How healthy are sugar alcohols? Definition, list, calories and co.

Sugar alcohols are found in many foods, including candy, chewing gum, and baked goods. Despite their name, sugar alcohols are neither sugar nor alcohol. Although they are sweet, they do not affect blood sugar like table sugar (sucrose). Foods that contain sugar alcohols are commonly referred to as “sugar-free,” “no added sugar,” “low-carb,” or “keto friendly" designated. Maltitol, xylitol, and sorbitol are examples of sugar alcohols that you might see on an ingredients label. Erythritol is often considered the healthiest sugar alcohol because it has the least impact on blood sugar levels. But every sweetener has advantages and disadvantages. We'll tell you everything you need to know about the different types of sugar alcohols.

Sugar alcohols are a type of carbohydrate called “polyols.” Part of their chemical structure resembles sugar and part resembles alcohol. Although the word “alcohol” is part of their name, sugar alcohols do not cause poisoning.

Some of these sweeteners occur naturally in plants, including berries and other fruits, and are derived directly from plants. However, most sugar alcohols are made from sugar and starch through a chemical process. Food manufacturers use them to add sweetness and texture to products such as chewing gum, candy and baked goods.

List of sugar alcohols

There are different types of sugar alcohols. To find out if your food contains sugar alcohol, check the nutrition facts label. The sugar alcohol family includes:

Maltitol has 75 percent of the sweetness of sugar. The sweetener is commonly used in hard candies, chewing gum, ice cream, chocolate-flavored desserts, and energy bars because of its appealing taste and texture.

Erythrit / Erythritol
Erythritol occurs naturally in fruits and vegetables such as grapes, pears, melons, mushrooms and certainfermented foodsbefore. It's the sugar alcohol thatthe least impact on blood sugar levelshas. For this reason, this sweetener is used by many people who follow a low-carb or low-sugar diet.

Sorbitol / Sorbitol
Sorbitol is made from corn syrup but is also found naturally in fruits and vegetables. It is often used to make sugar-free gum and candy, but can cause stomach upset or diarrhea. For this reason, foods containing sorbitol must carry a warning stating: “Excessive consumption may have a laxative effect.”

This tooth-friendly sweetener is resistant to crystallization, so it is sometimes used to make hard candies, cough drops, or taffy. However, some consumers claim that it causes bloating and other stomach problems.

Xylitol / Xylitol
This sweetener occurs naturally in plums, strawberries, cauliflower and pumpkin. Xylitol is commonly listed as an ingredient in chewing gum, mints, and dental care products such as toothpaste and mouthwash.

Hydrogenated starch hydrolysates (HSH)
These are mixtures of several sugar alcohols and are usually obtained through the partial hydrolysis of corn starch. The hydrogenated starch hydrolysates are often used in mouthwashes and baked goods. Estimates of their relative sweetness vary. Some say they are only 33 percent as sweet as sugar, others estimate they are up to 90 percent.

Mannitol willmade from seaweed, but can also be found naturally in fruits and vegetables, including pineapples, olives, asparagus, sweet potatoes and carrots. Mannitol can be difficult to digest and can sometimes cause bloating and diarrhea. For this reason, foods containing mannitol must carry a warning stating: “Excessive consumption may have a laxative effect”.

Note total carbohydrate amount

It is a common misconception that sugar alcohols have no effect on blood sugar. Although they have fewer calories than sugar, most of them are not as sweet. As a result, you have to use more of it to get the same sweetness. However, it can be difficult to calculate the optimal amount.

According to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), food manufacturers canvoluntarilyIndicate the amount of sugar alcohols on the label under “Total Carbohydrate Content.” However, food manufacturers areobligatedTo list sugar alcohols in the nutrition label on the label when a statement such as “sugar-free” or “no added sugar” is used to describe the food.

Health experts - especially those who counsel diabetics - recommend that one should check the total amount of carbohydrates in any food, even if it is labeled "sugar-free" or "no added sugar." The total amount of carbohydrates contained in foods affects glucose levels.

Consuming sugar alcohols can affect your blood sugar levels. When monitoring your carbohydrate intake, you should always check the Nutrition Facts label to see how many total grams of carbohydrates you are consuming - even if a food is labeled as sugar-free or low in sugar.

Comparison of sweetness

The table below compares various sugar alcohols by glycemic index (GI) and calories per gram (cal/g). Note that the glycemic index is a range rather than a fixed number, and different studies produce different results.

sugar alcoholsweetening powerGIkcal/g
Sucrose (sugar)100%604
Hydrogenated starch hydrolyzate33%392.8

Benefits of sugar alcohols

Eating sweet treats and other foods lower in sugar and sugar alcohols may provide potential health benefits.

Reduced sugar intake
Sugar alcohols are not completely absorbed by the body. As a result, the impact of sugar alcohols on blood sugar levels is generally less than that of sugar, and they provide fewer calories per gram. For people trying to reduce theirReduce sugar intake, foods containing sugar alcohols can be a smart first step in switching to healthier foods with natural sweetness (like fresh or frozen fruit). Of all the sugar alcohols, erythritol has the least impact on blood sugar.

Improved dental health
Sugar alcohols do not promote tooth decay like sugar does. They also go very well with mint and are therefore often used to sweeten chewing gum, toothpaste and other dental products. Xylitol actually inhibits bacterial growth in the mouth and freshens breath.

Can help save calories
If you're following a low-carb and low-calorie diet, sugar alcohols are a good alternative. They contain far fewer calories than classic sugar. For example, in 100 g of erythritol there are only 20 kcal. This means you can drink your coffee without feeling guilty.

Possible side effects

Consider some of the possible disadvantages and side effects before making a decision about including sugar alcohols in your diet.

Stomach problems
Sugar alcohols are incompletely digested and absorbed, causing stomach pain for many people. They can ferment in the intestines and cause bloating and diarrhea. Compared to other sugar alcohols, erythritol is less likely to have such a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract. However, people react differently to different sugar alcohols. That's why it's recommended to do your own test. A serving of sugar alcohol shouldn't cause much discomfort, but some people have problems with some low-carb desserts.

Foods labeled as “sugar-free” or “no added sugar” are often consumed in excess. But these still end up on the hip and offer little to no nutritional value.

Processed foods
Health experts generally recommend that we consume foods in their natural form – or as close to it as possible. For example, a whole apple provides less sugar and more fiber than a glass of apple juice or applesauce sweetened with added sugar or a low-calorie sweetener. Most foods that contain sugar alcohols are processed and may not provide the nutritional benefits (such as vitamins, minerals, or fiber) needed for optimal health.

Dangerous for dogs
In large quantities, xylitol can be dangerous for dogs. The sweetener produces a rapid release of insulin, which can lead to life-threatening liver problems or hypoglycemia. The low blood sugar can cause loss of coordination, depression, collapse and seizures in just 30 minutes after ingestion. If you have a dog at home, keep foods or dental care products containing xylitol out of reach of your pet.

Cooking and baking with sugar alcohols

Sugar alcohols in general have long been used in large-scale food production. You can also use these products at home. Most of them are already quite easily available in stores. Thanks to low-carb and keto diets, they have now gained a lot of popularity.

You can purchase sweeteners like erythritol and xylitol in granulated or powdered form to use in baking sweet treats. However, because these products are not as sweet as sugar, they typically need to be combined with another sweetener to achieve the desired effect.

It's best to experiment with the sweetener and the recipe you choose. You might also notice a difference in the texture of baked goods, although sugar alcohols tend to be better at adding structure than artificial sweeteners. When baking, you can use erythritol in almost the same way as table sugar.

There are already a variety of recipes online for cheesecakes, muffins, chocolate cakes, cookies, etc. that are sweetened with erythritol and could give you inspiration. Pay attention to the erythritol-sugar ratio: take 1.2 to 1.4 times the amount (so 200 grams of sugar corresponds to 240-280 grams of erythritol).

If your recipe is for a drink, sweet sauce, or glaze, you may find that sugar alcohols don't dissolve well. In fact, some chefs complain about a grainy texture when using erythritol in liquids. So keep this in mind when cooking.

Finally, using sugar alcohols can slightly alter the taste of your food. Follow the product instructions and take some time to experiment in the kitchen and find the right mix.