Sowing cress on cotton wool and soil: With our quick and easy instructions it will definitely work!

There are many ways to learn how to sow and grow cress. You may have seen plastic containers of cress sprouting on your windowsill, perhaps even in eggshells or on cotton wool. Because it is so easy to care for, cress can be sown with children in kindergarten or primary school. This could be an excellent and exciting project. Undoubtedly, cress on the windowsill is a good way for children to learn about theto learn germination.

We all know cress as microgreen leaves that are used as a topping on bread and as a sprinkle on salads. It includes nutritious varieties such as field cress and water cress as well as the classic garden cress, which is perhaps the best known variety.

Cress can be sown indoors and grown outdoors, whether you have a small garden or no outdoor space at all. They don't even need sun, as cress actually prefers shade - with the exception of watercress, which prefers a sunnier spot. It is known that cress is valued as a medicinal plant in India and the Middle East. It is a nutrient-dense food, rich inminerals and vitaminsA, C and K as well as antioxidants.

Sowing cress without soil is easy and convenient all year round. The best known way to sow cress is on kitchen paper or cotton wool, in fruit baskets on a warm windowsill. Sow a basket of seeds every few weeks to ensure continuityto achieve harvest. It usually takes 14 days from sowing to cutting. With around 350 seeds per g, 40 g yields around 14,000 seeds.

The easiest way to grow cress quickly is in a shallow dish (a plastic container from the supermarket works well) lined with paper towels, cotton wool or kitchen roll. Moisten the paper or wool well (but do not let it float in the water). Scatter the seeds over the surface and cover the dish with cling film. A container for cress that is about one to two centimeters deep is perfect because it gives the seedlings room to grow.

Germination occurs within a few days (with a bit of luck within 24 hours), and the cress is ready to harvest when it is around 4 to 6 cm high (five to seven days later, depending on the variety). Cut the stems at the base to use as a garnish, in salads, or in sandwiches. It's important that the paper towel, or whatever you use, doesn't dry out. This is why cling film is so useful as it prevents evaporation. You can also grow the cress without cling film, but then you have to keep a close eye on it as the paper/wool etc dries out very quickly.

Another option: sow cress in soil

If you prefer larger, healthier, tastier and more nutritious plants, then growing cress on the surface of potting soil is the right solution. Simply line a basket, bowl or pot with compost and make sure it is well moistened. Allow it to drain and then press thesurface of the compostfirmly with a board. Distribute the seeds evenly over the moist compost and press them lightly. Cover the trays with plastic wrap and leave them in a warm place until the plants have grown to the foil.

Remove the film and then gently mist the plants with water, being careful not to damage the surface of the compost. Make sure no compost comes into contact with the leaves. Within six days to a week, the cress will be ready and ready to eat. The growth rate depends mainly on temperature. It grows faster at higher temperatures. However, it should not be heated too much, otherwise it may rot.

Sow cress in eggshells and egg cartons

Do you remember sowing cress in eggshells as a child? This is a classic children's activity that everyone should try at least once in their life. It's the ideal place to start if you want to involve your children in growing food. Cress grows very quickly, and if you have younger children, this is a great way to introduce them to the processSowing until harvestto show.

You can also sow cress in egg cartons. Cut off the lid of the cardboard egg container. Line the lid with a clean, used piece of plastic and place the bottom container on top of the plastic. Use some cotton swabs to make the indentations and put some soil on the cotton. Then sow your cress seeds in the soil.

Did you know about these useful properties of cress?

Cress has a number of useful and medicinal properties. It contains minerals and vitamins and is therefore used not only as a spice but also as a medicinal plant. It can be used for coughs, bloated stomachs, digestive problems and bronchitis. Watercress also strengthens the immune system and helpsColds and flueasier to overcome. It also helps to rid the body of toxins and has a diuretic effect.