Make your own smoothie – 6 delicious and healthy recipes

It is a great trend that more and more people are striving for a healthy lifestyle. The smoothies and freshly squeezed juices can be made quickly, taste very good and are also rich in vitamins and nutrients, which makes them a great addition to a healthy diet. With our tips and recipes you can easily make the perfect smoothie yourself.

What does this delicious summer drink consist of?

They call it a smoothiehealthyMixture of whole fruits and vegetables processed into puree, which can then be mixed with milk, water or other juices, depending on the recipe, until a creamy consistency is achieved. Other typical additions include ice cream, yogurt, nuts, seeds and honey. All recipes include the so-called base - a product with a high water content and other ingredients that give the drink a smoothness.

Helpful tips on how to make the perfect smoothie yourself

First you have to choose the base. Products that are perfect for this are water, cucumbers, lettuce, watermelon, melon, freshly squeezed juices from tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, carrots, beets, apples, homemade nut milk, coconut milk and others.

The next step would be to add fruits and vegetables

you willno limits set– add any fruits or vegetables you like. This could, for example, strawberries, bananas, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, peaches, apricots, lime or lemon juice, kiwis, mangoes, pineapple fruits, pears,green-leaved ones rich in chlorophyllBe vegetables, tomatoes, green and red peppers.

Ingredientswithwonderfully creamy consistency

Bananas are great fruits that you can use to give your drink the perfect smoothness. They taste very good and are a perfect addition to vegetable and fruit smoothies. Other products you can use to achieve the effect include avocado, sesame paste, peanut butter, chia seeds and others.

Tastefullywiththe right spices

Dare to add unusual spices - you won't regret it. Experiment with ginger, basil, parsley, cinnamon, bourbon vanilla, cocoa powder, and others.

sweeten with healthy sweeteners

Sweetening the drink with sugar is a taboo. Instead, use honey or other healthier alternatives. If you are following a diet then we can recommend you to avoid the sweeteners.

Seeds, nuts and dried fruitmakethe summer drink is still delicious

You can use nuts such as almonds, cashews, walnuts, sesame, flaxseeds, hazelnuts and dried fruit both as a decoration for the drink or as an additive. Choose natural nuts to get the optimal health benefits.

somake the drink

Wash the fruits and vegetables, cut them into small cubes and puree them with the help of a hand blender or blender. Dilute the smoothie with the base liquid until it reaches the consistency you desire.

many health benefits

Homemade smoothies are much healthier than the usual juices in the supermarket because the whole fruits and vegetables are processed down to the core and peel. You don't have to limit yourself to the choice of manufacturers; you have the freedom to use fruits and vegetables that completely suit your preferences. Check out our recipes below andenjoy the delicious onesSmoothies at any time of the day.

Chocolate smoothie

Puree a banana, almond or coconut milk, ½ avocado, cocoa powder and honey to your taste. Garnish with walnuts or sliced ​​almonds.

Fresh apricot enjoymentforthe hot summer days

This recipe can be made with 2-3 apricots, ½ or whole peach, the juice of 2-3 carrots and a little honey. If you want, you can add ice or decorate the drink with some marshmallows.

Small wild berriesadventurerefreshes the body and the senses

Mix freshly squeezed apple or orange juice with pureed blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and 1/2 avocado. For an even sweeter taste, you can replace the avocado with 1/2 banana.

Detox-Saftfrom vegetables increases life energy

For this delicious smoothie you need ½ cucumber, ½ banana or ½ avocado, spinach, the juice of ¼ lemon, ginger juice and a few leaves of parsley and basil. Puree all the ingredients together and drink immediately afterwards.

StrawberriesandBananas in an irresistible combination

Mix strawberries and ½ banana with a little apple juice if necessary so that the smoothie doesn't become too thick. You can also replace the banana with avocado or make the drink in two layers as shown in the picture.

Beetroot and carrots

Mix freshly squeezed beetroot and carrot juices with ½ avocado and sprinkle with walnuts. If you replace the carrots with strawberry puree, you have a great drink that is perfect for people looking for a new taste.