Make your own cough syrup

Many people trust in the forces of nature and prefer natural cough suppressants to fight the annoying cold. GrandmasHome remedies for coughare a wonderful alternative to bought medicines from the pharmacy, which have been tried and tested for centuries. Whether onion, thyme, plantain or sage - they are all perfect ingredients for a homemade cough syrup recipe that you can use at any time. In addition, producing such cough syrups is extremely simple and quick. We will therefore explain to you how you can make cough syrup yourself and what you should keep in mind.

Make your own cough syrup - onion juice for coughs

Many people actually know that onions are effective against coughs. That's why we start with a simple onion broth that you can make in different ways. The onion contains essential oils and sulfides, which not only help the sick person cough up, but also have an anti-inflammatory effect and soothe the mucous membranes. You don't even have to boil the onion juice if you make the cough syrup yourself, because this way the valuable ingredients in the onion are preserved. Would you like to make your own cough syrup?for childrenand adults, make the right choice with onion cough syrup. You only need two ingredients:

  • 100g red or white onion, peeled
  • 150 g sugar (brown sugar and rock candy are also suitable) or honey

Onion juice recipe without cooking

If you want to make onion juice, we recommend chopping the onion as finely as possible. This allows more juice to come out of them and in less time than if they were just roughly chopped. Then put the sliced ​​onion together with the sugar in a sealable jar (mason jar or bowl with a lid). The job of sugar is not just to make the cough syrup sweeter and more pleasant to taste. It also removes the juices from the onion pieces and liquefies them in the process. For this purpose, the mixture should rest for several hours, preferably overnight.

If you make your own cough syrup with onion rock candy, simply chop up the rock candy before adding it to the chopped onion.

Make your own cough syrup with onion and honey

As mentioned, you can also use honey if youwith onionswant to make your own cough syrup. To do this, finely chop a large onion and place it in a jar. Then pour honey (2 tablespoons) over the onion and let the ingredients steep overnight or at least a few hours. Here too, the onion juices are released and a syrup is created. You can make a particularly effective cough syrup yourself if you use Manuka honey.

Make your own cough syrup with onion – Application:

Once your onion juice is ready with honey or sugar, you can strain it and pour it into a clean glass or glass bottle and use the onion juice to relieve cough. It is best to store it in the refrigerator. It will last there for several weeks. Take a teaspoon or tablespoon several times a day. Since onion juice has no side effects for coughs and colds, you don't need to worry about overdosing.

Onion juice with horseradish

Horseradish contains substances that have an antibacterial effect and can therefore help with colds. However, it is also irritating and not suitable for people with gastrointestinal problems or children under 4 years of age. Whether you can make a cough syrup for your child yourself depends on their age. To prepare it, simply use the same amount of horseradish as onions, chop it finely and mix everything with sugar or honey. Let the mixture steep overnight and strain the syrup into clean bottles.

Make your own cough syrup with thyme and sage

Thyme and sage are two other ingredients you can use when making your own cough syrup. They are no less effective than the onion. Although you can use both dried anduse fresh herbs, however, you get more intense flavors and effects with fresh products. However, sage can cause a dry throat. So if you already have a dry and scratchy throat, you should make your own cough syrup with onion or reduce the amount of sage.

  • 200 ml boiling water
  • 50 g Thymian
  • 25 g sage (half the specified amount for a less drying effect)
  • 1/2 lemon
  • 6 tablespoons honey

Place the herbs in a suitable container and pour boiling water over them, then let everything steep for 15 minutes or a little longer. In the meantime you can squeeze the lemon. Remove the sage from the prepared tea to prevent it from becoming too bitter. Now let the tea rest for another hour. Then remove the thyme using a fine sieve and add the honey.

Make your own thyme-sage cough syrup and use it correctly:

Store the homemade cough syrup in a boiled glass bottle in the refrigerator for no longer than 3 days. Due to its short shelf life, it is better to make smaller amounts of sage-thyme cough syrup yourself more often. Take 1-2 tablespoons of the juice a maximum of five times a day.

Make ribwort plantain cough syrup yourself

If you would like to make your own cough syrup with thyme, you can also use ribwort plantain instead of sage. Ribwort plantain proves to be a reliable helper, especially if the disease extends to the bronchi, as it has a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect and supports coughing up. If you would like to make a plantain-thyme cough syrup yourself, you can either cook the products for a cough syrup or not. We'll show you both versions and start with the one where you have to cook. It is best to use fresh herbs.

  • 200 ml water
  • 2 handfuls of ribwort plantain leaves
  • 1 handful of thyme sprigs
  • 250 g Honey

Chop the herbs as small as possible and add 3 tablespoons of each to a saucepan with the water. Let everything steep for about half an hour, stir in the honey, heat the broth slightly and then let it cool down again. Repeat the whole thing two more times. In principle, you have already made your own cough syrup. Finally, strain the syrup into a clean container.

Homemade cough syrup with ribwort plantain without cooking

If you want to make your own cough syrup without cooking, then leave out the thyme. You should also plan for a long preparation phase. So if you are currently sick and need a cough syrup, this recipe is not suitable. For example, you can prepare it before cold or flu season so that you have it on hand in case of illness. This is how it is done:

  • 20 ml water
  • 4 handfuls of ribwort plantain leaves
  • 500 g sugar (or honey)
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice

Wash the leaves and cut them into thin strips. Take a clean, sealable container and layer these strips with the sugar or honey - first a layer of leaves, spread sugar on top, then leaves again, etc. Finish the layering with a generous amount of sugar or honey so that all the leaves are covered are. Seal the jar and store it in a dark place for two months where the temperatures fluctuate as little as possible.

You can then open the jar and warm it briefly in a water bath while gradually stirring in the lemon juice and water. Let the syrup sit for another two hours, after which you can strain it and store it in clean glass containers.

Take homemade cough syrup made from ribwort plantainOne teaspoon three times a daya.

Make your own cough syrup with ginger

Maybe you are one of those people who alreadyswear by gingerand regularly prepare tea to strengthen the immune system. But have you ever thought of making a cough syrup out of it? If not, then it's high time! We explain which ingredients you can use to make such a cough syrup yourself in the Thermomix. However, if you don't have a Thermomix, simply choose the variant below for which you don't need one. It is best to use high-quality organic products.

  • 1 liter of water
  • 300 g of ginger
  • 500 g honey (liquid)
  • 5 lemons

Wash and cut the ginger into coarse pieces and chop them in the mixing bowl for about 10 seconds on level 7. Wash and halve the lemons and add them to the mixing bowl with the water, where you can cook them at 80 for 20 minutes Cook on level 1. Strain the liquid into another pot and then squeeze the lemons through the sieve. Allow the liquid to cool and add the honey (the temperature must not be higher than 40 degrees). Mix everything again at level 3. The result is a very liquid cough syrup, which you pour into previously boiled and sealable bottles.

Read here:Make your own ginger shot: 4 healthy recipes that you have never tried before!

Preparation without Thermomix

Would you likewith gingerMake this cough syrup yourself without Thermomix, cut the ginger into finer pieces, halve the lemons and heat both in water. Let cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Then strain the juice through a fine cloth into another container and let it cool to a maximum of 40 degrees so that you can add the honey without it losing its active ingredients. Stir everything well and fill the cough syrup into boiled bottles.

Tipp:You can also add herbs to both versions of cough syrup with ginger. For example, the already mentioned thyme is suitable, but also sage, which is best bought fresh.Also turmericyou can add it to the juice. However, keep in mind that turmeric is a very strong colorant and will therefore also color your kitchen utensils. In this case, it is best to use old dishes and cutlery. Or how about oneIngwer Shot?

Make your own cough syrup – Application:

You can strengthen your immune system as a preventive measure by drinking a tablespoon of the juice every morning. The juice is also suitable for children. If you would like to make your own cough syrup for children, this recipe is ideal because it consists of purely natural products and does not contain any alcohol. If you have a cough, it is recommended that children at leastone teaspoon three times a daytake. However, it is important to remember that the cough syrup is very spicy. Teenagers and adults canOne tablespoon three to five times a daytake.