Brainfood Snacks - Energy -rich foods and performance increase for healthy brain

Brainfood snacks such as eggs, avocado, almonds and blueberries are not only delicious, but also promote their brain and increase their ability to concentrate. The right nutrition for brain functions usually also includes consumption of at least 1 liter of water per day. It ensures a high proportion of oxygen and water molecules that are important for the correct food intake in the body.

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body, which contains 20 billion cells and 300 billion intracellular connections. It is like a central computer that is responsible for our feelings, thinking and other activities. In view of this, the human brain is extremely compact and weighs only about 3 kg. For this reason, food and nutrients are available to us that are important for the functioning of the gray cells. The right brain food snacks can therefore increase the performance of the brain, strengthen memory and be real energy suppliers for their heads.

As with the general state of health, energy -rich food and drinks play an important role in mental fitness, including memory and sharpness of mind. You can also be possible preventive remedies for the development of dementia, Alzheimer's or other neurodegenerative diseases caused by free radicals.

If you want to optimize your brain food during examination phases or simply remain sharp at your next working meeting, Brainfood Snacks can really pay off. Although there is not a single active ingredient in food that can protect you from age -related changes, cells must be supplied. So you offer your body food for better concentration and cognitive health. A balanced diet such as Brainfood Snacks can keep you awake and fit during the stressful everyday life.

Who should consume brainfood snacks?

Everyone can benefit from a sharp mind. In the short term, the right foods can help to do better at school or at work. Many research studies have shown that the wrong food products can lead to cognitive dysfunctions such as brain fog, memory loss, etc. Some prove that a low-glycemic meal in the morning can lead to a better attention span up to two hours later.

In the long run, such a diet can keep your brain going, as if it were almost a decade younger than what is in your driver's license. Bad food habits, on the other hand, age faster and increase health risks. An evidence -based diet that is a mixture of vitamins, protein and above all food with a lot of energy can be added to your daily routine with little effort. But also remember that carbohydrates stimulate metabolism in the brain and you can benefit from it with a good diet plan. So instead of complex carbohydrates, it would make more sense to follow a wiser approach with health -promoting nutrients.

Which foods are suitable?

Even if you do not follow a certain nutritional plan or diet, you can see some energy -rich foods and drinks that are good for the brain. In general, berries are at the top of the diagrams for health promotion when it comes to fruits. Due to the power of polyphenols, including flavonoid pigments that also become anthocyane, blueberries are often number one.

This gives you food to your brain that protects the brain cells. Short -term experimental studies have also shown that berries increase the performance of the brain because they are a profitable combination of antioxidant and anti -inflammatory properties. Therefore, try to consume it twice a week.

Whole grain

Like everything else in your body, the brain cannot work properly without energy. The ability to concentrate usually comes to the head due to sufficient, steady energy supply in the form of glucose in our blood. Use this by eating whole grain products that have a low glycemic index and slowly release the sugar into the bloodstream. So they stay mentally vigilant all day. So opt for “brown” products such as wholemeal bread, wholemeal rice, folk ornamental noodles and many other similar brainfood snacks.


Another natural food for increasing the performance of the brain is also vegetable. The avocado scores three health points that are important for the organ. The simply unsaturated fatty acids and the antioxidants in avocados help to optimize the blood circulation of the brain. The potassium it contains helps to regulate the blood pressure, which we can call protectively. High blood pressure is also a risk factor for the breakdown of cognitive skills. Try to eat a third of Avocado in the early morning to keep the focus and concentration for the rest of the day.


Certain B vitamins such as B1, B6, B12 and folic acid are known to lower the concentration of a connection in the blood known as homocysteine. Increased values ​​of this are associated with a high risk of stroke, cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease. For this reason, you can be shrinked by the brain through the absorption of the mentioned vitamins B1 etc., which are contained in animal products such as chicken, fish, or in leafy vegetables.

The kind of egg for the brain is the egg yolk. Earning from the yolk improves the verbal river and the frontal lobe - an area of ​​the brain that can be of great importance in the event of problem solutions. It also helps with spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgment, impulse control and social behavior. The most important nutrient in this brain is choline that ensures optimal functioning of the organ. The neurotransmitter acetylcholine, which is connected to the memory, is also produced. For this purpose, you can consume one or maybe more eggs every day.

Almonds, pumpkin seeds and other nuts

The nibbles do not necessarily have to consist of dough. The almonds are a tasty food for concentration and the main source of the nuts that contain vitamins E. Research finds that this fat -soluble vitamin can slow down cognitive decay and promote mental vigilance. A study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association also showed that high quantities of vitamin E can stop the functional decline of people with mild to moderate Alzheimer's dementia. Since approx. 30 grams of almonds cover the daily need for vitamin E, you can enjoy the delicious nuts at least twice a day.

The pumpkin seeds are helpful for the digestion and the good mood. The nuclei are zinkererer than other seeds and provide a valuable mineral that is essential for improving thinking skills. These small brain food snacks are also full of stress -leaving magnesium, B vitamins and tryptophan, the forerunner of the chemical serotonin, which ensures a good mood.

A sufficient supply of vitamin E helps to prevent cognitive decay, especially in older people. Nuts are together with green leafy vegetables, asparagus,ripe tomatoesAnd olives a large source of the vitamin.


Büben can be excellent brain food snacks because they are full of natural brain boosters. The nitrates in the red beds help to open blood vessels and to facilitate blood flow to the brain, especially with the front lobes. These are the areas of the brain that are most often associated with degenaration. In addition, it was scientifically proven that Betanin (prayer red) is a connection in beets that can combat slow reactions in connection with Alzheimer's.

Best as oneHeart selection selectionKnown, is also a suitable brain food. It has about 230 antioxidants and polyphenols, but oleocanthal can be particularly neuroprotective. It supports the production of proteins and enzymes that are essential for the release of beta-amyloid from the brain. This is particularly important against building amyloid plaques because it can interfere with the function of the nerve cells. People who consume olive oil have better immediate forms of verbal memory.


Many types of fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids and phospholipids. Salmon is not only a brain food, but also a super food. Many published studies find that a healthy balance in diet is associated with anti -inflammatory effects. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids can prevent the progression of neurological disorders or at least slowly slow down. Furthermore, wild salmon contains astaxanthin, a carotenoid that can stop memory loss. Treat yourself to a portion of the valuable fish a few times a week to benefit from its neuroprotective advantages. As an alternative, you can vegetableFood against diabetes such as chia seeds, Eat walnuts or pecans, which are just as rich in omegafettic acids.

Leafy vegetable

Say "Yes!" To kale, which can help to quickly decrease cognitive deterioration. Recent research shows that only one portion of the green vegetables helps to maintain good thinking if we get older. This may even lead to the gray cells rejuvenate. This can be a huge potential benefit for a simple change and a food that also offers additional protection against heart diseases and cancer.

Liquid brain food snacks in the form of drinks

A glass of wine every day, but no longer, is a drink that is rich in polyphenol. As already mentioned above, we combine it with a better cognitive function based on clinical observation studies. While it is still unclear how this works, the advantages could be related to the antioxidant and anti -inflammatory connections in red wine. Another ingredient in the red wine is also resveratrol that can have a positive impact on memory performance.


The pomegranate is also a great food for the brain because its juice is a strong source for antioxidants and vitamin C. In just four weeks you can feel the advantages of your brain's health. Especially in older people with slight age-related memory problems, it was found that daily intake of 250 ml 100 percent pomegranate juice increases the functional brain activity during visual and verbal memory tasks.


A tea-like drink, which is also Argentina's national drink, is made from the leaves of the Mate shrub. The mate tea is loaded with polyphenols and offers more health benefits than green tea. So if you have to concentrate or learn, drinking mate tea, also because of the caffeine content, can be very useful.

Which foods are not good brain food snacks?

Of course, we have to assess the fast food as an unsuitable brain food at this point. Donuts and fried food are basically not healthy foods, and cheese, red meat, pastries, baked goods, sweets and butter and trans fatty acids should be consumed in limited quantities. Eat most of these foods no more than once a week and less if possible.

Logically, science is behind this advice. The restriction of these foods is part of the diet that leads to a better cognitive aging and reduces the risk of Alzheimer's. Foods that contain polyunsaturated fatty acids are risk -free compared to trans fats, which can be the solution to future health problems.

The quintessence

In the end, however, it must be said that unfortunately you cannot compensate for an unhealthy diet with a daily kombucha or probiotic drink. The Brainfood Scnacks alone do not keep them in top form, as long as they do not start to lead a healthy lifestyle. In this reference, a corresponding nutrition plan is of crucial importance.

The Mediterranean, Nordic and other healthy cooking methods, as well as vegetarian diets in general, are all solid approaches that strengthen the brain. Remember that the cognitive decay starts at 30, even if you do not feel the consequences decades later. Fortunately, there are enough opportunities to find delicious and, above all, healthy brain food snacks on the market.