Whether juicy grilled, baked in the oven, fried or stuffed – meat tastes good and provides plenty of variety on the table. However, there is hardly any other food that is so popular and at the same time so controversial. It is wrong to condemn all types of meat as unhealthy. After all, meat is a good source of protein and provides us with valuable nutrients such as zinc, selenium and iron. Okay, but how much meat per week should we eat? What is the unhealthiest meat and which types should we avoid? Pork, chicken or beef? With so many questions, you often feel lost. But don't worry! We have done some research for you and will give you the answers to the above questions below!
How much meat per week is healthy?
Our awareness of our food and our eating habits have changed significantly in recent years. Meat products definitely have their place in a balanced and healthy diet. Although meat consumption has declined slightly in recent years and many people are following a vegan diet, the average German consumes around 60 kilograms of meat per year and that is definitely far too much. While meat as a whole is an excellent source of protein and micronutrients such as zinc, selenium and vitamin B12, onetoo much meat consumptionis considered a risk factor for our health. Making bone broth and using bone marrow also have their positive sides and can stimulate collagen formation in the body.
According to the German Nutrition Society, adults should consume between 300 and 600 grams of meat per week. This includes absolutely all meat products, i.e. steaks, sausages, salami, etc. While women's weekly meat consumption is around 600 grams, men consume around 1,200 grams, half of which is processed meat. Nutritionists also recommend avoiding meat for at least 1 day a week. Since different types of meat have different health effects, there is actually no such thing as the “unhealthiest meat.” As with everything else, the same applies here: the quantity makes the poison. Whether certain meat is unhealthy or healthy depends on various factors, including animal husbandry, method of preparation and the cut used.
Unhealthiest Meat: Avoid processed meats
Whether grilled bratwurst or ham as a sandwich topping - sausage and various types of salami definitely have a permanent place in German food culture. According to statistics, every German citizen consumes between 80 and 100 grams of cold cuts etc. per day. As the proportion of vegans and vegetarians continues to rise, actual consumption is even higher. Already in 2015, the World Health Organizationprocessed meatclassified as potentially carcinogenic. According to a scientific study from Harvard University, consuming 50 grams of processed meat daily increases the risk of heart disease by as much as 42%. The likelihood of developing diabetes also increases by around 20%.
Processed meat products could therefore be classified as the unhealthiest meat. The main reason for this is the high salt content it contains. This makes the meat last longer, but too much salt can promote a number of diseases and increase the risk of cardiovascular disorders and colon cancer.
Cured meat becomes even unhealthier when cooked at high temperatures. When heated, so-called nitrosamines are formed, which are considered carcinogenic. Treating yourself to a grilled sausage every now and then is fine, but try to reduce your consumption as much as possible and only eat sausage and salami in moderation. So instead of topping the roll with ham again tomorrow, try using vegetarian alternatives, such as hummus or cottage cheese.
Is red meat unhealthy?
Is red meat unhealthy or healthy? This question has puzzled nutritionists around the world for years and unfortunately there is no concrete answer. For example, red meat from beef or pork is a great source of iron, which is important for the formation of red blood cells. However, “the amount makes the poison” also applies here and too much red meat consumption can promote the development of diabetes, colon cancer and cardiovascular diseases. The so-called heme iron can also put a lot of strain on the spleen, liver and pancreas.
Beef in particular has fallen into disrepute in recent years and is often described as the unhealthiest meat. For these reasons, the World Health Organization has classified red meat as “probably carcinogenic.” If you can't completely do without a juicy steak, try not to consume more than 300 grams of it per week or switch to chicken. Poultry is significantly lower in calories and fat and can also be prepared in a variety of ways.
Whether for spaghetti Bolognese or as juicy meatballs - minced meat tastes delicious and can be prepared in a super easy and versatile way. Not all mince is the same and it can be made from different types of meat. All of this of course affects the fat and calorie content. With only around 7 grams of fat per 100 grams, minced poultry meat is considered to be particularly low in fat and calories.
But unfortunately things look completely different with mixed minced meat and if we fry it with a lot of oil, it quickly turns into a real calorie bomb. Raw minced meat also provides the perfect breeding ground for various pathogens and viruses, such as salmonella, and should therefore be avoided.
Cheap meat from factory farming is considered the unhealthiest meat
Did you know that around 98 percent of the meat we get in restaurants or supermarkets comes from factory farming? Quite a frightening number, right? However, not everyone can afford to buy organic meat or from a butcher - we know that. In order to avoid possible illnesses, it would be better if you afford high-quality meat once a week instead of consuming the cheap stuff every day. Factory farming means an extremely painful life for chickens, cattle and pigs in a confined space and without daylight. In addition, the animals are fed huge amounts of antibiotics, which means they develop resistant germs that could be passed on to us if consumed. In order to gain weight more quickly, the animals are given lots of artificial hormones, which can also lead to hormonal balance in humans. For this reason, we can safely say that for us, cheap meat from factory farming is the unhealthiest meat of all.