Health: This is how you get through the winter strengthened!

With the new year, winter remains with us. The long winter can be a challenge for our health. Especially with thatannual flu epidemic, which usually begins in January and lasts two to three months. With these tips for everyday life, you can head into spring with a swing.

Pay attention to health

At theFederal health reporting gbe-bund.deRegarding health behavior and risks in Germany, the following lifestyle points can be seen that people can have a direct influence on:

• Nutrition
• Weight
• physical activity
• Tobacco use
• Alcohol consumption
• Drug use
• Searches in general
• Travel
• Miscellaneous
Anyone who feels weak and is regularly plagued by a cold will find problems in these areas in their everyday lives.

Don't delay anything

If you want to be healthy, you should pay attention to your own body's signals. A small cold can become a problem. But if you clear your airways quickly enough with a nasal spray with sea salt, you will avoid accumulation of mucus. Only with this come the subsequent inflammation in the upper respiratory tract. Drinking enough water, getting enough sleep and relaxing in everyday life are other methods to prevent the development of major infections. With a well-stocked medicine cabinet, you can react quickly. If you have nasal spray, painkillers, wound ointment, herbal cough syrup and plasters as well as other bandages in stock, you can act quickly in an emergency.

Tip: Tired of the long waiting times at the pharmacy? Everything for the medicine cabinet and other high-quality products can be found in theOnline pharmacy sanicare.debestellen.

Sleeping in Germany

An adult needs around eight hours of sleep. Not only the duration of sleep, but also the quality of sleep is crucial for feeling good during the day. OneStudy by the Techniker Krankenkasse tk.deshows that the majority of Germans go to bed between 10 p.m. and midnight, with a tendency towards 10 p.m. - 11 p.m. on working days. The majority of Germans get up until seven o'clock on weekdays. The time window for sleep is sufficient for the majority of people. But many Germans complain about problems falling asleep and staying asleep. Health experts report that healthy sleep begins within 30 minutes of lying down. At least one in seven Germans takes longer to fall asleep. The reasons are varied.

Experts recommend fixed sleep routines to make it easier to fall asleep. This could be a short walk before bed or reading in bed. Those who regularly go to bed at a fixed time fall asleep better than people with less fixed times. We also advise against consuming media in the bedroom or immediately before sleeping. Two hours of media-free time before bedtime would be ideal. The environment is also important for our sleep. A tidy and clean bedroom improves the quality of sleep. The room temperature is just as important. A bedroom should not be overheated - the ideal temperature is 18 degrees.

Tips for a healthy sleep

Experts recommend the following to improve sleep quality:

• consistent routines
• fixed times
• Bedroom as a media-free zone
• Two hours of media-free time before bed
• Don't eat anything heavy in the evening
• Temperature around 18 degrees in the bedroom

Healthy eating in winter

Another important component of health is nutrition. You don't need a special diet or expensive food to invest in your health. If you make sure to eat five portions of vegetables and fruit every day, you are well on your way to a healthy life. One portion is considered to be the contents of one palm of your hand. Anyone who starts the day in the morning with a smoothie made of fruit and vegetables has immediately checked off the first two portions. A salad at lunch or in the evening and maybe half a pepper as a snack and a banana in between - that's all you need every day. Anyone who pays attention to preparing more freshly will eliminate unnecessary additives from industrially produced food from their diet.

Tip: Don't forget to drink - an adult should drink between two and three liters of liquid.

Regular health checks

We all tend to neglect them, but checks by different doctors are simply crucial for early detection. Negative habits and illnesses quickly become apparent through your own blood values. This is the only way to actively counteract it. Therefore, it is important that both women and men take their own health care seriously.

Tip: In oursArticle with a tablewe explain the individual blood values ​​and what you can recognize from them.

Stay active

In order to stay fit for a long time, sufficient exercise in everyday life is important. It's not about jogging for half an hour every day or cycling twenty kilometers. If you walk a few ways every day and take the stairs instead of the elevators, you already have a good foundation. If your workplace is a little further away, we recommend switching to a bicycle in summer. Regular walks ensure a good mood, better blood pressure and a better heart rate in the long term. If you incorporate fifteen minutes of yoga or gymnastics into your daily routine, you will maintain your mobility. Exercising once or twice a week with your favorite sport is also ideal for staying in shape.

Keep an eye on stress

Stress is blamed for many modern illnesses. Burnout, depression or high blood pressure are associated with stress. It therefore makes sense to take a look at the personal stress in everyday life. Your own stress limit varies from person to person and should not be exceeded permanently. Since stress cannot be completely avoided, it is also important to find means to reduce stress and achieve targeted relaxation. A good way to reduce stress is to exercise. It is important that the type of movement suits the respective person. If you don't like cycling, you should consider swimming or using the treadmill rather than sitting on the bike to relax. Meditation, Qi-Gong, Tae Bo or yoga are all methods for targeted relaxation. If you try it out a little, you will quickly discover the optimal method for yourself.
Tip: Further suggestions can be found in ourStress Relief Articles.

Pay attention to your own needs

If you want to be healthy in the long term, you always have yourself and your own needs in mind. A good mix of healthy habits and appropriate prevention such as health checks at the doctor and the medicine cabinet make sense. This means you can live a healthy and energetic life.

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