. Research and opinions vary and there is hardly any other healing method where opinions differ so much. Some scientific studies show that homeopathic remedies are useful and have a positive impact, while others state exactly the opposite. Critics even point out that the good results are due to the placebo effect. In other words, symptoms improve because the treatment is believed to be working. Since the effects of homeopathic treatment are not scientifically proven, it is often referred to as a pseudoscience.
Doctors' opinions are divided because some of them claim that a drug without an active ingredient should have no effect on the body. However, an impressive number of people who have undergone this type of treatment swear by its effectiveness. In the end, it's the same as traditional medicine - each drug can have a different effect on different people. So it's up to everyone to judge for themselves!
If you want to try alternative medicine for your symptoms, be aware that some medical medications and foods can interfere with the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies. In this case, you should contact your doctor to find out in advance. For example, when taking homeopathy, consumption of coffee, mint, cigarettes and cocoa should be avoided.