Although there are controversial opinions about dietary patterns that are constantly changing, there has been a lot of debate lately about which protein source to prefer. Are proteins of animal or plant origin better? In view of global nutritional trends, the consumption of animal protein tends to decrease, especially in developed countries, according to recent studies. But why do plant proteins take precedence? Below you will find out what makes the difference between animal and plant protein sources, why plant protein is so important for the body and which plant foods contain a lot of protein.
What are vegetable proteins?
Proteins are complex chemical compounds that consist of several individual amino acids. Protein intake through food is essential for maintaining the body's own protein structures. Proteins are essential components of our cells. Muscle, tissue and bones consist largely of synthetic proteins. Many of the body's enzymes and hormones consist primarily of proteins. If there is an insufficient supply of carbohydrates and fat, protein is also used as an energy source. Contain plant proteinsessential amino acids, which occur in different concentrations in every plant-based food.
Vegetable vs. animal protein
The human organism depends on a high-quality protein supply, which cannot only be obtained from animal proteins. Protein requirements can also be met with a purely plant-based diet. What is the difference between proteins from plant and animal origin? The term biological value describes the quality of food proteins. The closer the composition of the amino acids in a particular food corresponds to the amino acid requirements in our organism, the higher its biological value. In general, animal products have a higher biological value than plant proteins.
However, by combining different foods with different protein quality, the biological value of a protein-containing meal can be positively influenced. According to researchers, people who prefer plant proteins to animal proteins live healthier lives. The risk of cardiovascular disease is reduced by increasing the intake of vegetable protein. Of course, it cannot be concluded from this thatthe animal protein sourcesto describe yourself as unhealthy. If you limit your consumption of red meat, for example, and choose protein sources from plant-based foods, you can improve your health and general well-being and minimize the risk of various diseases.
Plant proteins benefits
Vegetable proteins can provide energy, activate healing and regeneration processes and compensate for nutritional deficiencies. As a high-quality source of protein, they are not only recommended for athletes. Vegetable proteins are recommended if you want to lose weight. They supply the body with a variety of vital substances and are particularly satiating due to their high nutrient density. Plant proteins also have the best digestibility. This way you can boost weight loss. Proteins from plant-based foods help the body to regenerate and recharge its batteries after an illness or pregnancy. Plant proteins are also rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and slow-digesting starch, providing several nutritional benefits. For example, eating legumes can keep blood sugar levels in check for diabetics and even prevent type 2 diabetes.
The German Nutrition Society recommends a daily protein intake of 0.8 g per kilogram of body weight. 9-11% of your daily energy intake should be covered by protein. An increased need for protein arises, for example, during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in the growth phase of infants and children.
Vegetable proteins in food – Where are vegetable proteins found?
As you have already seen, plant proteins are in no way inferior to animal proteins. If you want to add highly processed proteins to your diet, whether for health or ethical reasons, you need to turn to good sources of plant protein. But which are the foods that are rich in plant protein?
The nuts are particularly rich in proteins and also provide healthy fats. An excellent source of protein, hazelnuts and walnuts consist of around 16% protein. Hazelnuts contain 12 g of protein per 100 g, cashews 17 g and almonds 22 g. In addition to proteins, they have a high mineral and trace element content. They supply the body with calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. The peanuts contain a full 25 g of protein and Brazil nuts are also an excellent source of selenium.
Seeds and seeds
The high-fat seeds from which cooking oils are made are excellent sources of protein. Rich in high-quality fats, for example, peeled hemp seeds provide 30 g of protein per 100 g and sunflower seeds 20 g. Flaxseed and sesame consist of more than 20% protein. Sunflower seeds provide 26 grams of protein per 100 grams and pumpkin seeds even provide 36 grams. You can easily increase your daily protein intake with seeds, for example by mixing them into salad. Hemp seeds and chia seeds are also an excellent source of plant protein. Hemp seeds contain 25 g of protein per 100 g as well as vitamins A, B1, B2 and the minerals iron, zinc, copper, potassium and calcium. Fenugreek seeds are rich in fiber, stimulate appetite and contain 23g per 100g. Chia seeds not only impress with their high protein content (17 g per 100 g). They are particularly rich in antioxidants, fiber, potassium and omega 3 fatty acids.
Although legumes contain a slightly smaller amount of plant proteins, they deserve a safe place in the list of protein-rich plant foods. Very filling and low in calories, they are an ideal food as part of a calorie-conscious diet. Kidney beans provide almost 8 g of protein per 100 g, peas and lentils around 5 g and soybeans even 12 g of vegetable protein. If you follow a vegan diet, you should eat legumes more often to avoid protein deficiencies. Just 100 g of cooked lentils have a protein content as high as meat. Include green, white, red or black beans in your diet and not only provide you with important protein-rich foods, but also add a delicious variety to your daily menu. Pulses can be used in the form of pastes as a spread on bread or as an addition to other dishes.
Soy products
As a protein-rich plant food that contains all essential amino acids, soy is certainly the most commonly used food among vegetarians. Did you know that soybeans contain more protein and iron than beef? The soy protein content varies depending on the product form. With this in mind, 100g of soybeans contains about 36g, while soy flour provides up to 45g of protein per 100g. Even small amounts of it can improve the protein balance. As a source of protein, soy can be used in many ways in the kitchen.
Another wholesome food that consists of 60% easily digestible vegetable protein and has the highest concentration of SS-carotene, vitamin B12, iron and trace elements is the spirulina algae. It was already used by the Aztecs and offers an impressive composition of vitamins, minerals and nutrients that has never been found in any other food. Spirulina offers 20 times more protein than soybeans and 200 times more than beef.
Cereals and pseudocereals
High-quality vegetable protein is also found in grains. The grains spelt, rye, oats and barley as well as whole grain rice and millet are rich in protein. The list of plant-based protein-rich foods also includes pseudocereals because, in addition to high-quality proteins, they also provide the amino acid lysine, which is relatively rarely found in high concentrations in plants. Quinoa provides 14 g of protein per 100 g. Gluten-free quinoa also contains iron, magnesium, calcium and zinc. The ingredients of the fiber andprotein-rich quinoamake them something special and very popular with vegetarians and vegans.
With their 18% protein content, the tiny seeds of amaranth are a good source of protein for a meat-free diet. With a high content of fiber, omega 3 and 6 fatty acids and lecitin, amaranth is a complete alternative for anyone who wants to avoid animal products. How about a handful of delicious buckwheat sprouts in a salad or soup. Buckwheat is rich in easily digestible proteins, high-quality minerals and vital substances. Although buckwheat contains a lower percentage of protein than wheat, it provides all eight essential amino acids.
Vegetables and dried fruits
Consuming vegetables is essential for a balanced diet. Most vegetables provide 1-3g of protein per 100g. Kale and Brussels sprouts (4.5 g), as well as mushrooms (4.1 g), alfalfa sprouts (4 g), broccoli (3.8 g) and spinach (2.8 g) are also among the protein-rich vegetables. Among the leafy vegetables, nettle (7 g) and dandelion (3 g) are the foods richest in protein. Dandelion can add a healthy variety to your salad buffet and you can use nettle to make wholesome soups. Dried fruits, including tomatoes, are not to be neglected in terms of protein content if you want to replace animal proteins with plant ones. Dried tomatoes not only impress with their antioxidant properties, but also guarantee a protein intake of 7.5 g per 100 g. Dried fruits high in protein include apricots, grapes, plums, guavas and figs.
Vegetable protein recipes
After you have received a brief overview of which foods contain protein of plant origin, we have selected two recipes for you that you can integrate into your diet as great sources of protein.
Peanut Butter Chickpea Protein Bars
If you want to start your day with a healthy, protein-rich snack, these homemade protein bars with lots of fiber and complex carbohydrates might be something to your taste.
Ingredients for 8-10 bars:
- 1 can chickpeas, drained
- 2 dates, pitted
- 1 1/2 maple syrup
- 65g peanut butter
- 30 g Mandelmehl
- 1/4 tsp baking powder
- 1 1/2 TL Vanilleextrakt
- 2 THE Chiasamen
- 2 tbsp almond milk
- 1 1/4 tsp sea salt
Put the chickpeas, dates, peanut butter and maple syrup in the blender and process everything into a smooth mixture. Then add the remaining ingredients and mix everything well until a smooth dough is formed. Spread the dough mixture on a baking tray lined with baking paper, smooth the mixture with a spatula and bake it at 175 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Let the baked mixture cool and cut it into pieces. You can store the protein bars in a sealable container in the refrigerator or freezer.
Quinoa salad with broad beans
A delicious, spring-like and protein-rich dish that tastes delicious both warm and cold is this quinoa salad with fava beans.
- 170 g Quinoa
- vegetable broth
- 170 g broad beans
- a handful of fresh dill, finely chopped
- 2 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
- 3 tbsp olive oil
- Juice of one lemon
- Salt and pepper
Cook quinoa according to package instructions. Remove the broad beans from the pod and blanch them in boiling water. Remove the outer wax layer and mix beans with the remaining ingredients.