Curing Stomach Flu – What Can You Do About It?

To cure the stomach and intestinal flu, it is first of all necessary to follow a diet, so to speak. This serves to avoid additional irritation of the stomach and intestines so that it can recover from the pathogens. Please note the following advice for faster healing.

However, water (preferably mineral water) or unsweetened herbal teas should not be avoided to cure the gastrointestinal flu. Because of vomiting and diarrhea, the body loses a lot of fluid that needs to be replenished to avoid dehydration. If this is not possible for a long period of time due to severe nausea, a hospital stay may be necessary, during which a solution is injected into the body intravenously. Probiotics also ensure faster healing of the gastrointestinal flu. With them, the gastrointestinal tract can recover faster and work as usual. If the pathogen is a bacterium, antibiotics can also be used. However, they are of no use when it comes to viruses. One thing you should know and keep in mind is that even if you don't feel hungry or hungry, you should occasionally combine a slice of rusks or yesterday's bread with tea and consume it. Do not be near children or other family members at home, especially if the pathogen is a virus.Lots of bed rest and relaxationand in three days you will have everything behind you!

Cure for stomach flu

An antidiarrheal medication may also be prescribed. This is suitable for both mild and severe diarrhea with blood. However, such a remedy is still not recommended. It can affect the peristalsis (muscle activity) of the intestine, which creates a risk that pathogens will enter the blood. Medication can also be prescribed to combat nausea. However, these should be avoided if possible in children.

To avoid dehydration, drink mineral water

Organic tea