Nutrition with algae - 3 healthy types of blue-green algae

Due to their rich ingredients and their positive influence on our health, a healthy diet with algae is becoming increasingly popular. Their properties also make the algae potential ingredients for future pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. They have various bioactive compounds that contain lots of chlorophylls. This also includes cyanobacteria. The cell walls of the algae also have their positive properties. They contain sulfur polysaccharides. These in turn have an antiviral and immune-stimulating effect on the body, serve as antioxidants and have an anti-cancer effect. Furthermore, it is very helpful when it comes to losing weight. With their help you can lose extra pounds without risking your health.

Take advantage of its positive properties because this superfood promotes the healing of the following diseases:

– Heart disease
– Dysbacteria
– Colitis
– Anemia
– Depression
– Constipations

These are the most nutrient-rich species of algae that exist on earth. For this reason they are often referred to ascalled superfood. They contain a large amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins. As the name suggests, they are blue-green in color. This group includes, among others, the AFA algae and spirulina. Regular consumption helps us cope with everyday stress. They also neutralize the negative influence that the environment and food have on our bodies.

Since spirulina was already consumed by ancient cultures such as the Aztecs, it is also known as ancient algae and is one of the World Health Organizationrecognized superfood. The algae owes this to its large amount of nutrients. For example, it contains 60 percentvegetable proteins. These are responsible for supplying the body with the necessary amino acids. It also contains vitamins A, K, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9 and B12. To make it clear how healthy a diet with algae is, the minerals should also be mentioned. These include calcium, chromium, copper, iron, as well as microelements, chlorophyll and enzymes. The carotenoids it contains, especially the beta-carontinoid and the yellow xanthophylls, serve as antioxidants. Other beneficial ingredients include fatty and nucleic acids, lipids and gamma-linolenic acid.

All in all, spirulina provides the following positive effects:

– positive effect on digestive and excretory disorders
– Supplying the body with important nutrients, which is particularly beneficial in stressful everyday lives and irregular diets
– better endurance in athletes

The spirulina explained above is cultivated in freshwater lakes. And as perfect as it seems, there is another way that surpasses it. What we mean is the spirulina from Hawaii. This is cultivated at a depth of 600 meters. It is located in an environment that is rich in 94 minerals. The special thing about spirulina from Hawaii is that it has a low proportion of heavy metals and there are no pesticides, herbicides or radioactive substances.

Chlorella has existed for over 2 billion years. This is a microalgae that is unicellular and lives in fresh water. It also has a high proportion of nutrients and is one of the most important superfoods for a balanced life. Like spirulina, it has a large amount of proteins. In this case it is 50 percent. There are also 18 types of amino acids, including all the essential ones. As far as vitamins are concerned, chlorella provides the body with A, C, B1, B2, B5, B6, B12, E and K. In this case, when consumed, they also contain iron, inositol, folic acid, chlorophylls and essential fatty acids. The chlorella algae also has the enzyme pepsin. This enzyme supports the organism in breaking down proteins. Something that puts this algae ahead of the others is chlorella growth factor. This stimulates the formation of new tissue and cell production.

If chlorella algae is consumed regularly, the immune system is strengthened. This allows the body to fight infections better. After a long time, the production of positive bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract is even stimulated. Therefore, it supports the healing of ulcerative colitis, diverticulitis and Crohn's disease. Likewise, the algae is used to cure constipation, fibromyalgia, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Chlorella protects against the negative effects of chemotherapy and radiation.

The AFA algae is also a blue-green microalgae. It is a wild algae found in Klamath Crater Lake in Oregon, USA. The water there is very clean and that is an important prerequisite for the diversity of the ingredients in the AFA algae. It is also a superfood and one of the most valuable of its kind. The nutrients have a major influence on the cells. Algae of the AFA type provide you with the following nutrients:

– 60% Proteins
– all group B vitamins, including B12
– 18 types of amino acids, 8 of them essential
– high proportion of chlorophyll. This has a detoxifying effect and represents an important, restorative biostimulator
– Omega-3 fatty acids (this was proven at Harvard University)
– high proportion of enzymes. These support the digestive tract
– the beneficial antioxidant phycocyanin, which has an anti-inflammatory effect

The AFA algae is known as a feel-good food because it contains the compound phenethylamine, which balances mood and thus reduces psychological tension. The connection is released by the brain whenever the person is in love, happy and content, as well as after intense sports exercises. For this reason, there is also a deficiency of phenethylamine in depressed people. Furthermore, the compound promotes concentration and brain activity.

– improves brain activity
– helps with anemia
– suppresses the formation of cancer cells and destroys a large proportion of microbes
– strengthens the immune system
– positive effect on multiple sclerosis, various depressions and neuropsychic diseases, obesity, etc