Simply relieve and reduce stress with these 10 simple tips and tricks

In today's world, stress is not only a common problem, but can almost be seen as a normal part of everyday life, which is unfortunately sad. Since a dynamic and stressful everyday life can hardly be avoided these days, it is therefore important to find methods with which you can reduce stress or even stop stress, because it is no secret that it makes you sick in the long term. There are many different ways you can reduce stress in everyday life and we would like to introduce you to them today. Always try to find a balance and end a stressful day at work in a calm and calming way by reducing stress.

Reduce stress – tips for everyone

It is always and everywhere recommended to do something about stressful situations. But how can you reduce stress?A wonderful method is sport, but not everyone is a fan of it. So are there alternatives? Below you will find a list of 10 different tips that explain how you can reduce stress with more than just exercise. You will definitely find a suitable variant for yourself. Try to implement and stick to the methods you have chosen consistently in order to achieve an effect.

Chewing gum

As strange as this may sound, a simple chew of gum can really help reduce stress. Studies show that chewing gum is also a good helper when you are worried or slightly anxious. The exact reason is not known, but there are two theories: On the one hand, rhythmic chewing promotes blood circulation in the brain and on the other hand, the scent and taste of the chewing gum are said to have a relaxing effect.

Go outside

You can also reduce stress by simply going outside. A short walk works wonders. And it doesn’t have to be an hour-long walk either. Just taking a walk near your home is enough. In this way you can not only relieve stress in your head. At the same time, you will also be physically active without doing any heavy exercises.

Reduce stress with a smile, but how exactly?

It has been proven that smiling, and more specifically tensing your muscles, has a relaxing effect on the body and mind. The hormones that are released reduce stress. In addition, smiling lowers high blood pressure as soon as a stressful situation is over. So smile more often. There doesn't always have to be a specific reason for it.

Fight stress with lavender

Certain scents can also have a relaxing effect. This includes lavender, as shown in a study in which nurses put lavender on their clothes while others carried out their work without lavender. It turned out that the nurses with lavender were much more relaxed than those without lavender. This fragrant plant can have the same effect as anti-anxiety medications and painkillers. However, if you are taking this type of medication and would also like to use lavender to reduce stress, you should discuss this with your doctor beforehand.

Listen to music

It is actually well known that music has a positive influence on us. So use them if you want to relieve stress. Music is an excellent help, especially when stressful situations arise, such as an exam or a lecture. A study showed that the stress hormone cortisol is released in lower amounts when listening to choral music.

Methods with relaxing breathing exercises

Don't underestimate themPower of correct breathing! While you are namelyconcentrate on breathing, your brain “forgets” current stressful situations and problems and can relax. To do this, breathe in and out slowly and deeply through your nose. Your chest and stomach should fill nicely with air. Count the seconds as you breathe: Exhale slowly for the same amount of time that you inhaled. It's also best to repeat a word or phrase that you find calming. If you want to relax with exercises of this type, it is best to do them for at least 10 minutes.

Calming self-talk

This may sound strange, but it is serious. If a friend were in an unpleasant, stressful, or problematic situation, you would try to calm them down with kind, motivating, or encouraging words, right? Then why don't you do the same with yourself? Simple sayings like “You can do it!”, “Everything will be okay!” or “It’ll work out!” can be more helpful than you might think. And it can't be easier to relax than this way, right?


You can also reduce or reduce stress by pouring out your heart on paper. A simple piece of paper or a diary is sufficient. Write down everything that worries you and don't leave out any details. This method calms you and at the same time helps you find a solution that you may not have thought of before. If traditional materials such as pen and paper are too cumbersome for you, you can also do this on your cell phone or laptop.

Talk to a friend

Instead of writing down your problems, you can simply talk to a friend or relative you trust. Especially if you find someone who has had the same experience, you can relax and reduce stress. It's not necessarily about getting advice either. Sometimes you just want to say everything out loud and find a listener.

With sports

And of course we would also like to mention sporting activities. And the selection is huge, so everyone can find something suitable. No matter whether you are psychologicalReduce stress with yoga, cycling, swimming, boxing, a martial arts or rowing – what is good for your body cannot harm your mind. So consider exercise if you just want to let go, relax and forget all your worries. You'll be amazed at how energized you can feel even after a hard workout.