What is the best sugar substitute for diabetics and keto diet?

Diabetics should like honey tooAvoid sugar as much as possibleand are well versed in their sweet alternatives. But is there an ideal sugar substitute for diabetics that does not affect blood sugar levels? Since artificial sweeteners have no nutritional value, sugar alcohols and natural sweeteners are the better choice. The calorie-free plant extracts stevia and monk fruit in particular have gained popularity in recent years and are considered safe for diabetics. People on the keto diet can also use these sweeteners to cut calories and carbohydrates.

Sugar alcohols as a healthy sugar substitute for diabetics

Sugar alcohols such as mannitol, sorbitol and xylitolare found in many sugar-free fruit gums and sweets. In contrast to artificial sweeteners, these can only increase blood sugar slightly or not at all. Sugar alcohols, also called polyols, are usually obtained from fruits and vegetables. Their impact on blood sugar depends on their glycemic index and ranges from 13 for xylitol to 9 for sorbitol. Despite their relatively small impact on blood sugar levels, certain sugar alcohols (such as xylitol) can have a laxative effect when consumed in excess.

Use in cooking and baking

Since many sweeteners have a higher or lower sweetening power than sugar, you will need to adjust your recipe accordingly. Although specific cooking and baking instructions are provided, you should try to achieve the sweetness you want (try using less initially and adjust amounts accordingly), or you can look for specific recipes that provide a sugar substitute for diabetics use instead of white sugar.

Some other aspects to keep in mind when cooking and baking with sugar alternatives include:

  • The cooking time may also need to be adjusted.
  • There may be an aftertaste that you are not used to.
  • The volume of cakes or cookies may decrease slightly because sugar creates a certain structure in the dough during baking.

There are several sugar alternatives that are preferable for diabetes because these options tend to have a smaller impact on blood sugar levels than traditional sugar.


Xylitol is a sugar alcohol found in many fruits and vegetables and has a similar sweetness to sugar. At 2.4 calories per gram, xylitol contains 40 percent fewer calories than sugar and has a low effect on blood sugar and insulin. Xylitol can be obtained from birch trees or from plant fibers known as xylan.


Erythritol, also a sugar alcohol, has been established as a good sugar substitute for diabetics due to its sweetness and low to no calorie content. Derived from fermented wheat or corn starch, erythritol contains 70 percent of the sweetness of sugar and just 6 percent of the calories, with just 0.24 calories per gram.

Erythritol is very safe to use, but can still cause indigestion if consumed in large quantities (like any sugar alcohol). Because we don't have the enzymes necessary to digest erythritol, most of it is absorbed into the bloodstream and then excreted unchanged in the urine, meaning it does not increase blood sugar levels.

The ones in theTraditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)Popular monk fruit, also called luo han guo, is extracted from a dried melon and is a good sugar substitute for keto diet. Monk fruit extract contains no calories, no carbohydrates and is 150 times sweeter than table sugar. It does not increase blood sugar levels, making it a good choice for diabetics.

While monk fruit has been used in TCM for thousands of years as an anti-inflammatory and to combat sore throats, there have been no long-term scientific studies on its use.

Monk fruit is also available in powder form. Although the powder has a slight aftertaste, this small disadvantage is completely outweighed by the many benefits of the fruit.


Yacon syrup is harvested from the roots of the yacon plant, which is native to the Andes Mountains in South America. Yacon syrup is a high-fiber sweetener that is packed with fructooligosaccharides. This soluble fiber serves as food for healthy intestinal bacteria.

Yacon syrup has already been linked to weight loss in some studies, but its real benefit lies in its high fiber content, which balances glucose levels. It has a glycemic index of 1. Yacon looks and tastes a bit like molasses, with a deep, caramel-like sweetness that works well in baked goods, sauces and desserts.


Stevia is a herbal product made from the leaves of the plantStevia rebaudianais won. Stevia is mostly sold in powder form, but can also be found as a liquid extract. Stevia contains no calories or carbohydrates and has a glycemic index of 0. It has a characteristic aftertaste that is well tolerated by most people, but can be very noticeable for others.

By the way, stevia can also be grown as a pot plant. You can sweeten a cup of tea with a single fresh leaf of stevia.