What is soluble fiber? As their name suggests, these fibers are water-soluble and can be broken down by bacteria in the intestines. They are mainly found in fruits and vegetables, while insoluble fiber is mainly found in whole grains, mushrooms, nuts and legumes. Many soluble fibers are called “viscous” because they form a gel-like substance in the digestive tract, allowing for better absorption of nutrients. They also slow the absorption of glucose and keep blood sugar stable. Soluble fiber can also lower blood cholesterol levels and promote colon health. In this article you canFind out everything about the fiber in food.
Soluble fiber in foods:The best sources of soluble fiber include psyllium, flaxseed, chia seeds, beans, peas, oatmeal, berries, apples and some non-starchy vegetables such as Brussels sprouts, okra and asparagus.
There are four types of soluble fiber that you may have heard of:1) Pectin(e.g. in fruits, vegetables and legumes)2) Beta-Glucan(e.g. in oatmeal and the konjac root from which shirataki noodles are made)3) Vegetable gumssuch as seaweed extracts (e.g. carrageenan, agar-agar) and seed mucilage (e.g. guar gum, locust bean gum) and4) Inulin(zB in Chicory,Jerusalem artichoke tuberand onions). Inulin is also becoming increasingly popular as a food additive, for example in protein bars.
Health Benefits of Soluble Fiber
1.Good for digestion– Soluble fiber, particularly the “gel-forming” type, passes through the intestines more slowly, thus lowering the body’s glycemic response to carbohydrates. They serve as food for the “good” intestinal bacteriaactivate digestionin a natural way. The nutrients are completely absorbed in the intestine.
2.Good for blood sugar– There is evidence that soluble fiber stimulates the release of a glucose-regulating hormone called GLP-1. This effect is associated with bacterial fermentation in the large intestine.
3.Good for intestinal health– A diet rich in fiber is very important, especially for the beneficial bacteria in the intestine. They produce enzymes, valuable short-chain fatty acids that are difficult to absorb through food, and other helpful active ingredients that ensure a well-functioning digestive system.
4.Good for heart health– The intake of soluble fiber is with theLowering blood cholesterol levelstied together. And normal cholesterol levels reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Soluble fiber in low-carb foods
Good sources of soluble fiber include oatmeal and beans, but there are other options for people watching their carbohydrate intake. Even if you eat a low-carb diet, you can increase your fiber intake with the following foods.
1.Flax seeds and chia seeds– Both seeds are high in fiber, including soluble fiber, while containing very little starch or sugar.
2.Psyllium– Psyllium husks (psyllium) are offered as a dietary supplement to support digestion because they are rich in soluble fiber. The seed pods of the Plantago indica plant are also a real miracle cure for gastrointestinal problems such as diarrhea, constipation and flatulence.
3.Some non-starchy vegetables– Non-starchy vegetables are allowed on the low-carb diet. For example, 100 grams of cooked Brussels sprouts contain 2 grams of soluble fiber, and a serving of asparagus contains almost as much. Okra, beets, carrots and artichokes are also low-carb vegetables that are rich in soluble fiber.
4.legumes– Legumes contain the most fiber. Peas, lentils and beans also contain a lot of carbohydrates, which is very important for low-carbers. However, it's worth adding a small amount of these fiber-rich foods to your diet. Much of the starch in white beans and chickpeas is called resistant starch, which does not increase blood sugar and has a positive effect on intestinal flora. The other part of starch is slowly digested starch, which helps us feel fuller for longer.
If you want to avoid the higher carbohydrate types of beans, you can use soybeans, which are very low in starch but high in soluble fiber. Black soybeans, for example, contain more protein and fewer carbohydrates than yellow soybeans.