Tips on how to freeze avocado in halves, pieces or as a puree & defrost it properly

Avocados are usually sold unripe and are too hard to eat. That's why you need a certain amount of time to ripen at home. Is thedelicious avocadoOnce it has ripened, you can't keep it for too long because it spoils quickly. But if you don't want to constantly throw avocados in the trash or compost or would like to build up a larger supply, you can freeze an avocado instead. We explain what needs to be taken into account.

Of course, the avocado should be ripe so that it can be frozen and consumed directly later. You can promote the ripening process by storing the fruit at room temperature and wrapped in newspaper. There is also another trick that makes ripening work faster: put the avocado in a paper bag and put an apple in it.

You now have to store the fruit in this way for a few days. Every now and then you can roll it up again and do a pressure test to check whether it is ripe. The shell should give slightly. If it is ripe, you can prepare the fruit for the freezer (or use it straight away). By the way: Freezing the avocado without lemon is not recommended as the flesh will then turn brown.

Regardless of whether you store the fruit chopped or pureed in the freezer, you can freeze the avocado and make a smoothie, dip orother goodiesprepare it as usual. Pieces and halves can also be easily thaweduse for salads. And this is how you do it:

Freeze half an avocado

Can you freeze avocado as a whole fruit? Yes, you can freeze a whole avocado or freeze the avocado with the pit, but that would make processing later more difficult. In addition, you cannot be sure what condition the fruit is in inside. Instead, we recommend you use the avocado halves. To do this, pierce the fruit with a sharp knife all the way to the core and then cut around it lengthwise. Grab the two halves with both hands and twist them apart.

Use a spoon to loosen the core and then sprinkle the pulp with lemon juice. The juice prevents the flesh from turning brown. Wrap the halves separately in cling film and place them in the freezer until completely frozen. Afterwards you can also store them in a freezer bag.

Danger: Due to the citric acid, do not use aluminum foil to wrap the avocado halves as it is harmful to health.

Freeze avocado pieces

If you prefer to freeze smaller pieces, you can of course do that too. Simply peel and cut the fruit into the desired size, then roll the pieces in lemon juice before storing them in the freezer.

Avocado puree instructions

If you would like to freeze a pureed avocado, first halve and core the fruit as described above. Then use a spoon to remove the pulp and puree it in a blender. Lemon juice is also needed for this variant to prevent browning. You can then freeze the finished puree in any sealable container. Don't forget to label them to always know exactly when you have frozen the puree and to keep track of the shelf life.

Whether you have oneAvocado DipWhether you can freeze it depends mainly on the ingredients in your dip. The durability also depends on it. That's why we recommend freezing pure puree (or pieces) and then preparing a dip fresh and when needed.

Tip – freeze avocado for baby: If you like the avocado puree forhomemade baby foodIf you want to use it, you can also freeze the avocado mash in ice cube trays and always have it in portions. Then you can always use the amount you need. Store the frozen cubes in freezer bags or containers in the freezer.

Freezing avocado – bitter?

If avocados are heated or cooked, they become bitter. It can certainly happen that bitter substances are released through freezing. However, a bitter taste is often due to the fact that the fruit was not yet fully ripe at the time of freezing.

Freezing avocado – how long does it last?

That you have avocadosstore frozenis not the only good news. In addition, it also lasts quite a long time. You can use the frozen avocado halves for a full 8 months, while the puree has a shelf life of 6 months.


You can remove pieces and halves from the freezer an hour before use and thaw at room temperature. Avocado puree, on the other hand, is better thawed in the refrigerator. Depending on the quantity, you should plan up to 12 hours for this.